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A Daydream Away

Chapter 10

"Hey Hannah. How's the little bundle?"Alex asked over the phone. I smiled into the phone and looked down and the little baby in the crib. "She just went to sleep."I replied. "That's good. Well I'm sorry I wasn't there for it. It was pretty early for her to be born. Anyway, I'm on my way home right now just got out of the airport."He said into the phone. "I can't wait to see you."I said with my eyes starting to water. "I'll see you soon. Love you."He said and hung up. I smiled and closed the door to Noel's room.

We didn't live far from the airport since when we got married All Time Low was and still is around. So right when I fixed me something to eat Alex was pulling into the driveway. He came through the door and I ran into his arms. "I missed you so much!"I said crying into his chest. "I'm so sorry I had to go on that stupid tour over seas. I missed Noel."He said into my shoulder. Right when he said her name she started crying. We both walked to her room and opened the door. He walked over and broke down. "She's beautiful."He said as he held her close. She looked up at him and stopped crying.

I looked at them and smiled and wiped my tears away from my face. I then heard the doorbell ring downstairs. I left Noel and Alex to their being and ran downstairs to the door and saw Jack and Buffy with their one year old son. "Hey! How is she?"Buffy asked since she was there for her birth. "She's okay she's with Alex right now."I replied. "Yeah sorry he was with us again. Wasn't she supposed to be born like tomorrow or something?"Jack asked. "Yeah."I replied. Alex then walked down the stairs and walked over to us. "She gets cuter every single day."Buffy said walking over to her. Noel was looking around in Alex's arms who was still stunned he had a little girl in his arms and it was his.

"You have an amazing figure considering you just had a baby."Buffy said. "It's called running around the house when you have a newborn."I said smiling. "I should have tried that."Buffy replied. "You look fine."Jack said hugging her. There little boy was running around touching everything. "Andrew don't touch that it's not yours!"Buffy said running over to him. He was touching Noel's things around the house thinking they were his. "This is my first time seeing her. Hannah wouldn't send pictures of her."Alex said looking at me. "I wanted you to see her in person before you saw her in a picture."I replied smiling at him. "See if you saw her in a picture you wouldn't have been surprised about how cute she is."I said looking at her. Alex kissed me close with her in his arms and smiled into the kiss.

We all ate dinner at the house and had a good time that night with our families. Hopefully we have this for the rest of our lives.


Thank you so much :D
foreverdead foreverdead
I like this so far, can't wait to read more
@Count Me Out
Thank you so much :D
foreverdead foreverdead
Loving it so far!
Count Me Out Count Me Out