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Are You Worth Your Weight In Gold?

Chapter 1


Alex sighed for the billionth time that particular luckless day. Once again he got rejected from another job interview, and he's running out of options day by day. During his troubled thinking, he unconsciously walked to a nearby park, realizing where he is; he sat atop the closest bench for an awkward amount of time.

He stood up after being uncomfortable at not doing anything, anything at all. Oh if only he's teenage self could see him now, but fortunately back then he didn't need to think about paying rent, feeding himself, and other deeds that's crucial to survive daily. He paced back and forth, a frown seemingly cemented on his face, biting worriedly on his already abused lip. He couldn't think of any solutions, he's rent is way overdue, and he can only pay for noodle cups at this point. If money doesn't come any sooner by next week he'll be dying from starvation at some dark alleyway.

Sighing once again, he decided that walking around like a fool will not help him with the situation at hand, with a defeated posture, he walked to his house with his head in a bow, his whole attention bestowed on his pair of black, scruffy converse shoes.

Unbeknownst to the troubled Alex, a tall lanky man is rushing his way, the man is supposedly having an argument with someone on the phone, without both of them noticing that they will slam at each other.

And they did slam at each other very hard. Alex flat on his back while the stranger is on top of his body. His cheeks burned rosy red with embarrassment, stuttering for an apology.

"I-I I'm s-so sor-ry" he stammered, embarrassment written across his face.

The attractive stranger seemed amused with his predicament, and only chuckled replying with, "It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going too."

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Dammit Alex can't you do something right for once?! He scolded himself internally.

The stranger frowned once he noticed Alex's distressed expression. "Hey don't beat yourself up over it, we were both at fault here and I don't blame you one bit, so don't blame yourself." He calmly replied to the younger.

Alex finally calmed after that, but still apologized profusely. "I am very sorry, I should've seen you coming, so sorry for slamming into you, and I- I'm just so sorry."

"It's fine really. Tell you what, how 'bout you buy me coffee as a truce if it bothers you that much?"

Alex doesn't think that his wallet could take buying two cups of coffee, but sadly it would be plain rude to outright say no, so he begrudgingly nods his head yes.

"Lead the way ..."

"Jack, my name's Jack." Walking along the path, whilst talking. "And what's your name cute stranger?"

"It's Alex." he trudged along with Jack awkwardly.


They both sat at a quite, homey cafe. A cup of coffee in both pair of hands, they talked with mindless chatter, joking, laughing, and mediocre flirting. Both seeming to have a good time, until an apparent, but quiet dreadful question was asked.

"So what do you do for a living?" Jack's question was actually very innocent, but he didn't know Alex's embarrassing situation.

"Oh um, I don't uh have a job." He's head hung low in shame, hair covering his face.

"You don't? That's a good thing, because I was actually gonna ask you to ditch your job, but since you don't have one ... I'll gladly hire you to be a model for my modelling agency." Jack outwardly happy with what he thought of.

"You would want me to be your model?" Alex thought this was very suspicious. No stranger just asks someone they barely met to be a model, much less ask him to be a model.

"Yeah, you've got a good face on you! It would be such a shame to waste." Jack's cheerful persona still intact.

"How do I even know you own a modelling agency?" His skepticism getting the best of him.

Jack was about to answer when his phone suddenly shrilled for attention, silently asking Alex to wait Jack walked out for privacy. Alex watched him warily, because it's still too good to be true, this was suppose to be a horrible, depressing, jobless day. He may not be superstitious, but there is no way that someone just offered him a job out of nowhere. He watched Jack's face become more angry, and by this point he was yelling at his phone, Jack finally ended the heated call and stormed inside the cafe.

"I am so sorry for cutting this chat short, but business calls. Anyways here's my card, you need to decide whether you're gonna accept this job or not by tomorrow, because the modelling agency is over Ohio, and our flight, if you do accept, is tomorrow." Alex's eyes widened at that.

"Tomorrow?!?! That's such short notice, I can't possibly-"

"Alex is it? This is just a once in a lifetime experience, you either snatch it, or you waste it." Jack forcefully thrusting his business card inside Alex's hands. Alex was slightly hurt that Jack kinda forgot his name, but he has other things to worry about. "Just accept this, call me if you decline or you accept it. Bye!"

Jack running off, leaving Alex open-mouthed.

Alex didn't know that his decision could save or ruin his whole life, and he might be leaning towards the latter.

What is Alex going to do?


Sooooo what do you think I guess? Btw reminder this is co-written story and I'm Sofia or Sofie whichever, and my account is we_party_today so yeah. I'm awkward.



Check out my YouTube channel, Jackie P Music TV where I talk about one of my favorite bands All Time Low!

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JackiePMusicTV JackiePMusicTV

The beginning of the story is really intriguing. I wanna know what happens next so muc D:

ashleywinter ashleywinter

I'm so sorry I just replied now but regarding to your first comment, I don't really remember the title so yeah I'm not helpful at all. I know though, that it's not finished.

Yeah I'm gonna update as soon as possible maybe even today, like later tonight, but I'm not making any promises :P

EarthToSofie EarthToSofie

Oh my god, poor Alex...I really want to know what's gonna happen next...I can't wait. This chapter is a little short but it's a filler so it's good.

Costati Costati

Oh no shit....Well at least you're not droping the story, I was really afraid for a moment, because I love it so much.

Good luck with your laptop and all, also, do you have the name of the other story with the similar plot? I just really like the subject and I would love to read it.

Obviously I will not compare them, don't worry about that.

Costati Costati