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Who likes simple


*August 7, 2013*
“Hey.” Alex snaps his hand in my face, I must have zoned out. “We’re at the complex, grab your things, Ian has your guitars already.” I nod and stand up stumbling back to the bunk that has my suitcase. I pull my backpack onto my back and grab my bags rolling the suitcase to the front, the weight of what’s going on coming into full realization.
I’ve left home. I’m free from my mom and her weekends at the bar, I’m free from the bullies at my school and free from people judging me for my music and looks. Its like a whole weight has been lifted off my chest. But it also brings a new stress.
This is the beginning of my life as a free woman, a real free woman. I’m now able to do what I want, I don’t have to talk to my mom for permission to do anything. I smile to myself and pull myself off the bus quickly. Jack and Alex are already outside the bus piling up a luggage cart with their bags, I set my bag down next to it and grin at Jack.
“Come on! Lets go you guys!” I laugh a little wildly, Jack raises an eyebrow at me but laughs.
“Let me show you the way.” Jack starts in ahead of me, Alex follows us and starts pushing the cart into the front area, I follow them trying to keep my head on my shoulders as we walk to the elevator, Alex presses one of the buttons and I look down at my phone… shit. Eight new messages

MOTHER: hanma wer ar yu

MOTHER: Im guna groud yo

MOTHER: Get your ass homa
KELLEN: Hey, what’s up? So you’ve left already? Just wondering how you are (:

MOTHER: Get the fuck hom

MOTHER: Hanna Joy Jackson.

KELLEN: Just text me when you can

MOTHER: I will not tolerate this behavior.

Its amusing to see how she sobers up. Usually after a few nice vomits and a coffee she can get lucid enough to text. She also called me five times. I ignore Kellen’s texts and reply to my mother

ME: I’m at a summer camp? Remember? A few weeks ago you said I could go with my friend Jackie. It’s a month long, I saved up for it.

I lean back against the wall in the elevator, Jack looks at me and his smile starts to fade as he sees mine is gone. I’ve gotten used to lying to my mom. If you say she was drunk and you can’t undo it, she really has no choice but to be okay with anything about it.


Hey sorry for the short chapter, I've just started working on a new story with iwannabereckless you guys HAVE to check it out <3 i'm really excited for this project. I'm so thankful for you guys. This story, starting with There Were Simpler Days has been my first fan fic ever. I started writing less then a month ago and as of today one of my stories is on the first page in most popular, and thats amazing for me. Thank you so much and check out my new story: http://www.alltimelowfanfiction.com/Story/6866/A-Handful-of-Moments/


Yay :3 I'm so glad somebody likes it :3 I wasn't modivated for a while. And I just got a really good idea for it :P
Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten
Yes .... I fricking love this story, and i miss reading it :D
So i vote yes for a trilogy :D

GemGem_JaseyRae GemGem_JaseyRae
I know :P but it was still kinda funny
So I pretty much just screamed at you. And you laughed. I love you tooo. =.=
TeamNon-Canon TeamNon-Canon
Haha you made me laugh so hard XD