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Welcome to my crazy life!

Dreamer pt 2

Zach pov

We've been waiting for 10 min until we a very happy jack and ally.

"Do you think..." Alan began as they walked up hand in hand.

" yes I did" jack said really proudly with a smile

"Finally!" Me Alex Rian and the girls said. You could see ally blush a mile away I'm honestly so happy. Jack bent down and kissed her. We all took pictures. She hid her face when she heard the clicks. We all chuckled and I sent it to jack. This is what she deserves.

Jacks POV

I smiled as she hid. She's mine finally after years of waiting. I posted the picture

"After long last! She's finally mine Alexandra Winter Ashby is my dream girl. She's the only girl I ever wanted! If you guys hate on her I will block you and be really rude. Don't test me with the people I love. My little kitten does not deserve hate. She's a tough cookie but still! And I see any sexual comments towards her I will personally kick your ass. She's the love of my life and nothing and I mean NOTHING will ever ever ever change that! @WinterAlly" I posted that on twitter too. I smiled too. We all started posting it.

" my little sisters happiness means the world to me. And if you guys do anything to bring that down I will like jack said personally kick your ass'. She doesn't deserve hate. She gets enough of that for being mine and Alans little sister. @WinterAlly is an amazing bright young lady and have a bunch of people that will defend her. They are meant to be" Zach and Alan posted *with alters*

"Now listen here you little shits. These two are happy. If all yall talk shit about this and give her hate. I will blow up on you. I do not take kindly to that. She's practically my daughter and I will fuck anyone up if they make her cry! So if I see hate or see her cry from it I will personally take the time and drop kick someone's ass. And I'll get a group of people too. @WinterAlly is the other girl in my life I love dearly and will protect at any cost so will @JackBarakat" fronz posted and I'm slightly terrified of him now.

"My king. Or should I say pumpkin king? <3." Ally posted and I smiled as we all put our phones away.

" jack let me talk with you. Zach and Alan come too" fronz spoke up. Oh god.

" Chris no please" ally pleaded

" ally no. You've been hurt too many times and I won't let it happen anymore." He said with a serious tone and Zach and Alan nodded

" but dad!" She pouted.

"Alexandra go with the others now" she pouted as he said that and kalan grabbed her hand and they walked away after I kissed her.

"I know a nice place to get drinks come on" fronz said oh boy

Fronz pov

I need to have this talk. We walked to the bar. We got seated no problem and ordered a round of beers.

" listen fronz Zach alan....." he began but I cut him off and took a sip.

"We all know you're a good guy jack but the sleeping around and drink need to get under control now" I began and he nodded " she loves and you love her. You're not going to pressure into ANYTHING, if she doesn't want to go somewhere don't push her to go. You're going to......" he cut me off

" I promise you guys please trust me guys. I know what she has to deal with and not to make her go to her limits I love her with my heart and wouldn't dream of hurting her. The only time I want her to hurt is from laughing too hard." We chuckled. " I swear I'll never hurt her. I've already vowed to change my ways for her. I'll go to the ends of the earth for her and to make her happy." He finished.

I looked over to the guys Zach already smiling and Alan finally smiled and I smiled too but looked him dead in the eyes and got a face that's sure to scare him. You could practically see and hear him gulp.

" but if you ever hurt her or make her cry or mistreat her I will personally fly to Baltimore and beat you senseless and feel/think nothing for it. Do you understand me jack?" I said in a really serious voice

" yeah, I mean yes." He said not being able to catch his words.

We all finished 2 beers and got up I shook his hand and Alan and Zach patted him on the back.

" you guys won't regret this I promise" he smiled

" since you told me jack I haven't " Zach smiled

"I better not man" alan said

"I agree" I said and smiled and with that we all went back

Jacks pov

They won't regret it I have my mind set on our relationship. The only girl I've ever truly loved and hopefully if things go as planned she'll be my wife one day I smiled to myself and we walked back. Everything is beyond perfect now.


OOOOOO! Yall should be more active! Thank you @jagk for always being so active! This was for you!

what do yall thinks gonna happen next? Should it get smutty?;)



Thank you ♥

restoringlove restoringlove

take your time! ♥

neverland_3 neverland_3

awesome! (:

neverland_3 neverland_3

That sounds perfect! I kind of got an idea for it! ;)

restoringlove restoringlove

Of course! And I was laughing writing that! And thank you!:)

restoringlove restoringlove