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Chapter Three.

"Wakey, wakey, Jacky!" My band mate, Matt, said loudly. I groaned, grabbing one of my pillows and sheltering my aching head under it. God I hated hangovers. And being on a compact bus with several other active men wasn't helping. We were currently touring the US, my homeland. However we weren't in our hometown, we're in Connecticut. I think this is the last show tonight? I'm not sure. They don't tell me anything. After this we have a small break and then a UK tour that were actually announcing today. It's very short notice but hopefully people will still come. Matt is certain that people will come anyway, but he is big headed.

"C'mon, Jack!" Matt said again even louder if possible and shook my shoulder. "It's announcement day!" He exclaimed.

"Go 'way." I mumbled into the pillow. I closed my eyes, hoping that I'd get at least another hours sleep, but that's when Matt ripped the sheets off of me.

"God dammit, Matt!" I yelled. I tuned over and saw his smug face. What an ass hole.

"I will literally jizz on all of your clothes." I said. Matt rolled his eyes.

"Sure you will, bud." He said. "C'mon get some pants on and then announce the UK tour with us." He said and left the bunk area.

I managed to push myself up on wobbly arms. I wish I didn't drink last night. I grabbed my glasses from there case on the bunk above me. I got up and searched for my discarded clothes. As much as I would like to walk around the bus half naked, and it wouldn't be he first time, I'm pretty sure we have a meet and greet soon.

I found a random black and white stripped shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans to wear. I staggered over to the bathroom, directly going to the mirror and checking my appearance. I look homeless. I definitely need a shave and maybe a haircut. I looked around blindly for my contacts until I found them. I took my glasses off and replaced them with the contacts.

I looked at my reflection one last time, then decided that I didn't look too bad. I walked out into the lounge and chuckled when I heard my present band mates and crew cheer.

"He's actually awake!" Danny, our guitar tech, exclaimed.

"Shut up, man." I laughed. I sat down on the sofa next to Zack and Rian, Bass guitarist and drummer.

"So we're all announcing this tour at the same time, yeah?" I asked.

"Pretty much." Matt said across from me. "The tickets also go on sale tomorrow, since the tour is so random and early, so mention that." Matt added, I nodded.

I typed out my announcement on Twitter. I thought the original one I typed was too boring and probably something Rian would say, so obviously had to add a bit of my own humour to it. I settled with 'Hey UK! We'll be cuming to see you soon #UKTOUR'.

"Goddammit, Jack." Matt said loudly.

"What?" I questioned.

"You didn't mention that the tickets go on sale tomorrow." He said. I shrugged.

"They're see all that shit when they see your tweets." I replied. "Wait, wait..." I suddenly said. "Zack, did you actually use your official Twitter account?" I asked, my eyes wider than usual.

"I did actually." Zack replied. I threw my arms up in the air.

"This is revolutionary!" I exclaimed loudly. I then felt a pillow hit me and it was Matt who threw it. "What was that for?" I asked.

"That was to make you shut the fuck up." Matt said, "now, let's go, we have a meet and greet in like twenty minutes." He said and stood up. I rolled my eyes and stood up too. Matt can be so serious sometimes. I think the guy just needs a blowjob or something.

The place the meet and greet was being held wasn't that far, therefore Matt decided to walk, which I didn't know if that was the best of ideas. I don't really want to be mobbed, even though I love our fans dearly. I love meeting them too, it's awesome. However I'm sick of saying that I'm not in a romantic relationship with any of my band members.

'Does merrikat exist?' No.

'Is Flykat real?' Nope.

'Do you and Rian fuck for a living?' Hell no.

I'm not homophobic or anything, far from it, it's just that this whole 'shipping' thing makes me really uncomfortable. I don't mind if the fans keep it to themselves, but please don't ask me about it.

Many high fives and hugs later, the meet and greet was ending. There were only about ten people left, which is sad. I love interacting with our fans. Next up was a girl with short black hair.

"Hey thanks for coming." I said and gave her a high five.

"Hey Jack?" She asked me.

"What's up?" I asked with a bright smile.

"Do you think you can check out this story my friend Alex wrote about you?" She asked and handed me a small piece of paper which had a URL written on it.

"I'll urm.." I mumbled. "I'll definitely check it out." I said, not that sure what to say.

"Thanks!" She beamed and moved along to Rian. I looked at the piece of paper.

'https://www.wattpad.com/user/AlexAllTimeLow'. Strange. I shoved the paper into my jean pocket and continued with the fans.



This is sooooo good

SophieGaskarth SophieGaskarth

Damn I have this story on my Wattpad and when I saw my Alerts I thought there was a new chapter, and it was weird I didn't get any notifications from Wattpad but turns out I already read this and sorry for rambling but love this!!! Somebody's getting laid

EarthToSofie EarthToSofie

Omg, I really miss seeing them live :')
Anyway, fuck yeah Alex got a fan and he's gonna get laaaiiid *happy dance*


Alex_thelion99 Alex_thelion99

the last chapter hit me right in the feels. :'( but the story is awsome

jalex_is_bae jalex_is_bae