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Breaking the Silence.

Chapter Ten

Two whole months went by, two. Shit man it’s going by so fast, but finally it was time to go on break. We had a whole five day break so we were going back home to see my mom on her birthday. I was excited because I really missed her, I missed her so, so much. I was laying on Chloe’s lap on the couch of the bus just enjoying the ride, the boys were playing video games in the back room and the twins were sitting on the floor in front of us. We were watching some random rom-com on TV; The Longest Ride I think. Something about a cowboy, it was one hundred percent a girl’s day for us.
Rae braided my hair into pigtails and Teagan did Chloe’s makeup and then I did Teagan’s hair well to the best of my ability and Chloe did Rae’s makeup, really well actually.
“So is anyone feeling like alcohol?” Chloe prompted out of no where.
I looked around at the other two girls and they were smiling.
“Let me go ask the guys if they want anything.” Chloe said
“I got it.” I signed.
“She said she’s got it.” Rae said
“She just wants to kiss her loveee.” Chloe taunted.
I flicked her off and got off the couch, I walked into the back room and the boys were just huddled on the couch passing off the controllers. I walked over and wrapped my arms around Alex’s shoulders and kissed the top of his head.
“Hi baby.” He said reaching up and rubbing my arms.
He looked up and me and I leaned down and kissed him.
“We’re making drinks. Do you want one?” I whispered quietly in his ear.
“Hmm.” He hummed.
“What’s up?” Jack asked
“The girls are making drinks, do we want any?” Alex asked
“That sounds like the start of a party.” Zack said
Alex looked up at me and I shrugged,
“Let’s go talk to the girls.” Rian said
Three of the boys got up and walked into the living room, Alex stayed behind and pulled me over the back of the couch.
“Baby what are you doing?” I asked
“I wanted some time with my love before we all get drunk.” He said
“I love you, I want to get drunk too.” I said
“Then lets go.” He said
“Kiss first.” I said
He leaned down and kissed me. I rolled off the couch and he stood up and we walked into the living room where Chloe and Jack were in the kitchen getting all kinds of drinks ready.
“We getting drunk?” Alex asked
“One big bang before mama’s birthday.” Jack said
“We’re going to get drunk on her birthday too.” I signed.
“Look I know, but I wanna get drunk with you guys first.” Jack sneered.
I held my hands up in defense and he chuckled, I loved my brother so much.
I rolled my eyes and he handed me and Alex a cup of whatever he was mixing. I took a sip of it and just looked at him.
“What?” He asked
“What the fuck did you just give me?” I signed
“A mixed drink, just enjoy it and don’t be a little bitch.” He said
I rolled my eyes again and chugged whatever was in the cup, I handed the cup back to Jack for a refill.
“Sami is going hard tonight.” Alex said
I nodded and winked at Chloe.
“Let’s get toasted!” Raelynne yelled
I smiled and we passed drinks around like they were water, Jack walked over to the TV and just looked at us girls.
“What the hell were you guys watching?” He asked
“Jack shut up, we all know you like this movie. We’ve watched it at my house.” Chloe said
I laughed and Jack just put his head down in some kind of shame. But it was nice to see that he was branching out from Home Alone.
I was feeling good, the music was loud and the drinks were going around. We were all dancing in the middle of the living room, I was pretty drunk and nowhere near done drinking. I walked back into the kitchen and just grabbed the bottle of Jameson off the counter and took a drink from it.
“Sam is going hard!” Chloe yelled as I had the bottle up to my mouth.
I flicked her off and she laughed, I pulled the bottle down and Alex came up to me.
“You okay?” He asked
I nodded and took another swig.
“You going to share that?” He asked
“Probably not.” I whispered.
“I’m going to be taking care of you big time tonight.” He said
“I’m fine.” I mumbled taking another drink.
“I love you.” He said
“I love you too.” I smiled.
He smiled and we walked back to the center of the room. The dancing continued and I kept drinking from the bottle having a good time.
“Sam.” I heard.
I didn’t want to open my eyes, I don’t remember going to sleep.
“Baby.” He whispered.
I opened my eyes a little bit and Alex was lying next to me.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“It’s about noon, we’re going to be arriving at your house here soon.” He said
“What happened?” I asked
“You refused to share the Jameson and you passed out.” He said
“But I had fun right?” I asked
“Yes you had so much fun. Needed fun Sami.” He said
I smiled and he gave me some medicine and a bottle of water. I took the meds and downed the bottle of water.
“I need a shower and then I’ll be golden to do my moms birthday.” I said
“Are you ready to do this?” He asked
“I think so.” I said
“Need a pep talk?” He asked
I shrugged.
“You know who to text for the best pep talks.” He said
I smiled and nodded, he got out of bed and walked into the other room to let everyone know that I was awake. I rolled over and grabbed my phone.
To: Brendon
Hey Brendon it’s Sam, Alex’s girlfriend.

