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Secrets Don't Make Friends

The Baby Shower


"Lily, you have to spread the balloons out. You don't want them all in one place." My grandma scolded my mom for the fourth time today. They were finishing setting up for my baby shower that was ten minutes away. My mom rolled her eyes and went to spread the balloons out and I chuckled.

"Everything looks really nice." I complemented them.

We were having the party at my grandparents’ house since it was bigger than ours. There were blue decorations all over the place. I didn't help decorate much; I mostly just watched to tell them if things were crooked. I also was designated food tester. I was almost seven months pregnant and couldn't handle being around all of this food without eating.

"Save some for the rest of our guest." My grandma slapped my hand away from the plate of cocktail sausages and I laughed.

"Sorry, I can't help myself." I joked and she laughed.

"I invited some people from church. I hope that's okay." My grandpa said as he walked into the living room. It took everything I had not to groan. All their church friends were overly nice which made them seem fake.

"Yeah that's fine, grandpa." I said and he smiled.

"That just means more gifts." My mom cheered.

I didn't invite a lot of people outside of my family. Just Cass, Rian, Alex and his family. I decided not to invite Zack because that would have been awkward. I told him the gender of the baby and he was happy. He said he already knew what gift he wanted to get and that he would give it to me later.

I was happy to be off of bedrest for today, but I couldn't enjoy it too much. I didn't feel well. I felt nauseous, there was a slight cramping in my stomach, a dull ache in my back, and I had a headache. I really should have gone to go lay back down, but I was hoping it would all go away once the party started. I didn't want to worry anyone, especially my mom and grandma. It took so much begging for them to not make me sit on the couch for the whole duration of the party. I didn't want to hear “I told you so” all day.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I said as I slowly got out of my chair.

"Do you need help? If you give me one second I can walk you there." My grandpa said as my grandma helped him put up the "It's a boy" banner.

"No no I'm fine." I assured him.

I wobbled my way towards the guest bathroom and shut the door. I stood in front of the bathroom sink and looked at myself in the mirror. I was sort of pale, starting to sweat, and I had a shortness of breath.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just need to sit down for a minute." I mumbled to myself.

I slowly sat on the top of the toilet cover and placed my head in my hands. I just needed to focus on not passing out. My mom and grandparents would panic if anything like that happened. They were all already so worried.

I heard the doorbell ring while I was sitting there and I sighed. I needed to go out there and put on a happy face for my guest. I stood back up and went to the sink to splash some cold water in my face. I dried the water off and took, a few more, deep breaths before walking out.

I was met with Cass and Rian holding two presents for me. One was in a big box and the other was a small envelope. Cass smiled at me as she walked over to hug me.

"Hi, you look amazing!" She exclaimed and hugged me.

"Thanks, so do you." I told her and we pulled away.

"Hi Rian." I said and he walked over to hug me.

"Hey!" He hugged me and pulled away to put his hands on my stomach. "This is so unbelievable."
"Isn't it?" I chuckled.

"Hi, I'll take your gifts." My grandma told them and they thanked her. There was a decorated area for all the gifts she took them too.

"I thought Alex would've beat us here." Cass said and I chuckled.

"He never can be anywhere on time. I should have told him it started at three and he would have got here on time." I joked and she and Rian laughed.

"Why don't you all come have a seat." My Grandpa said and I breathed in relief.

Rian and Cass followed me to one of the couches and sat down. I felt my breathing become a little bit easier, but I was still in a little pain.

"How's online school going?" Rian asked, trying to make small talk.

"Great! I literally do nothing all day but sit in bed, since I'm on bed rest, so I finish my assignments quickly. Its like I only go to school two days a week." I told him.

"That sounds awesome." He said and I nodded in agreement.

"Did you invite Zack?" Cass asked.

"No, I figured it'd be too awkward with Alex and his parents being here." I explained. "But I told him I was having a boy and he seemed happy about that." I added.

"Aww at least they're both happy about the gender. That's one less thing to worry about." She said and I chuckled.

"I'm still very worried about which one is the father though." I said.

"Well yeah there's that."

A few moments later some people from my grandparent’s church came over. They all came over to greet me and to tell me congratulations. It still seemed like they were being too nice, but maybe that's just how church people are. They bought me so many gifts. And the other members of the church sent three gift baskets filled with so many baby items. I was going to have to write a lot of thank you cards.

