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My Friends Are Everything

I Fight Dirty

Before any of us knew it, that summer was suddenly over. During the warm summer months, things were slowly progressing for me. Spencer and I were growing stronger and closer with each day. We actually celebrated our three month anniversary just a few days ago. Things with Alex were as rough as can be; I barely saw him anymore. Ever since the fight, and the cruel words he said to me, we haven't spoken. For about two weeks, he kept bugging me to talk to him; saying that he hated me being mad at him. In all honesty, I wasn't as angry at him as I was disappointed. I mean come on; I've been his best friend for like eight years. Instead of defending me, he decided to defend his girlfriend whom he's known for only five months. Anyway, after the two weeks, he gave up on me all together, knowing that I wouldn't stop ignoring him.

"Babe...Jenna!" Spencer yelled, waving his hand in my face.

"Huh?" I asked, breaking from my thoughts.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, just thinking," I shrugged.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asked as we continued walking down the street.

"I was just thinking about the past few months," I smiled.

"Well I hope you were thinking about me then," he grinned and lightly squeezed my hand.

"If you must know, I was thinking about you," I laughed.

"Good," he laughed and slung his arm over my shoulder, kissing my temple.

I smiled and held onto his hand as we walked. We soon came to Starbucks and Spencer held the door open for me as I walked inside. We walked up to the counter and ordered our drinks. Spencer paid for the drinks and we walked down to the end of the counter to wait for them. As we waited, my phone blared from my purse. I fished it out and answered it.

M- Hello?

N- Hey baby doll!

M- Hey, what's up?

N- Nothing much, what are you up to?

N- I'm with Spencer, I'm sleeping over his place tonight.

N- I have a better idea!

M- I'm scared.

N- First of all, can you guys pick up some alcohol?

M- For what?

N- Because the guys are coming over for a cookout and we're getting our drink on! You're going to be there right?

M- Do I have a choice?

N- Nope, bring lover boy too!

I placed my hand over the phone and turned to Spencer.

"Want to go to a cookout at my place? You can stay the night," I smiled.

"Yeah, sure," he smiled.

M- Okay, Spencer's in.

N- Great! Ask him if he'll make me Strawberry Daquiries please!

"I heard her, of course I will," he laughed.

N- Tell him I love him!

"Love you too Nina," he laughed.

N- Okay the guys just got here! Hurry up with the alcohol!

She hung up and I put my phone back in my purse.

"To the liquor store!" I announced and grabbed my drink, along with Spencer's hand.

We walked down a couple a few blocks until we came to a local liquor store. We walked inside and being that I didn't know what was good, I let Spencer do all the shopping. He grabbed a pack of beer and a few bottles of hard liquor. I grabbed a pack of wine coolers for the girls (excluding Sabrina) and I. Spencer grabbed some mixes and a bottle red wine.

"Wine?" I laughed.

"This is for us; for later tonight," he winked.

I giggled and helped him carry everything to the register. After arguing about it for a few minutes, I reluctantly let him pay for everything. He grabbed the two bags and we made our way back to the house. We arrived within ten minutes. We walked inside and saw Nina walking in soaking wet in a pair of shorts and a tank top.

"Hi honey!" she smiled, prancing over to me.

She hugged me and loudly kissed my cheek; she did the same to Spencer.

"Why are you all wet?" I asked.

"Cause of fucking Barakat! He pushed me in the pool," she pouted.

"Sucks to be you," I laughed.

She flipped me off and ran upstairs to go change. I led Spencer into the kitchen and we placed all the alcohol on the counter.

"Oh my God finally!" Zack exclaimed once he noticed that we had the alcohol.

Rian followed him in from the backyard. They took all the beer outside and I snatched the wine before the girls could get to it.

"Come on, I'm sure one of the guys have a pair of swimming trunks around here," I said, pulling on his hand.

I led him upstairs and to the hall closet. I saw a pair of swimming trunks on one of the shelves.

"I think these might be Zack's," I muttered and handed them to him.

"Thank you," he smiled, pecking my lips before walking into the bathroom.

I grinned to myself before walking into my room. I closed the door and pulled my striped bikini out of my dresser. I quickly changed and ran a comb through my hair. I sprayed some Sun In in my hair and put my sunglasses on my head.

"Have I ever told you that you are fucking gorgeous?" I heard Spencer say.

I smirked and turned to him.

"You might have mentioned it once or twice," I smiled and strutted over to him.

I leaned up and gently kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, intensifying the kiss.

"Ahem," someone interrupted.

We pulled away and I peered over Spencer's shoulder when he turned around.

"Why the fuck do you have my trunks on?" Alex growled.

I pushed pass Spencer and glared at Alex.

"Chill out, I thought they were Zack's," I muttered.

"Well they're mine," he seethed.

"Stop acting like a fucking child! I just borrowed them, when I'm done with them, I'll wash them and give them back to you," Spencer spat.

I smirked at Alex as he glared at Spencer.

"Come on babe," Spencer muttered, grabbing my waist.

He shoved past Alex and we walked downstairs.

"He is such a fucking dick," he growled.

I stopped in front of him and leaned up. I cupped his face and gently kissed him.

"Calm down, he's just acting childish," I muttered.

"Its not necessary for him to be so rude to us though," he seethed.

"Chill, he's just a dick. Don't worry about him," I muttered.

"I hate it when he upsets you though," he muttered.

