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We Owe This To Ourselves

Controll Requires My Submission

Jack was having difficulties trying to unlock the door, most likely due to me kissing the back of his neck and grinding my hips against him, causing him to moan and fumble with the keys in response.
Once unlocked i found myself being pulled inside by my collar, pressed up against the wall, door slaming shut next to me.
"God, you're such a fucking tease Gaskarth." a smirk settled on both of our mouths.
A sudden surge of confindence rushed through my body, making me step forward, pressing against him, my mouth next to his ear, "You shoud see me in bed baby." i stepped back with a smirk permenatly plastered on my face. Jack just stood there looking at me wide eye'd, mouth hanging open. Laughing, i ducked under his arms and started running upstairs to his room.
I heard fast footsteps behind me as i reached the door. I threw it open and stepped inside, turning to see jack sprinting down the long beige hall after me. He made it to the door, closing it behind him, taking two quick strides over to where i stood by his king size bed.
"You're a bad boy Alex, making me have to chase after you." he said between pants, clearly worn out from teying to catch me.
"Maybe you should punish me. It might teach me a lesson." my voice full of faux innocnce, i pulled Jack closer to me, and gave him the best puppy dog eyes.

"Hmm, but how do i know you'll learn your lesson?" Jack said between a smirk.

I leaned closer so my mouth was next to his ear, "You don't." i whispered, pulling back from him.
Jack just smiled at me, putting two fingers on my chin to pull me up to his lips. "You're such a bad boy," his dark chocolatte eyes were full of lust and mistiof, "maybe i should spank you?" his words went straight to my dick, making me impossibly hard, and when Jack spun me around and pushed me on the bed i couldn't urge in my body to grind against the mattres.
Jack grabbed for something under the bed, i turned my head in time to see it was a wooden paddle. I wiggled my ass teasingly. And with one swift movement the wood was coming in contact with skin. "Fuck!" i screamed.
"Stay still, whore." Jack's voice was cold but i wasn't an idiot, i played along.
Another swift hit, "You want this, don't you? Don't you, you whore?"
"Y-Yes." i could barely mutter a word
"Yes what." he spat at me.
"Y-Yes s-sir."
"Count, whore." just then i eard the distinct sound of a paddle again, flying through the air, and another sharp pain on my ass.
"O-One." again. "T-Two."
"How may do you think it'll take for you to learn your lesson?"

I said the first number i could think of "Ten."
"Ten," he repeated, "hm, lets make them count then." another 'wosh of air and a sharp pain and i was becoming a whimmpering, panting, submisive mess. Each hit harder than the last.
"F-five!" i exclaimed as i recived a particularly hard, yet arousing, hit.
"I think your tight, sexy jeans are blocking my hits. Take them off." the dominance in Jack's voice was making my cock twitch, slightly to the left. (A/N: i had to do it xD) I was relived to take these jeans off because my erection was begging to be freed.
I pushed myself up off the bed and turned around to face Jack, whincing at the pain. I unbottoned my jeans and undid my belt, looking Jack in the eyes the whole time. I slowly tooke off the tight black skinnies, swinging my hips teasingly. I finally released myself from the jeans and looked back at Jack, starting to take of my black cotton boxers.
"Stop. Let me." Jack stepped forward, pulling me against hom by my hips. Jack ran his hands under my white v-neck slowly, stopping to tease me with his finger tips every few inches. We eventually got the shirt over my head and off my body. Jack's fingers hooked of the elastic of my waistband, and began pulling the down, his body going with them, trailing kisses down my stomach, blowing clod air on my erection, causeing me to throw my head back, close my eyes, and let out a groan. I was suddenly being spun back around and pushed back onto the bed.
"We're not fucking done yet."
Whoosh, "S-six! Fuck! Seven!"
"Three more baby, i know you can make it." the dark haired boy behind me leaned back to admire his work. He pulled back as far as he could.
"Eight." i muttered through gritted teeth.
Wosh, "Ah! Fucknine!" tears were in my eyes, threatening to fall.
"One more, you can do it." another sound of wood flying through the air, i braced myself for the final blow, i was surprised when instead i felt a soft kiss instead, then followed by more up my spine.
"I think you've learned your lesson."


i am being too damn genorus today.


JalexUnicorn JalexUnicorn
haha in ch 6 i got the refense to Alex's dick!! ive seen that interveiw maybe 300 times!! thats so funny!
I. Love. This. :D its exactly what you want in a jalex fic !!!
i want moreeeeeeeeeee omggg
nomusicnolove nomusicnolove
im fine with your hiatus, however... Don't pull a Fall Out Boy on us and make us wait for years.... haha! Also thx for replying, awesome story!