I sat back down on the couch next to Rian and Cass once I was finished talking to my grandparent’s friends. I looked down at the time and it was four-twenty. Alex and his parents were running twenty minutes late.

"I texted Alex and he's on his way. They had to make a few stops really quick." Rian told me.

"Oh, okay thank you. I was about to text him." I said.

Eight minutes later the doorbell was ringing. My mom went to go get it and Alex and his parents walked in. I felt myself sort of relaxed seeing Alex come in. I didn't realize I was stressing out. I really needed to stop doing that.

"Hey come on in!" My mom greeted them.

"Hi Lily, how have you been?" Alex's mom, Isobel, asked my mom.

I tuned out their conversation and smiled as Alex walked my way to hug me. I stood up and let him wrap his arms around me.

"Sorry we're late." He apologized and kissed me on the cheek.

"It's okay, I'm just happy you're here." I said as we pulled away from each other.

Alex said hi to Rian and Cass then he went over to greet my grandparents. I went to go say hi to his parents since I was already standing.

"Hi mister and misses Gaskarth." I said as I walked over to them.

"Oh my gosh look at you!" Isobel exclaimed and pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah he looks like he swallowed a watermelon." My mom joked and we chuckled.

"No I don't." I playfully argued.

"Did Alex apologize for making us late. It was all his fault because he waited to the last minute to get you that gift." Isobel pointed to one of the gifts Peter, Alex's dad, was holding. He held two gifts but one was really big and shaped weird. "I had to wrap it in the car." She fussed.

"We had to go to two different stores to find it." Peter added.

"Oh my God we were only like thirty minutes late." Alex said and playfully rolled his eyes as he walked over to us.

"I wonder what it is!" I exclaimed.

"Something that you really need." Alex teased.

"I can take your gifts." My grandpa came over and told them.

"I'll carry them over." Peter told him and followed him to where the gifts were being placed.

I placed my hand on my stomach and grimaced in pain. I was hoping no one noticed but Alex did since he was standing right in front of me.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he placed his hand over mine."

"Nothing, nothing. I just felt him kicking." I answered him quickly so he wouldn't worry. The baby was asleep and not kicking. The pain I was feeling was coming from something else.

"Your fingers are swollen, babe." He pointed out and I looked at one of my hands. Sure enough my fingers looked like sausages. Ironically it was probably due to the cocktail sausages I had ate before the party. It seemed like any small amount of sodium would make them swell.

"Oh, I'm fine. I just need some water and one of high blood pressure pills." I told him.

"Where are they?" He asked about the pills.

"My grandma has a few in the cabinet next to the pantry." I said.

Alex went exactly where I told him and brought me a pill and a bottle of water. Then he guided me to the couch to sit down. He opened the water bottle for me and handed it to me. I thanked him and took the pill.

"Is he okay?" Cass asked.

"Yeah he just needed to take his pill." Alex answered for me.

Hopefully my pill would help ease some of the symptoms I was having. I was really being stupid by not telling anyone what was wrong. I just didn't want to ruin everyone's day.

"I already feel much better." I exaggerated and Alex kissed me on the check.

"Are we playing any games?" Cass asked and I chuckled.

"Yeah my grandma literally found tons on Pinterest." I told her. "Here I'll go ask her what we're playing first." I attempted to stand up but the pain in my stomach and back became unbearable. "Oh my god!" I nearly screamed and quickly fell back on to the couch.

Immediately everyone ran to my side all questioning if I was okay. Tears filled my eyes as I held on to my stomach hoping the pain would go away.

"Jack, baby, breathe." I heard my mom say and I took a deep breath and cried out more. I realized Alex had grabbed my hand and I was squeezing the hell out of his.

"Do you think it's contractions?" Isobel asked my grandma.

"It seems too early. Unless something's wrong." My grandma quaked.

"Should we take him to the hospital?" My grandpa asked.

"Please!" I begged. That was the only thing I could get out passed my cries.

"Let’s get him out to my truck." My grandpa said.

"I'll get his right side." Peter volunteered. My grandpa got on my left side and they both pulled me up.

Rian held the door open as they carried me out to the garage and carefully put me in the backseat of my grandpa’s truck. I leaned my head back against the head rest trying to control my breathing. I didn't want to hyperventilate, but I was so scared. I couldn't feel my baby moving anymore and I was still in a great amount of pain.

