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Oh Calamity!

Chapter 13

Ash pov
We walked my house and I instantly heard Alex he was playing his electric guitar, I had never really heard him play it properly he sounded good, he was singing too, Jack told me to be quiet, we put our stuff down and I followed Jack creeping up, we stood outside so I could hear then Jack slowly opened the door, Alex had his back to us then turned round and screamed a little
“where were you” he complained to Jack
“you didn’t seem like you were getting up anytime soon so we went out for a while” Jack laughed
“That sounded really good” I said
“Yeah you haven’t played like that at home in ages” Jack said I was guessing months,
“Well I never felt like it”
“Or you were embarrassed to cos of me” I said sadly
“No, I never wanted to disturb you, plus no I never felt like it”
“So your date went well then” Jack said with a weird smile making me feel so uncomfortable,
“Yeah” Alex smiled with such a dopey face making me giggle then hide it,
“So who was it?” he asked
“No one” Alex said making a weird face
“Liar, it’s someone I know isn’t it? It is! Who is it, tell me tell me!!!”
“No one”
“It’s someone I know and you don’t want me to know?” Jack said thinking then you could see the light bulb go off in his head
“Jack no”
“Alex really?” he said shaking his head like he didn’t approve
“What?” I said confused they had missed a step in the conversation,
“What happened?”
“Nothing, it was our first date”
“Alex you never date her, you”
“Jack shut up this is why I never told you”
“I will, erm go”
“No Jack will shut up” Alex said looking weird
“Did you-“
“Jack SHUT UP!!! And no we didn’t now stop asking these questions in front of, just stop it now!” Alex said annoyed
“You didn’t? You dated, really?”
“How many times?”
“Ok I’m sorry we will talk later”
“Can someone explain this to me?”
“Nothing, so how was last night?” he smiled changing the subject, I guessed Jack had crossed a line, and me pushing it wouldn’t help anything, I knew someone would tell me if I needed to know,
“Good” I smiled
“And you are both in one piece, amazing” Alex laughed
“He was actually nice” I shrugged
“I was nice enough to bring you a burger and coffee” Jack said handing Alex a paper bag and his cup
“I love you” he said grabbing it
“And this is how you tell her about us”
“Jack shut up” Alex complained and stuffed the burger down his throat in a disgusting way
“Ok eew I’m going to go to my room now”
“Why?” they both said at the same time
“Well Jack is dying to turn into a girl and ask you more about your date, you clearly want to tell him off in private so you don’t have to use your stupid code, and I just want 5 minutes to myself during that time” I smiled
“You are getting far too sarcastic, but fine go, I will come find you to catch up later” Alex smiled
“On what”
“whatever, we haven’t had a chance to just talk lately” he smiled, I knew I was ok with that smile so I nodded and walked off, I turned my computer on and sat at my desk, and thought about Alex dating, It was weird, but then again it was weird he wasn’t really, I opened my emails and messed around on the internet, then thought about Jack, he never dated either, eventually Jack came in to say he was going to see some friends and Alex came to ‘chat’ which I was nervous about, he wasn’t going to tell me off but it was too formal,
“Hey” I smiled staying at my desk, he sat on my bed
“Hey, so you enjoyed last night?” he asked
“Yeah it was nice, we actually didn’t argue” I laughed
“Yeah Jack said, you 2 got on well, and you talked, don’t worry he never tells me much, just about your mum, and that you don’t talk enough about her” he smiled sadly, not this again
“I talk plenty” I said
“No you don’t, you hide from it in case one of us gets upset, or more likely both, I’m going to try and help that”
“There’s no need”
“Well there is for me because he’s right I do the exact same thing, and it’s not good for me or you” he said in a tone I knew I couldn’t argue with, partly because he was right, “anyway” he smiled
“How was your date?”
“It was good, really good” he smiled, looking truly happy
“So you’re going to see her again?”
“Yeah” he smiled again, it made me smile
“So do I get to know who she is? Jack clearly knew and there is some big secret?”
“No, don’t worry it’s not important” he said making it obvious he just didn’t want me to know.
“Ok” I smiled. We spent the day talking, ordered pizza and chatted about everything. Alex was happy all weekend. I walked into school to see Laura smirking, she had something to say, I tried to avoid her but she ran after me
“Hey so did you meet your new mom?”
“What you going on about” I asked her
“It’s all over the all time low forum, Alex is back with Tay” Alex’s date
“So did you meet her?” she sneered
“not that it’s any of your business no, they went out and I stayed with Jack” I said walking away but caught a glimpse of her face, she was not happy that she didn’t rattle me, she clearly didn’t think I knew about his date, part of me wanted to look up who Tay was but I decided against it, I went through all of my classes but it was in the back of my mind how everyone else knew about this but me, then she caught me again at the end of school,
