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Jack Barakat Imagines

Photographer on Tour

Your POV

Tour can be stressful, especially when you’re a girl photographer for a band called All Time Low. They’re always prancing around with some form of clothing off. Zack never wears a shirt, Rian gets reckless sometimes and goes without a shirt, even occasionally wears weird khaki shorts. Alex and Jack are always dancing around in their underwear. It can get pretty weird.

I’ve learned to live with it, but what’s funny is that they think I’m weird for not wanting to take my clothes off all the time. I mean, yeah it gets hot, but I don’t usually love prancing around in my underwear. In front of people. It’s perfectly fine when I’m home alone.

Whenever I wear anything remotely revealing, I can feel Jack’s eyes burning into my skin. I say that aggressively, but he does it pretty secretively. When I do catch him doing it, his eyes immediately turn away and his face goes red. Which is pretty weird considering we’re like best friends.

Okay, not all that weird. Jack is pretty attractive. Scratch that, Jack is really attractive. But this is a professional job and I must remain on my best behavior. Not the best, but you know what I mean. I can have fun, but not too much fun.

Which would be fine, if I could stop myself from taking so many pictures of him. When I look over my photos about 50% is Jack and the other half is the rest of them. Which isn’t good and unfair to the rest of the band.

I shove my feelings for Jack under the rug, and I continue with my work. That’s how it should be, and that’s what I’m doing. Until Jack wanders in with his cute little puppy face, I should be fine. But I can’t help it, it’s how I feel.

So while everyone else is out, I’m on the bus, editing my pics. I don’t want to see Jack drunk dancing against some chick, and I don’t want to say anything that will cost me my job. So I usually don’t go out with them when everyone goes out. I don’t even know where they go, but I always choose to stay behind. It’s already hard enough basically living with the guy.

I sit in my bunk fiddling with the pictures I took from tonight’s show. Some awesome shots of Zack jumping in mid air, sweat flying off of Rian’s body, Alex’s vein popping out of his neck while he screams Therapy, and Jack’s shenanigans. Everything that makes an All Time Low show an All Time Low show. Captured.

I sigh as I edit another one of Jack. What a cute little puppy. I swear if they put him up for adoption in a dog pound, he’d be the first one chosen. I bite my bottom lip, continuing to look at the pictures I took.

I hear a voice struggle to be heard in the bus. Like either someone was being held captive or someone was going through some emotional shit. I choose to ignore it as I continue to mess with my pictures on my laptop. I hear it again, and this time I get up to investigate. I climb off my bunk and peer over past the curtain looking for any sign of life.

I see a light on in Jack’s bunk. That can’t be right, I swear I saw him leave with everyone else. I continue to walk lightly on the bus floor, scared of startling him, or whoever is in his bunk.

“I’ll never find anyone,” his voice says, and I know instantly it is. Why is he worried about finding someone? “I’ll never find a girl like her.”

I take a deep breath before I decide to say something. “Never find a girl like who, Jack?”

He jumps, hitting his head on the top of the bunk. I instantly feel bad and rush to sit next to him. His is on the bottom, so I sit next to him on the floor. “Y/N?” he breathes in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same question. I thought you left with the rest of them.”

“No, I didn’t feel like going out tonight.” His voice is low and maudlin, almost like he’s sad. But he’s never sad, he’s Jack. I have never seen Jack sad in the entire time I’ve been working for them.

“I didn’t either,” I say, matching his tone.

Jack cracks a smile and pokes me in the shoulder. “You liar, you never feel like going out ever.”

“I have my reasons.” I flip my hair over my back so it doesn’t fall in my face.

“Oh yeah? And what are they?”

“I’d rather not tell you that.” My face goes red as I fiddle with my feet. He doesn’t need to know anything about how I feel about him. I remember back to what he said when I saw him earlier. “So who were you talking about?”


“When I saw you in your bunk, you said you’d never find a girl like her. Who’s her.”

Jack immediately locks his phone when he hears my question. “No one, nothing. It’s nothing.”

“Sure doesn’t sound like nothing,” I tease.

“You don’t need to know.” He nervously puts his phone next to him, but close to me. I’m so tempted to grab it.

“You wanna know what I think?” I ask him, my lips close to his face.


“That it’s in your phone!” I shout and I grab his phone and make a getaway.

“Y/N! You give that fucking phone back right now!” I hear him get up and run after me, so I go in the bathroom and lock the door. “Joke’s on you anyway, there’s a passcode.” He sighs. I hear him lean against the door, along with his heavy breathing.