"He didn't upset me, now come on, lets go outside," I smiled, tugging on his hand.

He smiled and nodded, gently kissing my forehead. I led him outside and we saw Nina sitting with all the girls, even Sabrina. Sabrina was just texting though, ignoring everyone. Rian, Jack and Zack were all trying to start up the grill.

"Spencer make me a drink please!" Nina yelled from across the yard.

"You better love me!" he laughed.

She grinned and made a heart with her hands.

"I'll be back in little bit," he smiled, kissing my cheek.

I walked over to the girls and sat next to Mandy.

"I think I'm going to go help Spencer," Sabrina smirked standing.

"Sit your ass down!" Nina growled, glaring at her.

Sabrina glared at her, but sat down anyway.

"Anyway, I fucking hate you!" Nina playfully spat at me.

"What did I do now?" I laughed.

"You always get the hot guys," she pouted.

"Oh my God, Spencer is gorgeous anyway, but without a shirt, oh my God," Sophie shuddered.

"I almost had an orgasm just looking at him," Mandy sighed, fanning herself.

"What about Rian?" I laughed.

"Don't get me wrong; Rian is great with his huge-"

"I'm not listening!" Nina yelled covering her ears.

"You're a dork," I laughed.

"I'm a dork? You're a dork! What the hell were you wearing earlier? We're in Baltimore, not fucking Tennessee," she laughed.

"Shut up, I looked adorable!" I retorted.

"Here ladies," Spencer smiled, carrying five strawberry daquiries and one beer.

He passed them out, even giving one to Sabrina. He handed me mine and pulled me up. He sat down, pulling me on his lap.

"Spencer do you work out?" Nina asked.

"Yeah why?" he asked.

"Cause you have an orgasmic body," Sophie explained.

"I can see why Jenna likes to have sleepovers a lot," Mandy smirked, nudging me.

"Shut up!" I laughed, burying my blushing face into Spencer's neck.

Spencer laughed loudly, his chest rumbling against my side.

"You done?" Spencer asked about ten minutes later, noticing my empty cup.

"Yeah, why?" I asked

"No reason," he smirked.

I shrugged and turned back to everyone. A few minutes later, I gasped when Spencer lifted me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I yelped.

"Nothing," he smirked.

He then threw me, and I splashed into the pool.

"You ass," I sputtered once I resurfaced.

He was hunched over laughing. I smirked and swam over to the ledge. I grabbed his ankle and pulled him in with me. He swam to the surface and grabbed my waist. He threw me back under water. As I resurfaced, there were tons of splashes as everyone jumped in with us. About half an hour later, we all got out and grabbed the food that Alex finished making.

"So Vinny called me earlier," Alex told us, referring to their manager.

"So are we going to New York?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, he got us booked and everything," he nodded.

"You guys are going to New York?" Mandy asked.

"Yeah, only for about five days," Rian shrugged.

"For a concert, interviews, photo shoots and all that crap," Zack muttered.

"Oh and he said you girls can come if you want," Alex muttered, glancing at me.

"Really?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah, and I expect you all there," Jack smirked, glancing at Nina.

"I'm in," Nina smirked.

"Me too," Mandy and Sophie answered.

"You know I am," Sabrina smiled at Alex.

"Jenna?" Jack asked.

"I'm not going," I shrugged.

"And why the fuck not?" Nina asked.

"I just don't feel like going," I shrugged.

"But we don't want to leave you here alone," Sophie pouted.

"I'll be with Spencer," I shrugged.

"Yeah, and she'll stay with me for the five days," Spencer smiled.

"Well that's settled," I smiled.

I got up and walked into the kitchen to grab a wine cooler. As I turned around, Alex was right behind me. I gasped and backed up into the counter.

"Shit you scared me," I muttered.

"Sorry. Why aren't you going with us?" he asked.

"That's my business," I muttered.

"Just because you have a little boyfriend now doesn't mean you can't come with us," he muttered.

"Its not because of that; its because I hate Sabrina and I don't want to be anywhere near her for five days," I spat.

"Oh my God what the fuck is your problem with her?" he barked.

"She's annoying as hell and she always fucking flirts with Spencer," I snapped.

"No she doesn't!" he shouted.

"Yes she fucking does! And if she doesn't leave him alone, I'll put her in the fucking hospital!" I yelled.

"I get it now; you're fucking jealous of her," he smirked.

"Jealous of her! Why the hell would I be jealous?" I hissed.

"Because she's beautiful, and funny and she has the one thing you want," he spat.

"And what's that?" I spat.

"Me," he whispered.


"You're jealous that I love her, and not you," he seethed.

"Don't flatter yourself Alex; I don't want you!" I lied.

"Oh really?" he smirked.

"Yes, really."

He backed me up further into the counter. He placed one hand on my hip and the other on my face. He gently grabbed my chin and tilted my head upwards. I let out a shakey breath as he leaned down to kiss me. I leaned up and met him half way. Our lips were centimeters apart when he laughed lightly.

"I think you do want me," he smirked before pushing away from me and walking out.


I just started reading this and I absolutely love it. But Alex can't marry Sabrina! Him and Jenna just have to get together already!! ):
Jp_ayee Jp_ayee
ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCKCKCKCKKC YOU BITCH!!!! (im realy upset right now)
HE CANT MARRY HER omg im gonna die! please update soon i love this
Shootupsunshine Shootupsunshine
I like this a lot!! You should come back c: