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Barakat, Jack Barakat

Chapter 15

Amy had been out for a few hours. The two guys were getting annoyed now. She wasn’t supposed to be out for this long. They would be in the shit if she didn’t wake up soon. One of the guys came up with an idea. Taking the end of his gun, he swung at Amy’s head. She began to stir as the pain was so bad. She let out a loud groan, opening her eyes being greeted by the two men who had taken her.
“Where am I?” she asked. She went to raise her hands only to find that they had been tied behind her back. Her feet also bound together. She was sitting in an empty room. It was dark, no windows, no lights. She was afraid.
“Like we’d tell you” one of the guys laughed.
“Just wait until she gets here, that’s when the fun begins” the other guy smirked. Both guys exited the room, locking the door behind them. Where the hell was she? And who the hell is she?
Amy felt like she had been sitting in this room for hours. There was nothing she could do. She would sleep, but she was too afraid. She heard the jangling of keys and the door being unlocked. In walked the two people she didn’t want to see, they were wheeling in a trolley. From down the hallway, Amy could hear the clacking of heels on the ground. Oh no.
“I hope you’re ready for this” the guys laughed, walking out. In she walked.
“Hello again” Holly gave her an evil grin.
“W-what is all this?” Amy asked, looking at her.
“You see…” she started, picking up what seemed to be a bottle of vodka.
“Jack and I were the perfect couple. We will be again, there’s just one thing in our way from being together” she opened the bottle, taking a sip.
“You” she stated, glaring at Amy.
“Y-you can’t drink that. You’re p-pregnant!” Amy said nervously.
“Ha! Do you really think that I’m pregnant? Hell no. I just said that to try and get Jack back. I also added Alex into the mix to stir things up a bit. I know that Alex would try and get in the way of us getting back together. He never did like me” she laughed.
“You’re sick!” Amy shouted, Holly walked over to her, smacking her across the face.
“No darling, I’m just in love. Now open wide” Holly said, forcing Amy’s mouth open and holding her nose, emptying the contents of the bottle into her mouth, forcing her to swallow at least half of the litre bottle. Amy felt like she was going to throw up. Holly smacked her again, this time splitting her lip, the blood now trickling down her chin.
“You do know that Jack has probably never loved you? You do know about his past, right?” Amy stayed silent.
“Answer me” another hit.
“N-no” Amy said shakily.
“Jack has never been one for commitment. Jack doesn’t do relationships. If Jack is in a relationship, it’s to boost his image. The press love that shit. But Jack, he prefers one night stands. Jack will go to a club every night and pick up girl after girl to sleep with. He doesn’t care about them, as long as they’re gone by the morning, he doesn’t care. That’s his life. Hell, even if I was pregnant with his child, he wouldn’t give a shit. He’d probably send me a cheque in the post every month because he would have to pay child support… But I still love him, and I know he still loves me. We were the ultimate power couple. You were only there for him to pass the time until I came back for him. I can’t wait until you’re out of the way. But until then, enjoy tonight” she said with an evil grin.
“Okay now Tony, you can have your way with her” She shouted before walking out. In walked who she assumed was Tony, glaring at her with lust filled eyes.
“Oh darling, you are going to remember tonight for the rest of your life” he smirked, unbuckling his belt and walking over to her as she sat crying. There was nothing she could do.
“There’s no way she was just at work” Alex said, looking over at Jack.
“I know that, but I was hoping she’d gone out to pick up some food afterwards”
“Dude, it’s 1am! She’d be back by now. Something isn’t right” Alex said, worried.
Jack had been panicking all day. He was trying his best not to show any signs of weakness, but he had been sat there pale all evening, Alex knew how he was feeling.
“Maybe she’s gone to a friend’s house. She could be back in the morning, if not, we call the cops” Alex said.
“You really need sleep, man. You look like you’ve stared death in the face. I’ll go and sleep on the couch, you can stay in her bed. Just don’t stay up all night panicking, I’m sure she’s fine” Alex left Jack in the room by himself. As soon as Alex had shut the door, Jack collapsed into Amy’s pillow, sobbing. It smelled like strawberries, the shampoo she always used. He couldn’t help but panic. His mind was thinking of the worse possible scenarios, which wasn’t doing him any good. He knew he needed sleep, but how could he when the girl he loved was missing?



Oh hey

Daydreamers Daydreamers

I'll try ;)

@Northern Downpour
You better fix it in the sequel!

I apologise omg, but I couldn't just end it on a cute, fluffy note :D honestly though, it killed me writing it. My heart actually hurt.

I knew it, he was going to propose! But I did not in any way expect Holly to do that! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT! I will stay calm, I shall not get mad. WHYYYYYYY!!!!!