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Sing Me To Sleep

Albums, Memories and Confidence [Part One]

As I scanned the endless rows of albums, my fingers gently tapped along the old battered wood.

Floating down the isle towards the rock/metal section, I scanned my brain for albums I don't own. Rian was over by the instruments, Ii think, searching for new drum sticks. He'd been talking to Alex and Jack lately, who were desperately trying to get him to join their unnamed and uncompleted band. Rian simply replied that he need his grades to be perfect before anything else.
I gently smiled to myself at the thought of Rian. He made me so happy; obviously more than Kyle did. With his pearly white smile, cute dimples, adorable humor, wonderful personality. I gave the dude my virginity. What a night!


''Ry, don't do this for me. Do it because you want to'' I say, gently.

Rian sits beneath me; us both topless and shoeless on his bed. His strong arms are wrapped around my waist, mine gently around his neck. Clothes scattered up the stairs, along the hallway and around the room. The curtains are drawn, and his orange lava lamp sets a romantic mood. It couldn't be more perfect.

''Pierce,'' Rian replies, ''...I love you. And if you love me too-''

''Of course I love you, Ry. You mean everything to me. You've done so much for me in such a short space of time. You've cared for me, soothed me and cared about me so much, I couldn't ask for more. But I'll say this, if we do this...it's for love, right?''

''For love'' Rian smiles and leans up to kiss me.

I kiss back, softly, our lips moulding together like a perfect jigsaw puzzle. His hold around my waist tightens, asking the question. The motion of me kissing him harder replies 'yes'.

Rian shuffled down his bed slightly and lays down; me straddling him and arms either side of his head. A quiet moan comes from his mouth and into mine as our tongues collide. Exploring new territories, Ry pulls me closer to him.

''I love you, Pierce'' he mumbles against my lips.

''I love you too, Rian'' I reply.

I lean to the right gently, ending up on my back and with Rian beside me. Our kiss not once breaking. I clutch the back of his neck and push our lips together even more.

Suddenly, I feel Rian hand move extremely slowly down my waist and on my hip. So slow and so careful. His thumb brushes over one of my scars, with a feather-like touch. In a swift, slow motion, he takes hold of my wrist and disconnects our lips.
He holds my wrist before his mouth and looks into my eyes.

Deep pools of green, that's what they are.

Taking my wrist to his mouth, he kisses every individual replica of my dark past; my pain, my hurt and my tears. I bit my lip to stop myself crying as he whispers, ''You are perfect''.

I feel a pair of strong arms slide around my waist and the weight of a head on my shoulder. I turn round slightly and it's Rian, with a big toothy grin.

''Hey, beautiful'' he smiles. ''What you daydreaming about?''

I blush and reply ''You''.

''You don't need to daydream, I'm herenow'' he replies and I gently lean forward for a kiss.
It's only quick but it's sweet; full of love and happiness and perfection.

''Now, let's buy you some albums'' Rian smiles as we pull away. I shake my head, suddenly.
''No, I'll buy them myself'' I reply.

He frowns suddenly. ''No, its my treat''

''Why do I get a treat?'' I ask, leaning my head sideways.

''Because I love you'' he winks and heads off down the isle.


My converse padding along the polish floor, I make my way to my locker; hand in hand with Rian.

He squeezes my hand in assurance, and smiles down at me. I catch a glance at Rebecca Prep, the school whore and head cheerleader.
She's dressed in her cheer uniform; mini skirt and tight top complete with Toms. Flicking her chocolate brown locks over her shoulder, she glances at me.

Normally, I put my head down and look away but with Rian's hand in mine, I feel...confident?
She rolls her eyes at me and looks away, disgusted. But honestly, do I care?

''Rian! Pierce!'' I hear a carmel-haired boy shout from his locker. Grinning at Rian, we make our way over to Alex and Jack.
Alex is dressed in a sky blue V-neck and dark brown skinnies and battered converse. Jack's skunky hair is all over the place as usual, and he's wearing his usual flannel shirt, grey jacket and skinnies. Converse, of course.

''Holy shit!'' Jack exclaims, making my cheeks flush red; Rian's too. ''You guys finally together?'' he asks, pointing to our entwined hands. We both nod, gingerly and giggle. Alex breaks out into a huge grin and lunged two arms round us.

''Hallelujah!'' he shouts, Jack wrapping his arms round us aswell. After breaking our embrace, we all make our way to Music.


''Right, kids!'' Mr Wilson shouts. ''Today, you need to start finalising your songs and adding some kind of instrument to them as we are performing them next lesson!''. He claps his hands and we all head to our groups.

Me and Ry sit with Alex and Jack again. His hand automatically links with mine again when we meet, causing Jack to grin and Alex to fangirl. We take our seats and get out our notebooks.

'So, guys, what's your song called?'' I ask Alex and Jack.

They both grin at each other and burst out laughing.

''Get Down On Your Knees And Tell Me You Love Me'' they laugh. My eyes widen in shock and Rian burst out into tears.

''I don't wanna know what it's about!'' I laugh.

Sitting with the best boyfriend in the world and our two crazy friends, laughing our asses off in Music.

Life can't get any better.


this chapter is so long over due it's crazy!
im sorry if any of you have lost interest and ive tried to make this chapter as long as possible.


by the way, this story is nearly finished ;_;



broken4649 broken4649
Why? :)
Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten
Thank youu
I love this story!
Maddiekilljoy Maddiekilljoy