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There were Simpler days

3: Not such good friends

He turns and starts to walk away again. I jog after him.
“How is the music I listen to worse then what you listen to?” I talk harshly as I walk next to him, I partially jog being the midget I am.
“All it is whining about how life sucks! Its Fucking shit that shitwads listen to because they fucking hate their lives. I mean fuck suicide silence has suicide in the fucking name. I just wish they’d be fucking silent!” He rants and starts to yell flailing his arms around like an idiot.
“Really now? What do the whine about really? Have you ever listened to them?” I spit
“OH FUCK ME my dad left oh man Fuck Suicide Silence Fuck Peirce The Veil! Fuck All Time Low!” He runs off. I walk back over to Steven, Kellen, Elliot and John. Where they all stand having watched it all. I am very open about my music taste, I’ll walk down the halls shouting lyrics. My female friends say I’m shameless. I think they mostly think that because they’re all Harry potter geeks, and are active in the theatre community. They are the friends I keep at school. Maybe if there’s a party I’m having I’ll invite them but not really. I don’t throw very many partys.
“I hate how the idiots at this school who judge everything by word of mouth. One idiot here says metal music sucks and all of a sudden everyone thinks it sucks. And it really says something about the intelligence of the people in this school when you can just win an argument by saying fuck a bunch of times and automatically you’re right.” I say angrily almost to the point of tears, its one of my qwerks I guess, I cry when I’m pissed. I look at Kellen hoping to calm myself down. Steven shrugs
“You know he kind of has a point” My eyes snap to look at Steven “How.” I watch him angrily
“Jeez Hanna. Its just that’s all your music is. Its older men whining!” I glare at him
“What do they whine about?” I repeat the question I asked Ben, nobody ever knows the answer. Kellen nods
“Steven has a point it’s all…” He starts to make loud noises that I think are supposed to be electric guitars and drums Steven joins him in a feeble attempt at screaming. I frown and feel my eyes water. My eyes lock on John for a second who looks at me with pity but ultimately doesn’t do anything. I look away and pick up my things off the ground; I wipe the wetness off my cheek and start to walk in with the crowds of people. I hide my face and hurry to my advisory. Because they know I cry when I’m angry, but honestly. It hurts more that they don’t respect my emotional state enough to just shut up for a minute. Why is it that they never talk when I need it?


Chapters arent as long as I thought.... Sorry


@Jack Barakat
There is the beginning of sequel.
Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten
Jack Barakat Jack Barakat
Then I like you
Rae.Barakitten Rae.Barakitten
I like it
nakota_ nakota_
pleeeeeeease don't do thisssss please continue. I neeeeed it to survive!!!!
TeamNon-Canon TeamNon-Canon