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Backseat Serenade


Gemma Gaskarth is a 22 year old music engineering and management student and baby sister of All Time Low lead singer Alex Gaskarth.

When she thinks she is going to be spending another summer alone, missing her older brother. She's offered the job of her dreams, assistant tour manager for the band. But Alex doesn't approve

Is it because she doesn't want her baby sister to join the band or does he not approve of Matt Flyzik's feelings for her ?


Alex Gaskarth

Alex Gaskarth

All Time Low frontman. Super protective of his sister and won't let anything happen to her. He already lost one sibling, he can't lose another

Gemma Gaskarth

Gemma Gaskarth

22 , Music engineering and management student. Plays guitar and sings, unfortunately this compares her to her older brother. Keen photography, free-spirt, lives in the moment.

Jack Barakat

Jack Barakat

All Time Low's crazy, immature, lead guitarist and Alex's best friend. But know's something Alex doesn't but can he keep his mouth shut

Matt Flyzik

Matt Flyzik

All Time Low's super organized, Disney obsessed tour manager / babysitter . He knows Alex is kill him after he promised he'd keep his feeling to himself about his sister.



aw aw aw I love this. UPDATEEEE.
Jack Barakat Jack Barakat
Oh my gosh the cuteness I just........awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Awwww. :3
Ah it's so beautiful and sweet and I love it! :)
Wow! This is amazing, I absolutely love this chapter
AllTimeSloth AllTimeSloth