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Don't Make This Easy, I Want You to Mean It


There was nothing special about me.
I was nothing but a party girl. I had friends, like everyone else, but that doesn't exactly make me out of the ordinary, does it? It wasn't them that made me special to anyone. It wasn't my charm, or lack thereof. I don't know if I'll ever know what it was that made me stand out that night. I would say I was glad I did, but a lot of the events following made me doubt that conclusion. He had this amazing way of making me feel like a million dollars one minute, and like a piece of trash that was left forgotten by the dumpster the next. The both of us had known each other for a very long time, without ever coming into contact.
Our reputations preceded us.
Dulaney was not a big place whenever it came to gossip. He and I were always the pieces of gossip that fell off of everyone's lips around school. Our antics, however expected, never ceased to shock the student body. The only one piece of gossip Dulaney got that year, which everyone found it difficult to forget, was the only piece that involved the two of us as one. And nobody even knew which girl it was that left before he woke up that morning; which girl it was that drove him wild before he even knew her name.
I remember the first time I heard; it was a shock to say the least. Jack had been whining about the girls at the party the previous weekend doing all they could to bed his best friend. I didn't know who it was at that point. I didn't know Jack was my link to him and that night. He didn't know I was the girl his best friend would continue to whine about for a time. Neither of us knew a thing about how that night would affect the rest of our time at Dulaney.
I suppose now it's time to make this jumbled mess of words into something you may or may not understand. I don't know if I understand the entirety of the rush of events that came from that single meeting, but I'll try to keep things clear. I'll bear no excuses when it becomes nothing but a muddled blur, only apologies for not being able to set it out clear in my own memory, or clear in his. Whether these events had the same effect on him as they have me, I don't think I'll ever know. All I know is he always refused to make everything straight forward between the two of us; his need for drama.
I digress, that's something for another time. My name is Holly Jasey Rae, and this is the story of my senior year with Alex Gaskarth. The year when that boy destroyed everything.


So, this is going to be a rewrite of a story I wrote a couple of years ago on Mibba.
I'm re-doing it and basically just cleaning it up and making it flow better.
I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. <3


@gamble with desire.
It's not that I don't know what I'm doing, I'm just struggling to write the little parts. It's really frustrating!

settle for me. settle for me.

@settle for me.
Ahhh oh no! Let me know if you need help, apparently I give good writing advice (not to be arrogant but yknow)

@gamble with desire.
Oh my god, OG reader!! I didn't even post the original sequel on Quizilla I don't think?!
I'm so glad you loved it then and that you still love it now! Holly and Alex were always my favourite couple.
Also, dont rush the sequel, I am super blocked. Whoops.

Wow so I’m pretty sure I read this way back in the day on Quizilla, but my friend reminded me that it existed and sent me the link and I read it in like 3 days, and WOW (again)
I totally forgot most of the plot except the end, so it was a roller coaster the whole way through, but I remembered the part where Jasey’s mom tries to set her up with Alex when she was already dating him, and that made me laugh out loud.
Also I LOVED the tension at the beginning of Jasey not knowing how to tell Alex that she was the one who left him.
Also Alex was so cute and romantic until he fucking cheated with Jodie, ugh that boy.
Also I loveeeeee the part where they got signed to Hopeless.
Anyway, this story totally fucked around with my emotions, so I’m gonna have to go read the sequel now.

@Shell Screams
Well, I guess I can't argue with you! ;)
I'm working on getting back into A Story to Tell Your Friends, but give it a couple of weeks and I'll be updating! <3

settle for me. settle for me.