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Jack's House

Ch.4: Welcome to Sweet Remedy

Alex's POV:
I grin at her and whisper in her ear, "Welcome to your new home. Our little virgin." Most likely this girl is a virgin. Since she's so confused on what this place is.

"Follow me," I tell security. I walk in first and the follow in behind me. The large doors close behind and I hear the giant lock close. I turn my head back to see Nyssa and she wasw shaking in fear. All of the new girls do. She'll get over it.

We walk past security who controlled the locks and alarms around the building. I nod to them and they open the gate for us to enter, making a loud buzz noise. We walk through and down a the first hallway that was red with black carpet. I make a left and open the doors.

"This is what we call the show room." Girls were practicing on the stage, chairs and tables scattered around. The dance teacher, Ms. Neilla was coaching the girls on their new routine.

"ENOUGH!!," one of the girls yells. "GET ME OUT OF THIS!," she yells. The girls move and I see that Rocket was tied to a teacher. She was dressed as a sexy patient and the other girls were dressed as sexy doctors. They get her out of the chair and she stands up and glares at Ms. Neilla.

"The sexy school girl with the older male teacher, I get it. The helpless girl who needs saving from a pirate. I get it. But this!? How is this sexy!" "Its called trying something new Rocket, we are having some asylum doctors coming soon so I thought of this." "Well its crap!"

"Rocket!!!," I yell. She looks up at me, Rocket took place as the lead girl a couple years back. She was my go-to girl when oit came to these situations. "Come here!!," I yell.

She takes off her costume, revealing her dance clothes. Damn did she look good. She walks over to us and I grin at her, "save your breath Gaskarth. I'm not in the mood today." "I have a job for you." She looks past me at Nyssa. "What, new girl you collected today?" "Yes. In a few days she will be seeing Jack to give her her stage name and what her main role will be. But first, since Jack has decided to be kind, you will get Nyssa to be ready to see Jack and used to living here."

"You want me to do what!!," she snaps at me. I grin at her even more, there's a reason she got the name Rocket. "Let my sister do it then, I'm busy rehearsing for tonight." I sigh, "fine. Get her then." "Baby doll!," she calls out.

Her younger sister runs over, her hair tied up in pig tails with ribbon. She was wearing one of her usual dresses, a sexy baby doll dress. She had pale skin and blonde almost white hair. Her eyes were a clear blue and big. On her first day, she reminded us of a baby doll, hince the name. Everyone is called by their stage name.

"Baby doll, I need you to show new girl around." Baby doll nods, "right on it!"

Baby doll goes up to Nyssa, who was still shaking in fear. Maybe it was a good thing Baby Doll because she was sweet...and really soft. Hey, sometimes I have to be the one who tests the girls to make sure their ready.

"Why is she seeing Jack in a few days, that doesn't happen with other girls you collect." "She recently lost her mother to cancer and I do believe her step-father is the one who killed her younger brother. We believe that her step-father is the one who sent her because we got paid by him. She is wealthy." "Oh boo, sob story. So?" "It happened earlier this week. Thats why Jack has decided to be kind to this one."

It is unusual to hear Jack being nice. He doesn't have a nice bone in his body.

I take one last look at Nyssa, she'll fit in just fine.
Nyssa's POV:
I stare at the girl Baby Doll. she was cute. Just like a baby doll. I see where she got the name.

She smiles sweetly at me, a real smile because it lit up her eyes. Not a fake one that Mr. Gaskarth gave me.

"Come this way!," she grabs my hand and she pulls me along with her because she was running. She opens a black door and we go down a purple hall way with white carpet. It looked cleaner down here. There was white doors that most likely leads to other rooms. And I noticed that there was glitter on the walls.

She opens a door and it was small. The walls were red and had black curtains hanging around the room. There was a large bed in the middle on a platform with a bunch of pillows and a black and red bed set.

She sits on the bed, "can you press that button right there?" I press the button and the bed started to slowly spin.

