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Long Live Us


The weeks have flown by since we broke the news to Nate, Aubree, Tom, and our parents. I was now fully moved in with Jack and things were falling into place around the house. One thing was that I found I had a knack for cooking thanks to my mom's gift for Jack and I of all the proper tools of the kitchen to cook real food. Plus it helped out loads since I was always craving savory foods and salty snacks. Dad helped us out by finally helping me get my own car so I could drive my self to my appointments if I needed to. We decided that we'd postpone all tours until I had the baby and I was fully recovered after.
I'm starting week 13, and I can honestly say I'm going to miss my old figure. I was starting show a lot more and I had to borrow Jack's shirts until we could go out to get me my first set of maternity wear. My main excitement was that Jack was taking me in for my 13 week check up and to get another sonogram so we could see how the baby was developing.
"Stella, are you ready to go," Jack had the van keys in his hands when he came into the den to find me.
"Yeah, let me grab my phone and purse, and then we can head out," I replied as I got myself out of the armchair I was sitting in while looking at the pictures I had of Jack and I here at the house to pick which ones I was going to put out to add a touch of us to the house.
"I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we're going to have a baby. I think what I said when we first came here made it set in stone to happen, I only wish it were later when we had a strong grip on our career," Jack said as he place a hand on my stomach. I couldn't wait to start feeling the baby kick, it would make this all real to me, that I was carrying a life I created with my best friend and boyfriend only a few weeks ago.
"Wow, look at you Stella, you are absolutely glowing. How have the last couple of weeks been since you were in last," the doctor my mom recommended, who handle my mother's pregnancies and delivered Liam and Noelle, said as she walked into the exam room Jack and I were in with my dad with us since I was a minor still.
"It's been good. I'm still getting morning sickness and mood swings are draining me of energy," I told her.
"Well that is normal. You will get the hang of controlling your emotions in time, plus when you start your fourth month the morning sickness should subside," she replied as she checked my heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure; all of which were normal.
The ultrasound technician came in a moment after my doctor left and got the sonogram machine ready to go while Jack came over to stand next to me. I pulled up my shirt and loosened my jeans so the tech could get a good area of coverage to see the baby.
"Alright, I see a head and a pair of fists. We have ourselves a little baby," the tech said as he brought up the images of the baby. I felt myself start to cry at seeing my little baby actually look like baby this time. My first sonogram, the baby looked nothing like a baby. But now I saw the little life growing inside of me.
"Is it too soon to tell a gender," Jack asked.
"It's too soon and the baby is shying away so I can't tell right now. By the fifth month, the gender can be pinpointed then," the tech replied.
The tech printed up the pictures from the sonogram before we left from the appointment. Dad went home to go see Mom to let her know how the appointment went for me, while Jack and I went home. I took out a couple picture frames I had in the den and I the pictures of the baby and placed them inside. I rested a picture on an end table in the living room, on the mantle of the fireplace in the den, and one on each night stand in mine and Jack's room.
"Soon, we'll find out if we're having a boy or a girl," Jack sighed with content while we lounged in our bed. I had his shirt pulled up to expose my bump while he rubbed it slowly, enjoying how soft my skin has become due to my prenatal vitamins.
"I hope we have a girl. I loved helping my mom take care of Noelle and I think I have the perfect name for a girl too," I commented as I rubbed my bump too.
"What name did you have in mind," Jack asked before he bent down to kiss my belly.
"Her full name could be Jasey Rae Isabelle Barakat," I told him.
"What if we have a boy," he asked.
"Peter Yousif Barakat, to name him after our grandfathers, especially yours sine he's no longer with us now," I told him.
"I miss Grandpa Barakat. I bet if he were still alive, he'd ask to deliver his great-grandchild," Jack smiled as he kissed my belly again.
"Either way, our baby will be loved so much because of the huge family we have around us. Our parents, Nate and Aubree's parents, the All Time Low tour crew, our crew, our friends we've made through being on summer tours with our parents, they'll love our baby and help us make sure this baby has it made," I pulled Jack up to me by his mess hair and kissed him lovingly.
You listen to Mommy and come quickly, I want to meet you and I want heal quick so I can go on the road again to make sure you have a secure future and have everything you need to be a happy and healthy baby. You and your father are the greatest things to happen to me and I can't get over the fact that I'm going to be your mom. I love, little munchkin.


Hey, you there, reader! Please do not be afraid to drop a line for Jess and I. We miss you a lot.


omg i loved this set of stories i was crying laughing and absolutley in love with the cdharaters in this i felt like i could have been in there with them your an amzing writer
shadybabii shadybabii

Thanks! <3
AndieRose AndieRose

You're awesome! <3.
Yay another squeal I love this story
AndieRose AndieRose
I love you too<3@BreakingJessie_x
AndieRose AndieRose