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Forever's never seemed so long as when you're not around

Chapter 11:

Tonight was me and Jack's one month anniversary and I was shitting it. I wanted it to be perfect, for him, but I suck at this kind of stuff. I mean, yeah, I've had boyfriends and some girlfriends before but they've never been like this. No one's ever made me feel like this. I bought a bottle of shit expensive champagne, and scattered the table with rose petals. Seen as I was already being corny as fuck therefore I decided the having this meal in candle-light.
"Hey Rian?" I asked, my phone pressed to my ear.
"Hey! Gaskarth! It's been a while."
"Rian it's only been two weeks." I said chuckling.
"I knowwwww. Anyway what do you want? Normally when you call me like this you need something." Rian said bluntly.
"Well yeah actually. I'm gonna leave $100 on the table and for that I want you to light all the candles in this house, ok? Jack lives on the other side of town so it'll take at least an hour to get here, that should be enough time for you to light the candles and get the fuck out."
"Ok, mother, I will. Leave the back door open, and make it 150." I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Fine! $150! You better not light my fucking house of fire!"
He chuckled, "I wont. Bye Gayskarthh!" And with that he hung up.
Rian has always been my best friend. Everyone at school thought we were fucking. I mean as much as I had a small crush on him, I had never dared to act on it. The reason for that is he had, and still has, a girlfriend called Cassadee. She was perfect for him, I could tell. Every time he talked about her his features lit up. So I let them be, and he still doesn't know about my crush to this day.
Butterflies swarmed around in my stomach as I turned up at Jack's house. I rang the doorbell and he stood in the doorway wearing a white V-neck, black, skinny, ripped jeans and a black beanie. I bit my lip before kissing him forcefully. "You ready? We're going to my house." I said smiling, "Clothes optional." I said winking at him.


ok ok so it's their one month anniversary officially in the next chapter pREPARE FOR SMUT
5 comments and i'll try update tonightt


I'm reading this story in LA since I don't have a book. Reading the smutty parts is so awkward. I'm like blushing.

KateTheGreat69 KateTheGreat69
Women. Lol <3 this is so good!!:)
JalexUnicorn JalexUnicorn
Aaaawwww fluff :3
Update please? :3
Regina R Regina R
jack is a little piece of the cuteness of the world