My mom got in the backseat with me and my grandparents got in the front seat. Grandpa started the truck and drove us out of the garage. I could see everyone else getting in their cars to follow us. I whimpered as more pain went through my body.

"Shh shh you're okay." My mom dabbed my forehead with a towel Grandma handed her. I didn't realize how much I was sweating cause my face was covered in tears.

"Mom I-I can't-" I cut myself off with more cries.

"We'll be there soon." She said as she wiped my tears.

"No, I-I can't...feel the b-baby." I sobbed and my grandma gasped.

"H-he's probably just sleeping." She sniffled and caressed my face. I wished I could believe her. I laid my head on her shoulder and cried all the way to the hospital.

When we finally made it, grandpa drove as close to the door as he could get and my Grandma went inside to get help and a wheelchair. My mom and my grandpa helped me out of the truck and slowly lowered into the wheelchair.

"I'm going to take him to a room so we can do a sonogram." The nurse told us as she wheeled me inside.

We went into my hospital room and a few other nurses came to life me into the hospital bed. My grandparents and my mom were allowed to come in the room with me and they crowded around the bed to check in me. The nurse had given me an IV with pain medication. The pain I was feeling had completely faded away.

"I'm going to go get the OB-GYN." The nurse told us as she walked out in a hurry.

My Grandma held my hand and rubbed my fingers as I laid in bed still focusing on my breathing. I wished I could see Alex, he was probably worried sick about me too. My mom’s phone rang and she said it was Isobel before answering it. I listened closely to their conversation.

"Hi Isobel,...yes we're in here already...yes they're getting the doctor now...yes...yeah...I know, I'm just so...yes exactly, I'm still shaking...mhmm I'll call you as soon as they say what exactly is going on and if they allow him to have visitors...okay bye." They hung up.

"They're all in the waiting room right now." My mom told us.

"What took so long?" I mumbled. I thought we all left at the same time, so how did we get here before them.

"Basil was speeding and sort of running yellowish lights to get you here." My Grandma said.

"I had my hazard lights on. Everyone knew it was an emergency." My Grandpa defended.

There was a light knock on the door and doctor McKinnon walked in. She smiled at me and greeted us all.

"How are you feeling, Sweetheart?" She asked me.

"Worried." I mumbled and she nodded.

"Aw I know, let's take a look and see what's caused all that pain.

She lifted my shirt and put the gel on my stomach. Then she placed the arm of the sonogram machine on my stomach and began to move it around. We all stayed quiet as we let her look around. Then I heard a noise that made my heart stop. I could hear his heart beat through the Doppler.

"He's okay for now." Dr. McKinnon said once she found the baby. "I do think that your placenta abrupted. Which might be dangerous because the baby might not be getting the oxygen he needs so I think we need to do an emergency C-section." She suggested. I couldn't respond because I was still so relieved that the baby was okay.

"Isn't it too early to do it? He's only six months." My Grandma said worriedly.

"It is a premature birth, but Jack is close to seven months so the risk will be smaller than if we wait until he's full term." She explained and my Grandma nodded. "Okay I'm going to send on nurses in to get him prepped for the procedure." She told us and we thanked her.

"Honey, are you okay? This is a lot to take in. I mean we weren't expecting you to go into labor today. " My said stressfully.

"Yes, I'm okay.” I took a deep breath and focused on the sound of my son’s heartbeat.


I just finished writing the chapter where the father is finally revealed!


You’re welcome <3 and thank you so much for reading it!!

Jalex95 Jalex95

I’m so happy you enjoyed it! And thanks again for reading it and all your feedback! I hate reading stories that take forever to update and that don’t finish too, that’s why I try to make stories that I can upload at least once a week lol but thanks again <3

Jalex95 Jalex95

I loved this story! Thank you for taking us on this lovely journey and for a wonderful ending!

dirtylaundry dirtylaundry

Awwww, no thank you, it was a lovely journey and I enjoyed this fic so much. Probs to you for never abandoning this and pulling through to the end. I hate reading stories that are put on hold randomly and never get finished.

T-what T-what

Lolol Alex has finally come to his senses. And a PTV and ATL hybrid would be weird in real life now that I think about it lol I don’t know what I’ll do without this fic either, Well I might become bored and write another one haha

Jalex95 Jalex95