“Why doesn’t Alex let anyone know about you?” Laura said following me as I walked home
“It’s no one’s business, he wants to let me get on with my life without people like you bugging me because you are jealous you can’t spend time with them and I can” I said shrugging
“it would be such a shame if someone posted it all over the internet where you go to school and stuff, but never mind” she said walking off, I walked home thinking if I should tell them, what would it help they couldn’t stop her if she did, I decided against it, and knew if I hid away they would only find out faster, so I forced myself to sit with them, I did my homework quietly, answering questions when I had to, I knew I needed to act better to pull this off, but I had put off the questioning for a while, I kept doing homework even things that weren’t due in for a while but eventually Alex caught on
“How much homework do you have? Have you been putting it off or something?”
“No, it’s not that much”
“Normally you have about half an hours’ worth, you have been working for over an hour” he said crossing his arms,
“And you have been quiet” Jack said,
“I was busy”
“Never normally stops you” Alex added and grabbed my homework diary, I looked down there was almost nothing in for tomorrow or the day after, he handed it to me,
“So what are you trying to avoid us finding out?” Alex asked sitting next to me, Jack looked surprised he hadn’t really suspected anything yet, but I knew Alex had for a while,
“And don’t say nothing” Jack said turning so he was facing me more, I squirmed in my chair, I decided to bring up Tay it was an easier conversation, for me anyway
“Laura came over bragging about how everyone knows about you and Tay, asking if I liked my new mum” I said trying to sound more annoyed that I was hoping he would feel too guilty to notice my slight lie,
“Crap” Alex said quietly “ash I’m sorry, I didn’t think people would notice, it’s just gossip and you know she is talking rubbish about the mum thing” he said looking hopeful, I nodded
“Yeah it’s more new auntie” Jack laughed, we both looked at him he smiled at me,
“I guess it’s just annoying knowing everyone else knew but me”
“You weren’t annoyed before you were upset” Jack said looking at me, I avoided his gaze
“What else did she say?” he asked, I hated when he did that, Alex looked at me he wasn’t sure if there was something else,
“She said it would be a shame if someone posted stuff about me, who I am where my school is” I said quietly
“She’s threatening you?” Alex said standing up getting annoyed, which is what I was trying to avoid
“It’s nothing what’s it going to do?”
“That’s not the point, it’s up to me what our fans know about my personal life”
“so why don’t we beat her to it, if you post something about her, people will think it’s cute, and will take the power from her post then she’s not showing what you are hiding she is giving her personal details, then everyone will think she’s awful”
“I don’t know” Alex said thinking
“I think it’s a good idea” I said quietly, knowing he was probably more worried about how I felt than anything else
“you know we normally post random photos of what we are doing anyway, wait until a good moment comes up one of us will snap it and then it ruins her plan” Jack said happy with his idea,
“Why didn’t you tell me when you came in?” I didn’t answer “ash?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t want to worry you more and cause more problems”
“We need to know these things to sort them, you shouldn’t deal with them alone” Alex said putting his arm around me, I put my head on his shoulder and Jack took a picture
“Jack go away” I complained
“What it looked cute” he handed it to Alex
“Yes it does but no” Alex smiled,
“Fine but I will get a good one” Jack said looking determined, he kept his phone out, I rolled my eyes
“I could have gotten so many good ones last night” Jack grinned
“Us sitting on our blankets with the sweets, you falling asleep, mouth open out of it” he listed
“Ok enough, thank god you didn’t think of this before then now I can watch you” I said watching him suspiciously, he took a picture of me like that, I glared at him,
“Oh that’s a good one” Jack grinned passing his phone to Alex,
“Keep his phone Alex” I laughed
“Get used to it once we do this he will post everything he does again and if you are there you will be included” Alex warned making me laugh,
“So you want to play some guitar?” Jack asked I nodded we went upstairs, Jack started teaching me to play one of their songs, after a while Alex came up, I think he left us in case we needed to talk, he said next to us and grabbed a guitar, we started over and Alex joined in, then he started singing it was weird to play with him but it was fun,
“you are getting really good” Alex smiled, I looked down embarrassed, this time Alex decided to show me some stuff, and another song, we started playing and he sung quietly, I was concentrating so hard, at the end of the part I knew I looked up, and Jack put his phone down,
“You took a photo of that”
“And a video” Jack grinned
“Cool let me see” Alex asked I looked over, we watched the video
“I am making a weird face” I complained