I sent the text and I waited as I got ready to take a shower.
From: Brendon
Hey girl, Lex actually just texted me saying that you may need a pep talk about today.

To: Brendon
Yes, yes I do.

From: Brendon
I know you’re scared but don’t give into it, take back your life and picture your moms face.

To: Brendon
Thank you.

I set my phone down and got into the shower, I made it quick and got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I walked into the living area pulling my wet hair into a bun.
“Good morning miss Jameson.” Chloe said
I smiled at her and sat down on the couch with Jack and Alex.
“So we’re about to pull up to the house.” Rian said
I nodded and everyone got ready grabbing their gifts, when the bus halted to a stop we all got pretty excited. Jack opened the door and we all piled off of the bus, my mom was standing in the yard waiting on us with her arms open. Jack and I ran into her arms and hugged her, I missed her so much.
“My kids are home.” She smiled.
“Happy birthday.” I signed.
“Thank you Sweetie.” She smiled.
“What are we doing tonight?” Jack asked
“Well Alex’s mom is here cooking dinner, we also have a cake in the oven.” She said
“My mom is here?” Alex asked
“Yes, all the moms are here.” She said
“As in mine?” Rian asked
“And Zacks.” She said
“Wow it really is a party.” Jack said
Our mom smiled and we all walked into the house, the moms were standing in the living room, their eyes lit up and they hugged their perspective child and then the rest of the boys.
“We didn’t know you guys were going to make it.” Rians mom said
“We made sure of it.” Zack said with his arm wrapped around his mom.
I smiled.
“Well, dinner should be done in like forty five minutes. It’s my homemade lasagna.” Alex’s mom said
Alex smiled and wrapped his arms around me.
“Elvis.” I signed practically running up the stairs.
I walked into my room and flipped the light on, he peeked his eye open just a little bit to see what was going on. When he saw me he picked his head all of the way up.
“Hi baby.” I whispered.
I walked over and pulled him out of the tank, he wrapped around my arm and I kissed him on the nose.
“I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long.” I muttered.
He flicked his tongue against my nose and I smiled, I walked over to my bed and laid down with him on my chest. He curled up right under my chin, which was like a cat resting on you and purring without the noise. I sighed and closed my eyes for just a little bit.
Then there was a knock at the door, I opened my eyes and Alex was walking in and closing the door behind him. He smiled at me and sat down on the bed, Elvis looked up at him and started to move.
“He wants you.” I muttered.
Alex reaching over and took him off of me, and laid down next to me.
“Do you miss him?” He asked
“I do he’s my baby.” I smiled.
“I know he is, we’ll be home in a few months.” He said
“Yeah two more right?” I asked
“Yep. Then you’ll get to see him every day.” He said
I smiled and he leaned over and kissed me.
“I miss this bed.” He laughed.
“You’re telling me.” I chuckled.
“Are you ready for today?” He asked
I just gave him a short nod, I was. I was so ready, Jack was excited for it. He was the only one who really knew what was going on, Alex had an idea but Jack and I made the plans.
Alex and I laid in bed until my mom poked her head in to tell us dinner was ready, she smiled at us when she saw Elvis laying in between us. I think he was ready to have us back and if I weren’t getting paid to be on this tour I would stay home, even though I love it so much. I got up and set Elvis back into his tank, he sneered at me and went to pout in his little log house. Alex took my hand and we walked downstairs to the party, his mom had two drinks waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. We took them and walked into the dining room where dinner was being set up, my mom sat at the head of the table and we all sat around her; this was her day and all of her kids were here for it. We passed around plates and Jack started dishing out the lasagna, when everyone had a plate we all looked at my mom.
“I’m so happy that you guys could make it today, it just wouldn’t be the same without all of my kids here.” She said with a hint of a tear in her eye.
“Happy birthday mom.” I signed.
She looked over at me and blew me a kiss; I was so lucky she was my mom. Everyone said happy birthday to her and we all started eating, Alex’s mom made the best food and she always had. When dinner was done the kids cleaned up and washed all of the dishes.
“Should we put more than necessary candles?” Jack asked me as he and I were setting up the cake.
I nodded slyly and started stabbing the whole package of candles into the cake.
“Ready mom?” Jack called in.
“Yes and there better be the right amount of candles on that cake Barakats.” She called back in.
“How’d you know?” Jack called.
“I know my kids.” She laughed.
I smiled and pulled the extra candles out, I lit them and the lights went out. Now or never.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.” Everyone started singing.
Then it got quiet as I entered the room with the huge cake in my arms.
“Happy birthday dear moooom, happy birthday to you!” I sang sitting the cake down in front of her. “Make a wish.”
Tears formed very quickly in her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hands shaking her head.
“What?” I asked.
“I don’t need to make a wish because it just came true. Oh my god turn the lights on.” She said
The lights came back on and Jack took it upon himself to blow out the candles, my mom was just staring at me; I gave her a smile. She got up from the chair and pulled me to her in a big hug, she squeezed me tightly.
“Say something else.” She said
“What do you want me to say?” I asked
She smiled and I looked around at everyone who looked so surprised besides the three that I had already been talking to.
“Oh Sam.” She cried.
“Why are you crying?” I asked
“I’m just so, so fucking happy to hear your voice again.” She said covering her face again.
“Happy birthday mom.” I smiled.
“This is the best birthday. The best.” She said
She pulled Jack and I into a hug and he wrapped his lanky arms around all of us.
“We love you mom.” Jack said
“You guys are the best.” She said
“I’m sorry it took so long.” I said
“No baby don’t apologize. You needed to work through it yourself.” She said
“I love you.” I said
“I love you more than you know Samantha. Jack too.” She said
I smiled and Jack squeezed us both.
When he let go Rian and Zack ran up and engulfed me into a huge double bear hug, the both kissed the side of my head and smiled at me
“We are so happy to hear that voice again.” They said
“Can I get a Samwich?” I asked holding my arms up trying not to cry.
Jack and Alex rushed over and the four of them squeezed the life out of me causing me to cry.
“Girls get over here.” I said
The three girls came over and squeezed into the middle with me, we all stood there for a few seconds before we broke apart. Chloe lingered with her arms around me, she gave me a squeeze and smiled at me as she let go.
“I’m so proud of you.” She said
“Thank you.” I smiled.
Alex kissed me and I did a little dance.
“What a birthday.” Alex’s mom laughed.
“It’s just going to get more fun.” Rian’s mom said
“What do you mean?” I asked
“Us moms are going out tonight to celebrate.” Zack’s mom said
“Ew.” Zack said
We all laughed and his mom flicked him off.
“Real mature mom.” He said
She laughed and he walked over and hugged her.
“After all this excitement I’m going to step outside.” I said
Everyone nodded and I grabbed my cigarettes out of my bag and walked outside. I stood on the patio and looked out into our backyard, the unused backyard. I lit the toxic stick and sighed, when the door opened again I looked back and it was Alex. He walked out and stood beside me.
“So.” He said
“What?” I asked
“Nothing, just wondering if you’re ever going to quit doing that.” He said giving me his signature smirk that melted me.
“One thing at a time, I’ll get there. Just remember, I was smoking when we got together.” I said
“I know, I’m not telling you that you have to quit I was just wondering if you ever were.” He said
I nodded and he kissed me cheek.
“I love you how you are, but quitting would be a healthy choice.” He said
“I know baby.” I said
He smiled at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.
“So we have the house to ourselves tonight.” I said
“Oh do we?” I asked
“Yeah, you know the twins are taking Rian and Zack back to their place and Chloe is one hundred percent taking Jack back to hers. The moms are going out so it’ll just be us.” I said
“And Elvis.” He said
“Yes and my merder spergerder.” I said
He cracked up and I flicked the cigarette out and he wrapped his arms around me.
“I fucking love you.” He said
“I know.” I smiled.
“What did you want to do tonight?” He asked
“I may have an idea.” I whispered in his ear.
“Oh really?” he asked
I winked at him and walked back into the house, Jack and Chloe were doing the dishes, Rian was standing with his mom and girlfriend. Smiles all around the room, I was happy that everyone was happy.
My mom walked over to me and just stared at me, I cocked my head to the left and she smiled just pulling me into another huge hug.
