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There's A Ghost In This Room

Put Me Through Hell And I'll Make You See

Wait.. What?!
I swear I just saw him disappear.
I was chasing the fucker into the woods and he just vanished into mid air!! And I know he wasn’t a hallucination because I fucking felt him when we were fighting.. I swear his skin was on fire though!
And after he disappeared I checked everywhere and didn’t see a sign of him anywhere. Not a footprint in sight.
I don’t know what just fucking happened, but I decided not to keep it to myself.
I quickly made my way to the cafeteria as the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. I needed to catch up with Ashlynn and tell her about this. She acts as if she doesn’t care, but she’s actually still really into Alex.
It makes me fucking sick. That prick left her for that ugly bitch no one even likes. I’M the one who deserves Ash! But she still won’t give me the time of day because she’s so hooked on that dickhead. I fucking hate him.
I ran over once I saw the group walking away from the cafeteria.
“Hey, Ash! Wait up!” I yelled, as I approached her.
“Oh hey, Zack.” She glanced at me nonchalantly, then looked back straight ahead.
“Hey, um.. I got something to tell you!”
“About what?” She asked, still not looking at me.
“About Alex.”
She froze then, also stopping Jenna and Brendon in their tracks, and turned to look at me.
I took a deep breath, then attempted to explain what I had just seen.
“Okay so.. We got in a fight, right? And then all of a sudden his skin just gets really hot.. Like really really hot and his hand burned me! Anyway, he started running and I followed him and I was right behind him like right there! A-and then he just.. disappeared!!” I tried to catch my breath after spitting all of that out at once.
I scanned over their faces, seeing nothing but confusion and crazy looks directed at me.
“Wait wait wait.. So he.. Disappeared?” Ash asked, squinting her eyes in confusion.
“Yes! He literally vanished!” I exclaimed, seeing Jenna and Brendon exchange a look.
“He.. Vanished.” Ash repeated.
“Yes, he vanished!”
“In thin air.”
“Yes, in thin air! I saw it!”
She looked back at them then sighed.
“Zack I thought you said you wouldn’t come to school high anymore..”
Wait, what??
“No! No it was real! I know it sounds crazy, but-“
“It sounds beyond crazy, Zack.” Jenna crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at me.
“Why would you bother to tell me this, Zack? Are you so desperate that you’d have to come up with some lame story about him? What next? He’ll be abducted by aliens?” Ash scoffed at me.
“Desperate?” I frowned, disregarding everything else she said.
She simply crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
“It was a one time thing Zack. Let it go.” And with that, they walked away from me.
I welled up with anger and stormed into the nearest bathroom, pacing around.
She doesn’t even fucking believe me.
She thinks I’m crazy and I’m just trying to make her like me.
She doesn’t like me.
Fucking shit!!
Then, I heard someone clear their throat behind me, making me stop in my tracks and turn around.
But, what I saw freaked me out more than anything.
I was staring into my own two eyes! This guy looked exactly fucking like me!
I quickly jumped back, backing up against the sinks.
“Whoa!! W-who are you?! What the fuck is this?! A-Are you my twin or something?!”
Geez.. Maybe I was high on something..
The guy- or my twin, I guess- let out a little chuckle and shook his head.
“Relax.. I’m not your twin.”
Fuck, he even sounded like me!
“W-what the fuck do you want from me?! I’ve seen enough weird shit today!”
He just chuckled again and shrugged.
“I want what you want.. justice.”
I crossed my arms and frowned in confusion.
“What do you mean by that?”
“It’s unfair, isn’t it? The way she only cares about him? You’re way better than he is. You deserve the attention. Which is why we’ve gotta get rid of him.”
Wait, how does he know about Ashlynn and Alex?
“W-what are you?” I asked, still in a bit of shock.
“A shapeshifter. Whoever I wanna be, I can be.” He smirked.
I usually wouldn’t believe in that, but then again, he looks exactly fucking like me.
“Hm.. I see.. That must really come in handy..” I nodded in thought.
“Uhuh. So what do you say? We’re gonna take out Gaskarth?”
“Whoa wait.. H-how are we gonna do that?”
He smirked and crossed his arms.
“I have a plan.”


It's been way too long since I've updated and I'm sorry.
School has been ruining my life, I'm sorry.

I miss you, leave me comments! <3

Thanks! :)

Title cred: Kick Me- Sleeping With Sirens


This story is soooo good, OMG.
I read it in the time since I left that comment on your other story. If that tells you anything about how much I love it.
I'm bummed to see it's been a while since it's been posted for, though. I really hope you continue this and finish it sometime. Because I would really love to know how everything plays out.
What does the shapeshifter have in store? Are there more of them? Is Ashlynn a shapeshifter? (I kind of hope she is, at least that would give an excuse for her being such a bitchy person, but perhaps not). Will Alex be exposed and have to leave? I really hope that last one isn't true but it's a worry in the back of my mind constantly throughout reading this. :'(
So many questions. So needless to say, I hope my comment inspires you to maybe continue. This story made me very emotional, lol, like when Alex and Bethany were trying to figure out that they loved each other, and then when Alex was with Ashlynn breaking Bethany's heart... it broke MY heart during those chapters, literally, and I'm not sure a story has ever done that to me before... or it's been an awfully long time since it has. I mean, there are stories with the parts that are obvious sob-worthy scenes, but then there's this one where it just came with the heartbreak... maybe that's a normal thing to cry over, idk. But I usually don't, so, in summary, that just made this story all the more amazing.
I really like the plot line, did I mention that? I've read a few other Alex ghost stories but none quite like this. You definitely made it your own.
So I just wanted to leave a comment letting you know I really love what you have of this story, and think you're an amazing writer, once again, like I said with my other comment. I really hope you consider continuing this soon. Want to know how it all ends up playing out, even if it's heartbreaking, answers are answers.
I'll be here if you do continue. :)

Nanook Nanook


I accept your fluff

Daydreamers Daydreamers

@Alex Gascarth
Accept my fluff. (x

JacksWife678 JacksWife678

dfnhbvdcsxa CLIFFY

Taylah8481 Taylah8481

You come back and leave me with a cliffhanger

Daydreamers Daydreamers