“We’ll see about that.” I take the phone out of my pocket and first I try LOVE but that doesn’t work. Then I try HATE but that doesn’t work either. I already tried the basic ones like 1234 and 2580. But this is Jack we’re talking about. I probably have one more guess until it disables so I try DICK and it unlocks. “Ha! I figured it out!”

“What? What the fuck! How!”

“I’m smart, Jack, that’s how.” I smile as I creep through his phone, wondering what in the hell he was doing. I open his twitter and check to see what he posted, just a picture of himself that I took, nothing important. Then I look through his notes, but I start to feel bad, like I’m invading his privacy, so I lock it and come out of the bathroom.

“Here,” I sigh.

“Find what you were looking for?” He asks, as he gratefully takes his phone back.

“No, I just went through Twitter and some of your notes before I started to get guilty. Nothing out of the ordinary, Mr. Barakat, you’re free to go.”

“Wait, you went on Twitter, and you didn’t see anything?” He looked at me with wide eyes. It was no secret that I didn’t have a Twitter, I don’t know what the big deal is.

“No, nothing that caught my eye.” He leans on his door and exhales.

“Good.” I watch him walk into the TV place, but not before he grabs some fruity pebbles. I sigh and look down at my feet. I follow him into the room, grabbing my phone as I go.

“So,” I make conversation as I sit next to him, watching whatever he put on. “Who’s this girl.”

“She’s new,” he tells me with a mouth full of cereal. “Beautiful.” He swallows. “Way out of my league.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, for starters, we started out as friends. I don’t know how to make the transition.”

“How good of friends are you? Like on a scale of 1-10?”

He laughs for a minute before thinking. “I would say around a nine? Maybe a 9.5.”

“Ah, you’re very generous.” He chuckles, making his eyes crinkle up at the sides and making me want to kiss his face. Wait, Y/N, calm yourself. This is Jack. We’re friends. We’re good friends. Wait a minute.. “So how good of friends are we? Same scale applies.”

“I don’t know,” he mumbles looking away.

“No, you were so quick to put a rating on your friendship with this girl, but not me? Come on, tell me, I wanna know.”

“I don’t know. A nine? Maybe a 9.5?”

I knew it. “Jack?” I ask him, and his attention is back on his fruity cereal. “Is this girl me?”

He spits out what he had in his mouth making me laugh and bite my lip out of anticipation. “W-what makes you say th-that?” he stutters, looking at anywhere but me.

I shrugged. “Just a hunch I guess.”


“And I was right.”

“Oh.” He glances down at his feet. “I never thought this would come out like this,” he whispers, mostly to himself.

“Me neither.”

“You should know that I don’t usually do this, like I don’t usually fall for people this close to me.”

“Me neither.”

“And I-” He stops and draws his gaze to me. “Wait, what?”

My face goes red and I look away. I bite my fingernails out of nervousness before I glance back up to his awestruck face.

“Are you meaning to say that you-”

“Uh-huh,” I interrupt him.

“And that you-”


“Huh. So where does that leave us now?”

“Secret lovers?”

He laughs at my suggestion. He sets down his cereal before grabbing my hands. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I nod. “Okay,” he whispers. His face comes close to mine, like he’s going to kiss me. My heartbeat starts to get faster and faster. Oh god, is this really going to happen? Holy shit, I don’t know if I’m ready for this.

Before our lips touch, the bus door swings open and our friends stumble in. Jack immediately flies far away from me to the other end of the couch.

“Hey guys!” Alex slurs. “What’s up!”

“Nothing, we weren’t doing anything, uh, nah, nothing at all. We weren’t doing anything.” Jack stumbles on his words as I giggle.

“Uh huh,” Rian mumbles. “Alright who’s up for some more party?!”

Jack looks at me for approval. I give him an agreeing head shrug. If we’re basically seeing each other now, I guess I don’t have to hold back as much anymore, right? I smile and join in on the fun.


AN I’m including the screencap of the tweet that Jack didn’t want you to see. Fake tweets now?! Abbie, who are you? I’m just a writer, friends. I love you, though. Your patience has been overwhelmingly kind, and I love you guys for all your support. Enjoy the imagine xx



Jxck-Bxrxkxt Jxck-Bxrxkxt

"Secrets don't make friends" ???
It's like you predicted the new ATL song

I loved this so much!!! And thanks for telling your followers to check me out. You're too kind! Haha. Seriously though, I absolutely adored this! Thank you so much!!! :D

Your imagine is up! Sorry it took so long, I accidentally forgot about it for a little bit, but it's up! Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you like it :)

Jxck-Bxrxkxt Jxck-Bxrxkxt

Well thank you for agreeing to do it! :)