"I assume you know what this place is?" I shake my head. "You don't?" I nod to answer. "Well. This place is called Sweet Remedy. The stage is where we performe, and if the audience likes what they see...well. We satisfy them our sweet remedies in here." I stare at her shock. "Is-is this-" "A brothel. Yes."

I felt like I was going to faint. Baby Doll noticed and quickly got up. She held my arms, "Its okay. Its not as bad as it seems. You don't always get picked." Yeah like that helped me.

"Come on, I think I made a mistake by showing you this room first." She turns off the bed and lights and we walk out. We walk out of the hall, go into the stage room, I think thats what Mr. Gaskarth said. And she goes through another pair of doors. We go down a grey hallway, where there was low hanging lights and no windows. "Over here is the kitchen, where we help the cook, the pig he is, to cook meals. In here," she opens another door, "is our dance studio."

I look around, the walls were mirrors, there was a office, and a door that had the word "Props" on it. There was balance bars and girls were stretching.

She pulls me over, "this is Nyssa. Nyssa, these are my friends Sweet Pea and Snow." They eye me a bit, "hi," Snow says. "Stage name?" "She doesn't have on yet. Jack will be seeing her in a few days. He wants her to be comfortable first." "What, so he's giving you special treatment now!?," I hear a girl snap from behind me.

I turn around and there was a girl glaring at me. "Name's Star. Don't get me confused with Star Light, she's the weakest here." "HEY!," who I'm guessing was Star Light snapped from the other side of the room.

A really hot guy walks in, "okay ladies your practice is over. Its time for us now." A bunch of hot guys walk in behind him. "I see we have a new girl," one guy says.

"Her name is Nyssa!," one guy smiles at me. "I'm Zack." "Zack your stage name," a guy warns him. Zack sighs, "fine its..." He mumbles something. "What?" "Its Dark Knight." I wanted to burst out laughing. "Why Dark Knight?" "My first day here, I had a batman wrist band. Hence the stage name Dark Knight. It was also around the same time Dark Knight Rises came out."

Zack was really cute, hot even. Maybe even drop dead sexy. I couldn't tell because he had his shirt on. But his muscles were insane.

"Stop flirting with the new girl Dark Knight." "Call me Zak when the others aren't around," he smiles. I nod and all of us girls walk out.

"Hot isn't he?" "What?" "Zack. He's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. But he never gives attention to us." "Why is there guys here?" "Its a brothel for men and women. And we usually have gay night. Jack decided this a few years ago to get more business." "Is Zack..." "No, he's straight. Half of the guys and girls are gay, and the others are straight. I'm straight, Sweet Pea is bi. Star Light is lesbian though." "You don't have a problem with lesbians right?," Star Light snaps in my face.

I shake my head, "no." "Good. Because Star and UGH! I hate her so much." Star Light stops off and Baby Doll giggles, "I think she got the wrong stage name sometimes."

We keep walking and there was a door that was pink with glitter. She opens it and the room was HUGE.

It should be huge considering there was beds everywhere that were made. To my left I saw a sign marked as 'Bathroom'. "Thats where we shower and stuff. The boys are upstairs. Yes, everyone rooms in the same room. We are not seperated by our interests. Jack refuses to give us another room." "Why?" "More money he has to spend on us."

She sits me down on what was her bed and she sits by me. "So what do you think?"

I look down and I finally cried. I haven't cried since Michael and mom's funeral. I feel Baby Doll wrap her arms around me and she pulls me close. She runs her fingers through my hair and rocks me a bit. "Its okay, everything will be okay. I promise. Its not that bad."

I lost my mother. I lost my brother. I was forced to come here. And I am forced to dance and have sex with older men.


Its not that bad.


@Jack is a sparkly unicorn
thanks! i have the sequel going now, its called Freedom
brittbrattcatt brittbrattcatt
Wow I just read that whole thing in one go. I usually don't read this type of story but it just kept sucking me in c:

w0wolivia w0wolivia