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The white streak

Chapter 10

Btw! There's a mention of panic attacks in this, I know it sounds small, but if this IS a trigger to anyone, I'm letting you know now, please don't read it if it'll end up in risking you welfare in any possible way!! If you message me I'll be more than happy to explain what happens, I'm just letting you guys know, I don't mind one bit. Enjoy :)

I was probably over reacting, I mean I was literally sprinting to the guys room to probably knock on his door to find him sat on his bed watching some shitty day time television, whilst trying to stuff a pot noodle down his throat with tissues all over his floor or something.
I dunno why I suddenly cared so much, it had just been a little crush like a small school girl when they see a cute guy and stare at them with those stupid googlly eyes and pair there names together written in a heart with an arrow through it, in every school book you own. I didn't but the feeling on the inside was similar.
I kinda felt like his mum, like, Jack you haven't called for three days we thought you were dead, I suppose it's cause he had a small fit and then vanished. It was hectic, the amount of feelings and thoughts I had racing around my mind was overwhelming, crazy to think I cared about someone I didn't know.
I was nearly there, I was stood on the west side outside block D now all I had to do was find the fucking room number... oh excellent. 4309, I tried to act as natural as possible and nonchalantly looking at the numbers on the doors quickly till I got to 4305 and I knew I was close.
As i began to walk slower my heart started racing and i got mad butterflies in my stomach it was insane how much this was effecting me, but I wasn't sure if it was good or not, I suppose only time shall tell.
I got to the door, and to my surprise it was open, i knocked but there was nobody their, Jack, there was no reply, I was worried, I pushed the door open with a little too much force and walked slowly in.
"Jack, Jack why's the door open, where are you?" I said, I tried to stay cool, but i could feel my voice going a little croaky and sounding desperate.
No reply, the hell, where was he, asleep maybe, the door had a pretty loud bang surely that'd be enough to wake anyone up. I could feel my heart in my throat, Then I saw him
Laid on his bed, he looked dead, his eyes were half shut, mouth open slightly, arms were hanging lazily off the bed, skin was pale, clothes were crumpled and hair matted, it looked like a vampire had drained him of life, I'd never seen someone like this before, especially not someone who mattered to me. I couldn't believe it; i was almost in tears instantly from the sheer shock.
I ran over to him grabbed his shoulders quite violently, I was panicking I didn't know what to say or do, then as I was grabbing him he lolled his head forward and went limp like he had passed out, and that’s when i saw all the matted blood from his head that was stained in his murky white patch in his hair, and the clear liquid coming from his ears
"Jack! What the fuck! What's happened to you? Are you okay! Jack speak to me! Say something!" I was again trying not to choke up whilst i tried to shake him to consciousness.
What was I on about of course he wasn't fucking alright, look at him, he looked like a ghost, his lips blended into the rest of his face, He had blood shot eyes with the darkest bags under then his hands were blue but he felt too hot. He had a shit load of blood on the back of his head and liquid coming out his ears and now his nose.
I carried on shaking him but sadly it didn't work, he was completely comatose.
I tried to lightly lay him down so not to hurt him, his entire body was lifeless, i put my hand on his forehead and he was scorching hot, I needed to make sure he wasn't dead I had a few seconds of mind blank where i thought 'fuck how do i check if he's alive' then i realized that you can open their mouth pinch their nose and see if you can feel them breathing on your cheek, to my relief he was, but very shallow slow breaths, not normal, almost like he was struggling.
“Oh no! you’re not dying on my today Jack Barakat! Not today" I said running my thumb across his forehead and holding his hand, trying to smile through the tears, i laid down his frozen fingers on the bed, and grabbed my phone (no i hadn't broken it) and dialed 911 as quickly as I could, whilst it was ringing i got up and began to pace the room when i came across the wall near the door, there was a giants hole going down it, like someone had smashed a lamp in it and kept dragging said lamp through the plasterboard, I hope this hasn't got something to do with Jack otherwise this may be more serious then i first thought.
When I was finally off hold a polite lady began to as what it was i needed and how she could help, i proceeded to tell her about me coming to my friends room and finding him in a state and having him collapse in my arms, I described what he looked like now, and how sickly all his features were, I was crying whilst talking but I didn't care at this point, I had a moment when she typed everything out to crouch down and check out the wall to find blood in the sides of the hole, and bits of hair stuck to it.
Oh fuck me!
I almost began to have a panic attack right that second, but managed to calm myself for Jacks sake, I managed to finish of my conversation about where the location and dorm number was and she said someone would be here as soon as possible and to make sure he is still breathing and to call her if anything else changed, just as I hung up that’s when it started, the tingling sensation like I was drowning, I couldn't breath, I went dizzy, I felt like this was all a dream, I knew full well this was the horrible reality but my anxiety made me have the sensation of stepping out of my body and having to re-watch it all again, this was agony, I didn't know what to do, I saw a bottle of water on the side and tried to take small sips and play snake on my phone and put a little music on whilst i kept an eye on myself, jack and the ambulance getting here, I was so worried about everything.
After about 15 minutes of self-distraction, I managed to take control of my breathing and did a check on jack every 3 minutes just to be on the safe side.
As I could hear the sound of sirens coming from the distance, I just couldn't bring myself to leave jack to come bring them to the room, I’m sure they’ll find it, I took his one hand into the two of mine and tried to warm them up, rubbing his palm like a child.
"It's going to alright Jack, your going to be alright, were going to get you help, I'm here for you, I'm not letting you leave us just yet" I softly whispered whilst resting my nose at the side of his, with my head lightly placed on his.
As I heard a team of paramedics coming up the hall, I kissed his nose and let one tear shed onto his ice cold skin before letting him go and running to let them know where I was.
One of the team was asking me about how I found him and I just told him the same story I told Perry at the office, I refused to be caught out, even know.
The rest of them were rushing to jack and getting some air into him and putting I’m onto a stretcher to take to the hospital.
The guy asked if I could go with him and I insisted that I would, I didn’t want him to be alone and it was fine about my classes ,I’d miss them, I didn’t mind much at all, I’d stay with him for as long as I needed.
As I was sat in the back watching Jack fight to stay alive I was trying to hold back even more tears, but the woman next to me told me it was fine to cry, as Jack must have been through a lot, I tried to hug his inanimate body, I managed to almost silently whisper in his ear
“I’m here for you Jack, you don’t ever have to be alone again”


Okaii, this chapter is pretty long compared to my other ones, but I hope you guys like it, cause I sure enjoyed writing it, even if isn't the happiest thing in the world :) TTFN



I might just sort of start trying to write better and clear a few things up in the notes if i need to, and thank your for letting me know, i was starting to doubt this so much :D xx

Alex_thelion99 Alex_thelion99

Please don't stop writing. If you wanna start it over it's okay, but just know that I like this story and I'm curious to see what happens next :)

Yay :D

Alex_thelion99 Alex_thelion99


Is dis a good scream?

Alex_thelion99 Alex_thelion99