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Secrets Don't Make Friends

Take Cover


"Do you think he's on drugs?" My friend Vic asked about Zack.

"I asked the same thing." I chuckled.

Vic, Rian, and I were in Vic's car before school started, smoking weed. I usually didn't get high before school but Vic paid so it was free and why not? We were also talking about Zack who completely stopped answering our messages and talking to us at school. Today was Monday and he hadn't sat with us or talked out side with us after school in two and a half weeks.

"He's probably just going through a phase. He'll be back to his normal self in a couple more days." Rian said.

"I don't know Rian, Alex said he's been acting like this for a month now." Vic told him.

"Yeah plus now he won't return our calls or text. I think he's mad at us for something." I guessed.

"What could he possibly be mad at? We haven't done a single to him." Rian said and took the joint from me.

"Yeah I can't think of anything. He started acting like this after that party we went to weeks ago."

"I'm sick of guessing. I'm going to corner him after school today and demand that he tell me what's up." Rian said.

"Yeah I'll go with you. He would do the same for us if we acting like he was." I said and he nodded.

We got out of Vic's car ten minutes before school started. I knew Jack was here by now. I wanted to talk to him before class started to see if he was still mad at me. I walked inside the building and told Vic and Rian bye. Then I went over to Jack's locker and saw him taking books out of it. I walked up and hugged him from behind.

"Hi baby." I said and he jumped.

"Lex! You scared me." He laughed and then stopped. "Ugh you smell like weed and your eyes are red as fuck." He complained and I kissed him.

"You're not mad at me anymore?" I asked, when I pulled away.

"No, I was just overreacting. I was also stressed after learning about... you know. I shouldn't have told you to leave. I'm sorry." He apologized and kissed me.

"It's okay, I understand. That was a lot take in and I was being inconsiderate, so I'm sorry too." I told him and he smiled. "So now we know we just have to be extra careful." I told him and he nodded.

"Yeah like we've been doing." He said and the bell rang.

I walked Jack to his class and told him I'd see him at lunch. We kissed and I let him go inside the room. I was elated that we had quickly solved our problem. I hated when we weren't talking to each other.

I was walking to my class when I saw Zack at his locker. I only had two minutes left to get to class but I stopped anyways.

"Hey dude can we talk?" I asked and he looked at me and looked away.

"Definitely not."

"Why not? I just want to know why you've been acting like a dick and ignoring us." I said and he slammed his locker shut. Insulting him probably wasn't the best way to go. That definitely made him angry.

"Go away, before I tell Jack about your little mishap with Hayley." He threatened and my stomach fell.

"Y-you wouldn't do that." I stammered.

"Don't test me." He said and walked away.

I stood in the hallway unable to move. Why would Zack use that information against me? I literally can't think of anything I've done to him. But I would take his warning seriously. I wasn't going to try to talk to him anymore.


I had my backpack already packed up and ready to go so as soon as the bell rang I could run out to the parking lot. There were still three minutes left in class but I needed to beat Zack outside. He always made it to the parking lot before us now, I'm guessing to avoid us. Alex was going to meet me there so we could ask Zack why he's been blowing us off lately. It was really annoying and I was sick of guessing what was wrong with him instead of asking.

I got a message from Alex a minute before the bell was going to ring. I unlocked my phone and read it quickly just in case it was something about Zack.

Alex Gaskarth

Hey, go ahead without me.

Read 2:44pm

I quickly typed okay back to him and the bell rang a few seconds later. I guess he was getting held up in class so he wouldn't be able to come with me. I was fine talking to Zack alone. Either he would answer me or he wouldn't.

I sped walk outside and luckily Zack's truck was still there. I leaned against the front door and waited for him. Soon I saw him walking out of the school building and to his truck. He slowed down when he saw me and a frown appeared on his face.

"We need to talk." I demanded, when he approached me.

"No we don't." He said.

"Yeah we do. Why have you been blowing us off? Did we do something to you? Because if so tell me so I can fix it or get Alex to fix it. But don't continue to just go around ignoring us. Nothing will ever get fixed that way."

"Rian, get off my car." He ignored everything I had just said.

"No. Talk to me first."

"I'm not gonna ask a second time." He threatened.

"Or what? You'll hit me?"

"No. I'll just tell Cass that you've been giving money to your ex-girlfriend, Jessica." He said and I stood up straight. I told Zack about that like two months ago. My ex-girlfriend, Jessica, moved out of her parents’ house when she turned eighteen, because of her dad's drinking problems. She was going to be late on her phone bill so I paid it for her once. It might not have been such a big deal if she and Cass didn't hate each other so much. Plus I should have told Cass when it happened. Now she would be even angrier cause I hid it from her.

I couldn't believe Zack was actually blackmailing me for whatever reason.

"I only gave her money once." I told him and he struggled.

"Something tells me Cass won't care how many times it was. So step away from my car and leave me the hell alone." He said.

I angrily moved away and he got inside his truck and drove away. This wasn't fair, he could use secrets to keep me away. Now I really wanted to know what was going on with him.

I looked over to where I normally stood with my friends and they were all waiting on me. I walked back over and shook my head.

