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Just one mistake


Jacks POV Alex hasn't been at school for nearly a week and i spent everyday going to the park and looked in the plastic tube thing and he wasn't there. I went to school and went straight to Carlile office. I walked in not bothering to knock. "Jack! Do you mind?" Ashby said loudly as he done he shirt up. Carlile did the same and I noticed a scar on his chest but Alex soon took over my head. "Have you guy seen Alex?" I asked. "Haven't seen him since the other day." Carlile said. "Something isn't right." I said. "Maybe he's at Tate's. That's where he normally goes when he doesn't want to be found." Ashby said. "Where does he live?" I asked. "All we know is he lives on the college campus on the other side of town." Carlile said. "Well that's helpful." I said sarcastically. "There's a reason why Alex goes there when he doesn't want to be found Jack, sadly we don't know that reason." Ashby said. "Aren't you worried he might be dead or something?" I asked. "Yes we are worried but Alex does this all the time. He is probably with Tate having a good time without people interputing." Ashby said and glared at me. "Well maybe you should lock the door because anyone could of walked in." I said and glared at him. "Children stop. Look here's Tate's number don't tell him I gave it to you. But you delete it straight away because Tate doesn't like people who he hates having his number and probably sniffing around Alex." Carlile said. "I'm not sniffing around Alex. I just want to be a friend." I said. "You can fool yourself but not us." Ashby said. "Alan stop it." Carlile warned. "It true though, the only reason he's interested in Alex is so..." Ashby started but Carlile stopped him. "Alan for fuck sake just shut the fuck up. Alex needs a friend and Jack is willing to be a friend so just fucking pack it in before I fucking slap you." Carlile snapped. "Damn someone is in their period." I muttered. "Don't you start Jack!" He said. "Juuust saying." I said. "Well the last time I checked I had a dick so can you both leave as I have a busy day." He said. "Does this mean I get today off and look for Alex." I said. "Yes, go look for Alex." Carlile huffed. "Cheers Austin." I smiled and walked out and rung Tate's number. After the fourth ring he answered. "Who the fuck are you and why the fuck have you woken me up?" He said. Oh yay pissed off and I haven't even spoken to him. "Tate, its Jack but before you hang up on me please hear me out." I said quickly. "How the fuck did you get my number?" He growled. "People who I am not going to name but I'll delete it as soon as you answer my question." I said. "What do you want so I can go back to sleep." He sighed. "Have you seen Alex? He hasn't been at school for nearly a week and he hasn't been in his plastic tube thing at the park. I was wondering if he was with you." I said. "I haven't seen or heard from him since Saturday." He said thinking. "So he not with you?" I asked. "If he was me I would of said he was with me. But he's not with me and haven't seen him since Saturday before he went to his dad's..." He said but trailed off. "Ah shit, fucking hell why didn't I fucking take the bloody hint when he didn't answer." Tate said and sounded like he was getting dressed. "You said he wasn't in the park, has he been to Austin's and Alan's?" Tate asked sounding like he was running somewhere. "No, they said the same as you." I said. "Do you know where the cemetery is?" He asked. "Yeah." I said. "Meet me at the entrance of it and I'll explain then. Now hang up and delete my number." He growled and hung up. I delete his number and walked to the cemetery. I got to the entrance and saw a really good looking person. "Tate?" I asked and he looked at me and I could see why Alex liked him with his gorgeous green eyes. "You finished eye fucking me? Only one person can do that." He growled. "Sorry." I said. "Whatever. We split up and look for him." He said. "There anywhere he's likely to be." I said. "There is but I can't remember where, its been a while since he's done this as he always comes to me or goes to Austin and Alan or hides in the plastic tube." He said. "What do we do if one of us finds him?" I asked. "Shout you thick fuck." He said and went off one way and I went the other.
Tate's POV Christ he was fucking thick, but I'm glad Alex has someone else to relie on and not just me and Austin and Alan. I was walking round and I saw someone sat by a grave stone. I got closer and saw it was Alex. "Lex?" I said and went over to him. He didn't respond. "Shit Alex, wake up." I said and got on my knees and looked at Alex. He faced was busted and he had a nasty cut on his forehead which looked deep. "I found him!" I shouted hoping the thick fuck would hear me. A few seconds later he was by my side. He was looking at the headstone. "Who's Grace?" He asked. "Not for me to say." I said quietly. "He needs to go to the hospital." He said. "No, no hospitals. The bastard will find out and hurt him even more. We go to mine and do what we can there." I said and looked at him. "Your letting me into you your house." He said. "Unfortunately." I said and got up and picked Alex up. "It's alright, your safe now." I said quietly and kissed Alex's forehead gently. I walked off and the thick fuck was still standing there. "You coming or what?" I snapped and he nodded and walked towards mine. I walked in and Lottie was in the kitchen and she looked proper pissed at me. "So you into killing 16 year olds now Tate?" She asked sarcastically. "Put a fucking sock in it will you Lottie!" I snapped. "He's always here Tate! Why can he fuck off home or something!?" She shouted. "He has no home! Unlike you with your perfect fucking life." I shouted back at her and thick fuck jumped and so did Lottie. "Thick fuck, grab some clean kitchen towels and meet me in my room." I said. "My name is Jack." He grumbled and walked towards the kitchen. I didn't listen and went to my room and led Alex on the bed. "You gonna wake up?" I asked quietly I pulled my hoodie of him. I checked his arms and there was no new cuts. "Your arms are clean, let's see if your legs are." I said and got to his trousers and I felt a hand on top of mine. I looked up and saw Alex looking at me. "Hey, I was worried about you." I said and sat next to me. "I'm not going back, I'm not going back." He said and started to cry. I pulled him close to me. "Don't cry." I said quietly and wiped his tears away. "I can't go back there Tate, I can't. He nearly killed me!" He said quickly working himself into a panic attack. "Hey, listen to me, listen to my voice. You have to calm down otherwise you'll work yourself into a panic attack and you can go passing out on me okay." I said calmly. "H..H..He tried to drown me." He said and felt round the bed making sure that he was somewhere away from him but at the same time somewhere familiar to him. Thick fuck came in the room. He put the towels on the bed and I got up and he filled me. "I know you want to stay here, but it isn't for the best. Don't think it's because I don't want you near him its not the case. It's gonna take a while to calm him and its better if there is only one person to calm him down. I'm sure there are things he doesn't want you too hear or see either." I said and Jack nodded. "Just let me know if he's okay." He said quietly. "Course." I smiled and thick fuck turned round. "Will you be okay walking home?" I asked. "Yeah." He said and walked off and I went back to Alex. Alex was sat up looking round. "My head hurts." He said quietly. I sat on the edge of the bed and picked a damp cloth up and started to clean it. "Ow!" He snapped. "Sorry, but you have dirt in it and I have to clean it." I said quietly and looked at him. His eyes started to fill with tears again. I put my hand gently on his face. "What did he do to you Lex?" I asked quietly. "I don't want to talk about it. I want this nightmare of my life to end. I can't do this anymore. I want it all to end." He sobbed. I climbed over him and pulled him into my side as he cried. I kissed the top of his head and rested my forehead against his hair and fought back the tears as Alex has never spoken like this, he did talk about not wanting to be alive but its never been this bad. I felt Alex's breaths even out and I looked at him and he had fallen asleep. I smiled and I picked him up and pulled back the covers and laid him down and put the covers over him. I walked over to the other side of the bed and climbed in and watched Alex sleep before I slowly fell asleep.



Tate & Alex are so cute ^.^

I like your story so far. Keep updating!