“You are concentrating but you look happy” Alex said with his arm around me, then we looked at the picture,
“Ok that one’s not as bad”
“I’m using both, send me them please” Alex said handing Jack the phone,
“Ok I’m going to do some art” I said getting up needing some time away from them
“Oh come on” Jack smiled,
“I need to do some really” I said walking away
“Don’t get too involved I’m making tea soon”
“ok” I smiled and walked out, I got my art things together and worked on a piece I had in my art book until I was shouted of, I ran down and ate talking to the guys, once we were finished they both had their phones out laughing and tweeting
“There we go fans know she will look horrible if she does anything now, let me know if anyone bothers you though” Alex said
“Yeah no matter how much you think it doesn’t matter, it does to us” Jack added
“Ok, but I’m sure she told people at one point who she knew were fans and they didn’t care really” I said but Alex still didn’t look happy,
“Fine just make sure I know if anything happens”
“Ok” I nodded, it really bothered him.
The next day at school I got paranoid that people would say stuff, but no one did, Laura didn’t bother me either, I walked in and sat with the guys, did the tiny bit of homework I had, I chatted away but forgot to tell them nothing happened
“So was everything ok?” Jack asked eventually
“Yeah everything was normal, I didn’t even see Laura” I smiled
“Ok good” Alex said looking happy,
“come on lets go play” Jack said getting up, this time Alex followed, they started teaching me more stuff, Alex was showing me so much more now, they taught me more of their song, by the end of the night we were playing together,
“Hey she’s getting really good”
“Yeah a few more songs and she could replace you” Alex laughed
“No one could replace me” Jack said in a weird voice,
“Of course not” I said patting his shoulder, I put my guitar down
“oh jack can you watch ash again this weekend?”
“I don’t need watching im not a baby, and are you going on another date?” I asked
“your not a baby and yes you do, and yeah” he said almost blushing making me laugh
“What?” he said confused
“You’re blushing!” I said laughing more
“She’s right” Jack grinned “isn’t it cute little Alex has a date” he teased,
“Shut up”
“But it’s cute” I laughed
“You too” Alex said picking me up
“Alex put me down!” I complained
“Then be nice” he laughed
“All I said was its cute” he threw me down on a chair and pinned me down
“Uncle Alex” I moaned
“Oh its uncle Alex now is it?” he laughed and tickled me, I screamed and tried to kick him off
“Stop!” I shouted
“but it’s cute” he smirked and got off, I huffed and went to my room, I wasn’t really annoyed but I wanted to do some art and have some time alone, he gave me a few minutes and then followed me
“You ok?”
“Yeah just wanted to get some stuff done” I smiled, he looked unsure, I picked up my work to show him, he came over to look,
“Hey that’s us” he said looking at the photo of the band I was working off, I kept working, “why you drawing us?” he asked interested and sat on my bed.
“its for my project, it’s more fun to draw you guys, my folder is next to you if you want to look, he had a flick through, as Jack walked in, and sat next to Alex, they looked and talked quietly so I ignored them and worked on what I had in front of me,
“That’s cool” I heard Jack say pointing to something, I turned round to see Alex taking a picture of something
“Hey what you doing?”
“I like the one off all our albums”
“Is that what you needed them for?” Jack asked happy he had helped
“Yeah, I am going to use that for my final piece, do a bigger version of that, apparently there is another album cover according to someone in my class so I need to look at them all to pick 4 to use”
“Well we can help with that, you know you can ask for help with stuff like this, we are experts in what our own band has done” Alex laughed
“I know it felt weird though”
“I will get you all the print outs” Alex smiled,
“Has Zack seen this? He would love to see all this?” Jack said
“Erm no, he hasn’t asked about it”
“You never brought it up”
“They haven’t hung around as much”
“They are doing their own thing at the minute, I’m going to put this on twitter, he will see it, and I think he’s back over here in a week or something”
“A week we have a band meeting Jack, do not miss it” Alex said seriously
“I know” he said clearly lying and laughing
“Monday morning, I will send you the details again, I am not ringing you asking where you are this time” Alex said looking annoyed
“Last time we had an important meeting he didn’t set an alarm and I woke him up with my call since he was 10 minutes late meeting me, luckily that was half an hour before we were due” Alex said rolling his eyes,
“I will remember!” he said
“Hey Zack retweeted it” Jack said happy, then his phone beeped
“He said it’s really cool, he wants to see more when he’s back at the weekend, he also reminded me about the meeting, and you would think I am incapable of being on time”
“He’s right” Alex laughed.




all time_alex all time_alex

please update

JacksMightyBoner JacksMightyBoner


EllieATL EllieATL

I like this <3

KicktheJalex KicktheJalex

I feel like Laura might just screw things up between Alex and Ash.