"He wouldn't tell me what was wrong. All I know is that he's pissed." I told them.

"What'd he say?" Alex asked.

"Nothing much. He just told me to leave him alone." I said, leaving out an important detail. "Why didn't you come out with me?" I asked.

"I had ran into him in the hallway earlier and it wasn't nice." He said. I wondered if Zack threatened him too.

"Just give him some more space." Cass said and I nodded.

"He can have all the space he wants." I grumbled.



I thanked Alex for dropping me off at home with a kiss. He couldn't stay over because they had band practice today. I let him leaving and went inside. Alex was worried about something all day. He wouldn't tell me exactly what it was, but he did tell me he ran into Zack today. I was pretty sure it had something to do with him. I picked up my phone and texted Zack to see if I could get him to stop.

Jack Barakat

What'd you say to Alex today?

Delivered 3:24pm

Zack Merrick

I just told him that if he didn't stop talking to me I would tell you about him and Hayley.

Read 3:25pm

Jack Barakat

But you already did tell me about them.

Delivered 3:25pm

Zack Merrick

Yeah but he doesn't know that

Read 3:26pm

Jack Barakat

Zack what do you want from us? Why can't you just stop?

Delivered 2:27pm

Zack Merrick

This could all be over if you just tell Alex what we did.

Read 3:27pm

Jack Barakat

Why do you want me to tell him so bad? Why haven't you told him yourself yet?

Delivered 3:28pm

Zack Merrick

Because I'm pretty sure he will break up with you the second he finds out. And he would never believe me so you have to do it. And make sure you go into detail about everything

Read 3:29pm

Jack Barakat

I'm not going into detail about anything because I'm not telling him anything about it.

Delivered 3:30pm

Zack Merrick

Then I'll just keep giving him hints until he asks you about it himself. Shouldn't take long. I know too much about you that I shouldn't. Like how you have a cute little birth mark on you left butt cheek.

Read 3:32pm

I threw my phone down after reading that and ran my fingers through my hair. I hated him so much!! Angry tears fell down my face. I was so tired of all of this. I just wanted my life to go back to normal.

Keeping these feelings bottled up wasn't helping. I needed to tell someone, but I didn't know anyone I felt comfortable telling. Cass would probably accident tell Rian because it was such a big secret. My mom would make me feel so guilty for what I did and probably make me tell Alex the truth. I didn't have anyone to talk to about this.

Zack was going to win. He was going to get what he wanted. Eventually I would have to tell Alex and he would break up with me. I would never in a million years get with Zack or sleep with him again, but he wouldn't have to see Alex and I together for too much longer. I had to tell Alex before Zack could, it would hurt less coming from me. Maybe there was a chance that Alex wouldn't break up with me, after all he did cheat on my first. I just needed more time to work up the courage to tell him.

I decided to try pleading to Zack one last time to see if I could stop him from telling Alex. Zack wasn't an unreasonable person, he was just hurt and still very jealous.

Jack Barakat

If I tell Alex about what we did and we decide to stay together will you leave us alone then?

Delivered 3:38pm

Zack Merrick

Actually I will. If Alex forgives you for cheating on him with me then you two are perfect for each other.

Read 3:40pm

I read the text message and took a deep breath. The relief blew over as I realized I was actually going to have to tell Alex what I did. I placed my head in my hands trying to hold back tears. I was so tired of crying about this. Maybe it was a good thing I was being forced to tell Alex.

My phone vibrated from beside me and I picked it up. There was another text message from Zack.

Zack Merrick

But I'll only give you two weeks

Read 3:42pm

Jack Barakat

Two weeks for what?

Delivered 3:43pm

Zack Merrick

Two weeks to tell him before I do it for you ;)

Delivered 3:43pm

Jack Barakat

Why can't I do it on my own time?

Delivered 3:44pm

Zack Merrick

You'd never do it if I let you choose when to tell him. So either you tell him in two weeks or I will.

Read 3:45pm

I sat my phone back down and laid down in bed actually letting the tears stream down my face. There was no way I would be ready to tell Alex this in two weeks.


I contemplated giving up on this story, but I'm going to keep going because I ain't no quitter! Plus this story hasn't even gotten to the best parts yet lol


You’re welcome <3 and thank you so much for reading it!!

Jalex95 Jalex95

I’m so happy you enjoyed it! And thanks again for reading it and all your feedback! I hate reading stories that take forever to update and that don’t finish too, that’s why I try to make stories that I can upload at least once a week lol but thanks again <3

Jalex95 Jalex95

I loved this story! Thank you for taking us on this lovely journey and for a wonderful ending!

dirtylaundry dirtylaundry

Awwww, no thank you, it was a lovely journey and I enjoyed this fic so much. Probs to you for never abandoning this and pulling through to the end. I hate reading stories that are put on hold randomly and never get finished.

T-what T-what

Lolol Alex has finally come to his senses. And a PTV and ATL hybrid would be weird in real life now that I think about it lol I don’t know what I’ll do without this fic either, Well I might become bored and write another one haha

Jalex95 Jalex95