“My girl, I’m so happy that this is finally happening. But you know what that means?” She asked
“What?” I asked
“I think it’s time for me to go home.” She said
I just gave her a smile.
“You could have gone home a long time ago, Jack had me.” I said
“You needed me.” She said
“A girl just needs her mom in a time of almost death.” I joked.
“That’s not funny.” She said
“It kind of was.” I smiled
She rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek.
“You and Jack can have your house back.” She said
I nodded and Jack whooped from the kitchen.
“So before me and the moms go out, tell me. Are you liking translating?” she asked
“Oh my god mom, it’s a rush. I can’t believe I’d never done it before. It’s amazing mom.” I said
“Well I’m glad you found something you really enjoy.” She said
“Me too, and I’m getting paid to hang out with the boys every day.” I said
“You’re getting paid to see your boyfriend every day too.” She laughed.
I nodded.
An hour or so went by and everyone left leaving Alex and I on our own, he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He nuzzled his nose into my neck and let out a heavy sigh.
“What’s wrong baby?” I asked
“Nothing, it’s just nice to finally be alone with you.” He sadi
I turned in his arms and wrapped mine around his neck, I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him lightly on the lips.
“I know, it’s so nice. No cramped bus, no one watching us.” I said
“Nope.” He smiled
I bit my lip and he leaned down and kissed me roughly.
“What do you want to do?” He asked
“I have some ideas but first I need to feed the snek.” I smiled.
“He’ll be happy to be fed by you this time.” He said
“I bet.” I smiled
He nodded and I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some mice from the freezer. While I was away he was going to have to eat frozen mice since I’m not here to take care of a tank and my mom’s too squeamish to touch a live mouse. I walked up to my room and dropped the two into the tank with him, he looked up and me and gave me a look, he slithered over to them, grabbed them both and took them to the little house that he has in there.
“Look Lex, he’s giving us some privacy.” I chuckled.
“He senses something is about to go down, he knows more than me at this point apparently.” He said
I laughed.
“I told you I had a couple ideas.” I smiled.
He chuckled and I winked at him.
“Are you ready for that?” He asked
“I am, I feel very comfortable and safe with you.” I smiled.
“I’ve been waiting for you to tell me that I make you feel safe.” He said
“You’ve always made me feel safe, since the day we met.” I said
“Really?” He asked
I nodded.
“It was so weird, like I felt an attachment to you when we met, the older I got the more it grew into a different attachment.” I said
He smiled at me and walked over and pulled me to his body, he connected out lips and I wrapped my arms around him.
“I love you Lex, I want to do this with you.” I said
He nodded and I shoved him over to the bed, he laughed as he landed onto the pillows. I stood over him and smiled, it had been so long since this was an act I participated in. He held his hands out and I took them, he pulled me down on top of him and rolled us over so he was on top.
“My beautiful girl.” He whispered moving a piece of hair out of my face.
I smiled and he leaned down and kissed me.
“Are you sure?” He whispered in my ear.
I nodded and grabbed the back of his shirt and started to pull on it, he got my hint and pulled his shirt over his head. I ran my hands over his chest hair and smiled, he pulled on the bottom of mine as he chuckled.
“You’re turn.” He said sitting up on his knees.
I sat up a bit and pulled my shirt off and threw it across the room, I laid back down and he sat there staring at me; I started to squirm as he leaned down and placed a kiss on my ribs right over a scar. He continued to kiss each of my scars until he got to the button on my jeans, he undid the button in one go my jeans were over my feet and on the floor. He kissed down my thigh leaving extra kisses on the long thick scar there, I grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled him back up to me.
“I love you Gaskarth.” I said kissing him roughly.
His hands reached down and pushed his own pants down. He pulled away from me and stood up dropping his pants and boxers. I quickly slid my undies off and stared at him, taking in his naked body. I bit my lip and sighed at the site; he was beautiful. He crawled back up to me and took my lips to his.
“Do we have a condom?” He asked
“No, I’m on the pill. Are you clean?” I asked
“One hundred percent.” He said
“Me too.” I laughed.
He rolled his eyes and kissed me again.


