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Drawn To Each Horizon

Twenty Eight

Alex POV:

“Alex, Olivia, it’s so good to finally see you guys again!” Beau pulled me and Olivia into a giant bear hug.

“I know, I’ve missed you guys.” Olivia giggled and gave Val a huge hug after Beau let us out of his manly grip.

“So, what do you guys want to do?” Val asked.

“Yeah, we’ve got a whole day left to goof off.” Beau had a huge smile on his face.

“I haven’t been to LA in a while, we might as well do some sightseeing or something.” I suggested.

“Or we can spend the day in Disney Land…” Olivia wrapped her arms around my waist.

“Beau, we should go!” Val jumped in front of him.

“Well, I don’t know-”

“Oh c’mon Beau, you can’t deny Disney.” I teased him.

“Alright, I guess we can go.” Beau rolled his eyes and practically dragged us out of the airport. We stopped at their house to drop off our bags and fix ourselves so we would be ready to spend an entire day at the happiest place on earth.

Val and Liv were practically jumping up and down the entire car ride over. Granted they only live 30 miles away, I don’t understand why they don’t just go over there when they’re home. Beau had a smile on his face because the girls’ happiness was contagious. Hell, even I couldn’t keep a smile off my face.

We finally made it to the parking lot and thankfully it wasn’t terribly full. We made our way to the gates, holding Liv’s hand in my own the entire way.

Beau and Val led the way to the ticket booth so we could each get a pass for the day. The line wasn’t as long as we had anticipated it to be. For a Sunday right at the start of Spring Break, it was pretty calm. Liv was so giddy when she held the card in her hands; she rushed me to the gates once I had gotten my own. I was surprised to see that Val and Beau could keep up with this ball of energy. I swear, she was so much happier than Matt would be.

Security was a breeze. Our bags were searched and then we were inside the gates right after we had our passes scanned. Liv was the first to have a map in her hands as she planned out where we would be going first.

“Space Mountain!” She nearly shouted in the middle of the square.

“I guess I know where we’re going first.” Beau laughed as we rushed off in the direction of the chosen ride.

I just want to know what’s up with the rides today, seriously. There’s almost nobody in line and there aren’t many people here to begin with, maybe that would change as the day progressed.


And to no surprise, more people did show up. Granted it wasn’t packed but sometimes things got a little too close for comfort. We had just eaten some lunch and the girls decided that they wanted to look through the shops before we continued going on rides. We had run into a few fans whether it was in lines, or just walking around to the next attraction.

Liv walked around the shops in wanderlust, almost childlike. I tried not to fawn over the gorgeous girl but I couldn’t help myself.

“Looking for something?” Beau’s laughter brought me back to reality.

“No,” I smiled.

“You know, if you keep staring, you might burn your eyes.” He joked.

“Angels can’t do that.” I shook my head.

“Of course they can,” Liv giggled, “Castiel blinded a woman.”

“Supernatural again, I see.” I pulled her into my chest. “So you heard all of that?”

“Lex,” she laughed at me, “I was standing about six feet away.”

“And I was a teensy bit farther away.” Val joined the conversation.

“Well why don’t we go to another ride?” Beau draped an arm around Val’s shoulders.

“That sounds like a wonderful plan.” Liv chirped and dragged us off to another ride.


“Now that was a great day.” Beau laughed as we had finally reached his car. We stayed for the fireworks and bought some things in the gift shop. We couldn’t wipe the smiles off our faces after this amazing day. We all settled into our seats and sat in the quiet for a little bit until Beau started the car.

“Did you have a good day?” Liv whispered into my ear.

“Of course I did baby.” I kissed her cheek. “I wouldn’t have spent it any other way.”


Uploaded it while listening to Full Frontal... I don't think I've done that before.


That's so sweet! Fun fact: writing the ending actually made me cry.

alltimerhi alltimerhi

Awwww :') this was the perfect ending to the book and I can't wait for the third installment! <3

Of course it makes up for it

I just reached the end. nooo, please update i'm so attached literally!! <3 love
alltimeloaded alltimeloaded
Update cause I can't wait!
Ariamonet1234 Ariamonet1234