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Under the Water - Comments, page 3

What the hell? She needs to talk to him and let him know that she's seeing things so they can work through it together

Candy_Monster Candy_Monster

Interesting theory...that would definitely be an emotionally brutal way to end this, wouldn't it? And I do seem to have a track record with that sort of thing lol, now that I think about it. I can't help it! When an ending feels right, I just go for it. I can't say whether you're right with this or way off base despite desperately wanting to, but like I said, interesting theory ;) @katybear18

atlfan08 atlfan08

@atlfan08 of course I trust you ;) but I feel like she's going to have some freak anxiety attack and say something to Jack that she totally doesn't mean and then he's going to get fed up and leave. And then this part of the story is going to end, leaving us all feeling like we just kicked in the gut. And then the next story is going to start with her trying to dig herself out of the hole. But I think I might just be overthinking the situation and putting too much of my own personal experiences into my thought process haha

katybear18 katybear18

Yeah she's not exactly herself at the moment :/

I'm curious what you think is going to happen lol...I don't wanna spoil it for you. Heck, my beta doesn't even know completely where I'm taking this but don't worry. Things are really starting to happen and the climax will be happening within the next few chapters, so you won't have to wait too long to figure out if your gut is right.

As always, think happy thoughts? Though I know that's probably difficult considering the shitstorm I've put Chris in...

...I really hope you trust me :P @katybear18

atlfan08 atlfan08

She needs to tell him.. She had the perfect chance and she didn't say anything and ugh. I feel like I know where this is going and I'll cry and possibly die a lot inside if my gut is right (again).

katybear18 katybear18

So sorry :( Melody is being a sneaky sucker, isn't she? @katybear18

atlfan08 atlfan08

Stop doing thaaaaat... These games aren't cool.. Melody needs to leave Chris alone. Oy vey...

katybear18 katybear18

All three of these stories have fucked with my brain beyond belief.

I love it though

Daydreamers Daydreamers

What the hell, indeed ;) @Jack Bakarat

atlfan08 atlfan08

What the hell

Daydreamers Daydreamers

Good...like I said, it's important to bring these things to light. I've seen depression, anorexia, and the like used a million times over in fan fictions 'just because', so when I developed this story arc, I was hesitant, but knew that if I was going to do it, I was going to do it right. No sudden cure, no dropping the plot all together to get to happier times again. This will be a genuine struggle for Chris, and I just hope those of you who are struggling with similar disorders can connect with it, the good and the bad on her road to recovery. And on a side note, if you ever needs someone to talk to, I'm just a short message away :) @katybear18

atlfan08 atlfan08

@atlfan08 yeah I was diagnosed with manic depression/minor bipolar disorder a few months ago after struggling years and years by myself without any answers. And as someone who's been in those shoes, I can honestly say that you aren't 'romanticising' anything.

katybear18 katybear18

I'm so, so touched that this has effected you in such a way. It's been a bit difficult for me writing Chris' depression as someone who has thankfully never had to go through such things, but I think it's important subject to bring up, and hopefully I'm not 'romanticizing' it in any way as the decision to use it wasn't so much for drama, but to bring awareness to mental disorders and how truly dark one can feel when dealing with it, even with all the support in the world.

And I'm also glad you're enjoying Jack's character--for me, not only do I feel like Jack's the kind of guy who'd totally be there for his girlfriend IRL if such a thing ever happened, but I also felt that after you guys putting up with 'douche Jack' for so long, it was a nice breath of relief to see Jack so caring again :) @katybear18

atlfan08 atlfan08

This chapter got to me. I've totally been in Chris' shoes but with a different disorder. And I'm currently a puddle of tears right now. I'm so glad she has such an amazing support system and I love Jack's character so much more for being her backbone through it all. Once again, beautiful, amazing chapter. *slow clapping*

katybear18 katybear18

Haha true :P @aweirdkindofyellow

atlfan08 atlfan08

It will only be a good thing. It means your writing actually hit me! I will try to hold it back just for you. There's no way it will jsut go from this to it all being ahppy and cute.

I'm glad to hear you were able to plan things out :) And please don't cry! Not saying that things are going to go wrong one way or the other, but still :( I don't wanna be responsible for you crying @aweirdkindofyellow

atlfan08 atlfan08

Oh no... things are going to go wrong, aren't they? I don't think my heart can handle that... I finally planned out the part where things are going to go wrong in my own story (in detail), and I actually made it worse than I originally had planned. There is a high possibility I will cry if things go wrong with Chris.

No, it won't...I can't say much without giving things away, but you're right that not vocalizing her problems won't do anything but make things worse :( @aweirdkindofyellow

atlfan08 atlfan08

I hope she tells Jack or somebody else soon. Keeping it in like this won't do her any good.