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Starting A New

You're Dead.

The boys made it to Asking Alexandria's tour bus.

Jack and Andy were the first one's to the bus.

Jack because, well...he was going to kill Ben...

Andy...because Ben was a good friend of his, but now that he found out that he was the one that hurt Jenna.

Andy was going to help murder him as well.

Jack and Andy banged on the door together as hard as they could.

The rest of the group came up to them before the door was opened.

The door opened and the boys saw James.

"Hey guys! You come to party with us?!" James asked excited.

"Is Ben on the bus?" Andy asked fuming.

"Yeah, why?" James asked looking at the group confused.

Jack pushed James out of his way and got on the bus, the others followed.

When all the group was on the bus they entered the back lounge, where they guessed Ben was.

When they got there, Ben's eyes lit up.

"Hey guys! It's awesome to see you!" Ben said moving away from the girl that he was all over.

"What can I help you with?" Ben asked smiling.

"I'm going to fucking murder you!" Austin yelled as he pushed past the group and lunged at Ben.

Austin hit Ben dead in his jaw and knocked him on the ground.

The girl in the room screamed at Austin to stop.

Rian went over to the girl and grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room, then went back to the back lounge.

Austin got off of Ben and kicked him in his ribs.

Austin left Ben on the ground huddled up.

Jack was next to lung at him, worse then anything Austin done.

"Hey! What the fuck are you guys doing!" Sam yelled as he tried to push past the group to help Ben.

"I don't fucking think so Sam! Unless you want your ass kicked as well, you better back the fuck off!" Zack shouted to him.

"And may I ask why the fuck you are fucking kicking Ben's ass?!" Sam shouted back.

"He fucking raped Jenna! He is not getting away with it!" Andy yelled in Sam's face.

Sam looked shocked.

He shook his head and made his way back to the front lounge and let the guys do what they needed to do. He was not one to stand up for a rapist.

"If! You! Ever! Come! Near! Her! Again! I! Will! Fucking! Kill! You! My! Damn! Self!" Jack yelled in between pushes.

Jack finally got off of Ben after a few more pushes.

Ben was on the ground with a bloody face.

The boys started to walked off the bus, but Andy went back to the lounge were Ben was laying.

"Hey motherfucker. Come near any of us, and you will fucking be dropped on the spot. Ever come near Jenna again, you are going to wish you were fucking dead." Andy said looking down at Ben, who was still on the ground.

Andy gave Ben a fast kick in the ribs before he left to go after the rest of the group.


No outfit for Jenna this time.....because she wasn't in the chapter....

Short chapter due to the fact I didn't feel like writing..

But...Ben is a "little" fucked up now....

I know Austin would never get so mad....because he is to much of a cute sweet heart...but...it's just a story.

Thanks for reading<3


aw man ;-;

neverland_3 neverland_3

This story is finished already :o
I did have a third installment up, with them and kids, but I took it down last week because I ran out of ideas for it, and it only have like..five chapters.

Jagk Jagk

mooree c:

neverland_3 neverland_3

All in good time my love ^~^

Jagk Jagk

I really want to know what she is going to do with the baby?! I'm too curious to sleep

Forever17 Forever17