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Angels Choking On Their Halos


One success. The only success I’d seen in a while; mind you, it was still a success, a positive in this otherwise terminally negative world. The post-apocalyptic haze has forbidden the much needed sun from gracing the land with its life giving presence.

The creatures were the last wave to hit and, by my standards, the most devastating. Everyone I once knew was now but a pile of ash: Mum, dad, friends and enemies alike. My dearest loved one and my most hated foes. Nothing, nothing but cinders that float effortlessly through the musky air.

The road I’ve been walking on for what feels like forever begins to take shape, it becomes something more than an endless corridor of broken memories. To my right a cliff as sheer as freshly cut granite, to my left a dilapidated, tiny town that once was teaming with life. Children playing, adults chatting trivial topics, teenagers’ texting about teen drama, people shopping with money to blow; all hopeless oblivious to what was sat viperously on the horizon.

Horizons may fall, they threatened.

And fall they did. On the day foreseen from years before, a prophecy of fatal ancient power dismissed by society in the mists of ignorance as nothing more than elaborate stage theatrics. We plagued our screens with mocking pictures, a joke to the masses, old voodoo to all.

Would you be surprised to find it was all just fabricated truth? A weave of intricate myths and legends. What would you say if I told you that hell’s angels would rise from their charred, smouldering home? Their hearts unbeating with an unquenchable thirst for breathing souls and the warm syrup of life.

Lucifer himself commanding his army of celestial soldiers worshipping his religion, a faith based on agony and torment, following in his foot falls ascending to the dirt above.

“Let’s set this world ablaze! We have had enough of the oppression, my brothers and sisters refuse to take this onslaught any longer. We will reduce the petty humans to our slaves!” I remember how his battle cry echoed across the land, a message that cried for attention. Heard by the grime covered ears of those of us who were left.

And slaves we did become. Although not the way the demons that now roamed the barren waste land that we once called our home. We became slaves to the escape, to the evasion. We would not be taken prisoner, we refused to be over whelmed and we would be seized. So the remaining ambassadors of the human race, us, were antipodal, we bolted.

We were tracked, hunted like animals; our numbers dwindled as we were dragged, kicking and screaming, towards the slaughter. We were lambs to the abattoir, a dark out-look almost as black as the clouds that loomed over my head, a caliginous sea its arms rolling across the sky encasing all the light that dares make its way to my vision ,it’s a thief of brightness.

If god is real than I pray to him now, a shadow has shifted beyond the ominous darkness, I see a figure lurk the distraught village and I am sure that my life has been ripped from beneath me as it sees me, it stares me right in the souls and it licks its lips as if it can already taste its essence.

Fight or flight? Is it my time to die? Do I even have a chance against this beast?

I have no time to think before I hear a bone chilling chuckle, a fan of icy breath across my war torn shoulder. My breath has left my body, my heart complains, my brain is frozen; I am frozen. Is this where it all ends for me?


Sooo. Welcome to my first Jalex Fanfiction, I hope you all enjoy it, I know I will enjoy writing it. Please leave me comments (even if it's criticism) because I would love to hear what you guys think. Much love xoxo.


Okay i know this is super late and probably being left unfinished but please come back. This is so so so good

AllTimeMay AllTimeMay

this is an amazing story i can t wait to read more which sholdd be soon hoopefully

OMG OMG OMG you updated! YES! I'm in love with this story! I'm obsessed. I would check everyday even though I got a notification when you updated. And now you finally did! Ahhhh thank you so so much! It's fantastic as always c:

Omg this story is amazing it's so well written and has such a brilliant plot :)

I update every site this is posted at the same time sorry.x
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