Oooookay I am so SORRY that it has been so long, I miss writing this but I haven't really had the motivation to even turn my laptop on. But I am trying to come back, so here it is. I know it's not very long but I loved writing this chapter.
Thank you guys if you've stuck around, I can't wait to hear from you guys!


I'm so sorry I got to this so late! I loved this and I cant wait to read it again.
@Nanook will get her booty in here eventually too!

MyBarakat MyBarakat

Oh no, she was doing so good! She'll get back up do it again I'm sure. Sam is one tough cookie, if that were me I would not have even thought to go back.
She's singing again! That's amazing, I cant wait for another update. And I loved her diva exit as well.

MyBarakat MyBarakat

Jenna! No I didnt even realize that lol. :D Thank you for the edits I really really appreciate it! Yes more to come in the next chapter, I'm kind of throwing a curve ball your way too :O
yeah our birthdays are a day apart and out anniversary is the day before his so they're all in a row in the month of May. Which means it cant forget it!

Mrs. Gaskarth Mrs. Gaskarth

XD It's okay. That's what I'm here for. :D ;)
Great job with the update! Oooh, so it went well at first, but then it went downhill. :/ But that's awesome she made it that far before she had the breakdown.
Two things I spotted:
I pushed the door opened, she didn’t look up from the desk until it closed behind me.
This had me thinking James was a girl at first, lol, which I mean, it could be a thing, Blake Lively named her one daughter Jaymes I think? But since it was a guy it shouldn't be 'she' here, lol.
During the flashback:
I looked up and it was the man who let me use his lighter.
I believe this happened because you took it from the first time you initially wrote what happened? But since you changed some details this time, this line didn't really make sense to be here, since you didn't mention her break this time. Or maybe it should be more descriptive by saying something like, "I looked up and it was the man who let me use his lighter outside during my break." or something along that line, just a little more to it because without that, it just appeared random. Had I not read the other chapter, I would've been thinking 'What man that used her lighter? When?' lol. You know?
Other than that, though, I didn't spot anything else. It was sweet how Alex ended up being there for her, and making her feel safe. <3 And aww, she can sing! :D That's pretty awesome. I wonder if she'll work up the courage to sing on tour.
But uh-oh, she's mad at Alex now. Sigh. Did he overstep? Hmm... trying to think if I would be frustrated too. Actually, I probably would; having experienced therapy, and kind of hating it, I'd be pissed if like, my mom or someone called to make me go back. Like, no thank you. So I can understand her anger.
Excited to see more! :) Loved her cool exit, haha.
Also, that's neat how you and your bf's birthdays fall within a day of each other. :D That's probably convenient, haha. Plus you can celebrate together. :)
Oh, and I should probably note how the one character has my name. :D I'm not sure if that was intentional or not but I thought it was funny. XD

Nanook Nanook

Apparently my editing skills go out the window when I'm writing my fics lol.

Mrs. Gaskarth Mrs. Gaskarth