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Be Careful What You Wish For

A Circle is Cast

Standing in the circle made from flowers is a seventeen year old girl named Selene Stone. Her hair is brown with blonde streaks, and her eyes are hazel. Selene’s face is on the round side, and she is pretty if you don’t count that one thing that’s wrong with her. This girl has CSP, chronic skin picking, and she sometimes goes back to her trichotillomania ways. She only pulls her eyelashes out when they itch and set her off, and she only pulls her hair when she’s having a “mental breakdown” as she calls it. She’ll pluck her eyebrows when she’s not scratching her face. That’s why she’s missing some eyelashes right now on the ends of her eyes and why she has scars and scabs on her face. She can’t help it.
Selene starts to chant under her breath. She had found a wishing spell in the grimoire that she found on her walk to the park. She was not expecting to find anything like this ever in her life. It was sitting by the stream that has a small bridge. She always crosses this bridge to get to the park, and when she saw it, she knew that it was meant to be her’s. Selene is not a lucky person.
The brunette girl is using a wishing spell because she knows that she can never have what she wants. Selene is a big fan of All Time Low, especially Jack Barakat. The lanky guitarist is the reason why she acts herself in public. The band is also one of the reasons why she keeps fighting on no matter what. It’s obvious what Selene is wishing for considering she’s a Jack Barakat fangirl. She has never even met the man, but she knows that she wants him, but why would he want someone with the face that she has? Why would anyone?
After the spell is complete, Selene closes the circle and puts all of her things away. She sits on her queen sized bed with purple sheets and opens up her black laptop. On her screen is a slideshow of the skunk-haired man. The brunette girl smiles at the thought of this actually working. However, she knows that this probably won’t work. She’s not an experienced witch, and it’s not like you’re suppose to cast love spells. They usually backfire which is why she chose to do a wishing spell instead.
Selene opens up her Twitter and starts to scan through all the tweets that her favorite band members had put up. After half an hour of laughing and gaining knowledge, some she didn’t need to know, Selene is about to log out. When it says that there was a new tweet, she decides to look at it instead of saving it for later. The girl clicks the button and sees that it’s from Jack Barakat.
“Took a nap and met a cool girl in my dream. itd be cool if she was real”
This made the girl’s eyebrow rise. Normally he tweets random things, but this one isn’t funny or stupid. Her mind starts to travel back to the spell that she cast. There is no way that he was dreaming about her, right? There’s no way.
The seventeen year old looks at the clock on her computer. It wasn’t that late, so she decides to make a new cover. Selene goes to the corner of her room and picks up her blue bass with neon strings named Shane. Zack, her red one with a white safeguard, is in the wrong tuning. Her legs take her to her corning that had a microphone to record with. The girl had saved up a lot of money to be able to buy it. Unlike her instruments, the microphone wasn’t a gift. Selene turns it on and sets her equipment up so that her bass can be recorded too.
With that done, she starts the music to the song “Six Feet Under the Stars”. The song is easy on bass, and she finds herself not missing a note. Her voice is just as perfect as her fingers. Selene finds no trouble in singing the song. Of course, there aren’t all that many she has real trouble with. Sleeping with Sirens is the only one that she has a hard time singing any of their songs. Her voice is nowhere near as high as Kellin’s.
When the song ends, she turns everything off and puts the recording onto her computer. She goes onto the internet and uploads it. Of course she had to turn the recording into a video. The video is just a black screen. With her face the way it is, she doesn’t want any more people to make fun of her. Truthfully, her face could be worse. It’s nothing compared to some others, but that doesn’t stop the people at school from making fun of her. The fact that they make fun of her is why she uses a different name on her account. This name is Moon Rock. If any of the people at her school is into her kind of music and smart, they would have already figured out who she is. Selene means moon, and Rock is similar to Stone.
It doesn't take for there to be a few comments. She has been getting more popular. The first comment is kind and compliments her singing. The next one is rude and mentions that she never shows herself probably because she’s ugly and should go die. The more people that watch her, the more she gets comments like this, but she tries not to let her get her down. Although it can be hard, she looks at the good comments to make her feel better.
After looking at all the comments on her videos, she closes her laptop and turns the light off. Her head hits the pillow, and she falls asleep. What she doesn’t know is what she’s doing in her sleep. Selene doesn’t dream because she never goes into REM sleep. That’s also why she’s always tired. Her mind is doing something this night though. She won’t remember it, but her mind is connecting with Jack’s mind.
How much?
Well, let’s just say that that spell she cast is about to change their life’s forever.


This is one of the stories that I'm starting for the summer. I'm still going to update my others, but I wanted to write more stories. They will all be weekly, and I'm going to try to make on different days. I'm also making this story PG-13 for now. If I add anything that could change that, I'll change the rating. The chapters might get longer as it goes along. This is just chapter one. I will have the next chapter be what is happening to Jack. That's why I didn't make this any longer, since I didn't want to change from one character to another in the same chapter.


That's actually my goal when I come up with a story. If the story isn't unique, the characters have to be. The deaf one is getting a semi rewrite. I've changed the story completely and the character a little bit for a different band. (Actually I'm stuck on chapter two right now. LOL) I hate it when stories are all the same. That's why I have something different in each one.
I'm really excited to get back into it. One of the things that I did when I was coming up with the story was I fused it with another idea. I may have trouble writing after fifteen, but I don't plan on stopping because I know what the sequel will be like. It won't be as unique, but I haven't actually read one like it.
And I'm happy you like it so much!! :) :) :)

QueenDes QueenDes


its very original and thats why i love it! I havent read any stories like yours! You have a deaf character, a character who skin picks! Like, those relatable characters are super hard to come by! So I'm super duper happy you're going to be getting back into this one!!!

Kisaurousrex Kisaurousrex

This is so weird. This story has never even come close to my others in subscribers on Mibba, but I was actually planning on working on it again. I started some new stories from a different bandom, and it made me want to write again. I was getting a little bored of writing the same thing. I have to update three other stories before I get to this one, but I actually am going to start writing it again.
And I'm also really happy that you like it! I was always surprised from the lack of readers on Mibba. For once, I'm pretty sure that I have more readers on here. I know for a fact that I have more views.
Anyway, keep your eye open for the next chapter.

QueenDes QueenDes

I like this, its something new and original!
Please update!

Kisaurousrex Kisaurousrex
Thanks! :) Luckily, I already have everything planned out up to chapter 15, so this one won't be updated late or anything. I'm happy that you like it though!
QueenDes QueenDes