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Alice's Adventures (part two)

A Love Like War

"Good morning beautiful" Alex smiled at me as I opened my eyes
"Morning to you too, Alex" I laughed and then ran to the bathroom to puke
"We should tell everyone" Alex said as he came and sat behind me, rubbing my back
"I know. How do we tell them?" I asked him and leaned back into his arms
"I don't know. I've never told someone I'm pregnant" he laughed and hugged me tightly
"Hey, shut up" I laughed. "But seriously, how do we tell them?" I sighed before standing up to brush my teeth
"I suppose we could take everyone out for dinner and tell them then?" He suggested. I thought about that idea for a minute then nodded
"We'll do that" I mumbled, Alex just laughed and walked into my bedroom.

To - Jdawg
Hey, Jenna! I have some news, I'm pregnant:)!! Don't tell anyone yet, Alex and I are taking people out for dinner tonight to tell them. Can you and the Tonight Alive guys come along?x
From - Jdawg
Oh my god! No way! I'm so happy for you:)! Congratulations Alice!!! Yeah, sure. Just tell me the when and where and we'll be there:px
"Alex, Tonight Alive are coming tonight" I said as soon as I received the text from Jenna
"Okay, it sucks that Jack, Rian and Zack aren't coming" he sighed as we lay in bed, watching shitty tv.
"Do you know if anyone's up yet?" I asked him, smiling to myself
"I don't think so, I've not heard them. Why are you smiling?" Alex laughed and poked my side
"Come downstairs and I'll show you" I smiled at him, kissed him and jumped off the bed and ran downstairs
"I'd rather you showed me up here to be honest" he laughed but ran after me. "There's nothing down here" Alex said in a confused voice. There was a knock on the door
"I wonder who that could be" I sarcastically, opening the door and letting Zack, Jack and Rian in.
"Alex!" They shouted at the same time, pulling him into a hug
"Guys!" He laughed. "What are you doing here?" He smiled at his friends.
"Your bride to be phoned us yesterday and told us to get our asses to the door and check the mail. So we did and we found plane tickets to Glasgow" Jack explained and Alex turned to me
"Alice" he smiled and grabbed me in a hug
"Now you can tell them" I whispered in his ear and his smile grew
"I love you, you know that?" He pressed his head against my forehead before kissing me
"We're standing right here guys" Rian laughed and we pulled apart
"We're all going out tonight" I smiled at All Time Low and they looked confused
"Who?" Zack asked me
"Well you guys, A Day To Remember, Wonderland and Tonight Alive" I said and went to the kitchen to get food
"Why?" Jack laughed, following me into the kitchen and sitting at the breakfast bar
"Because. We want to take everyone out" I said, rooting through the cupboards to find food
"What are you looking for?" Jack laughed
"To be honest, I don't know" I shrugged and went to look in the fridge. I found some donuts so I put one in the microwave so it would be gooey
"Eww! What?" He looked disgusted as I bit into it
"It's nice, shut up" I laughed and walked up stairs to wake everyone up. "Guys wake the fuck up!" I shouted as soon as I stepped foot on the bedroom floor
"Why do you need to wake up so early?" Matthew mumbled, sleepily walking out of his room
"All Time Low are downstairs. We're all going out for dinner tonight" I smiled and knocked on Marcus' door. "Marcus, we're going out for dinner tonight. Alex and I are buying" I said before moving onto Josh's door and doing the same. I got to the guest room when Jeremy came out and smiled at me
"Hey, Alice. What's up?" He asked
"You guys are coming out for dinner with us, All Time Low and Wonderland tonight. Okay? Okay" I said and walked into my bathroom to shower.

"Hi could I have a table for eighteen at half eight tonight please?" I asked the person on the other end of the phone
"Yes, what name is that for?" The person asked
"Green" I answered
"Okay. That's fine, your table is booked" they said and then I hung up and texted Jenna.
To - Jdawg
Go to the TGI's in town at half eight Jen:)x
From - Jdawg
Woo, will do Alice, will do:)x
"I've booked the table for half eight. I'm going out for a bit" I shouted and started getting dressed
"Want me to come with you?" Alex asked as he walked into my room. I shook my head
"It's fine. Do something with your friends" I smiled and pulled my jeans up
"Are you sure?" He asked me and I nodded, laughing
"Yeah. Go have fun" I smiled. "Just make sure you're back early enough to get ready" I nudged him and he laughed
"Thank you so much" he smiled and hugged me. He spun around as I laughed. "I can't wait to let everyone know" Alex smiled and placed his hands on my belly
"Go have fun, Lex" I smiled, he kissed my cheek and ran downstairs to his band. "Matthew, wanna come out?" I asked as I went passed his door
"Yeah. Let me get shoes" he said and went to his room to get shoes.

"Okay, why is everyone here and going out for dinner?" Matthew asked me as we sat in Starbucks
"I was hoping no one would ask me that" I laughed and took a drink of my coffee
"Alice" he smiled at me
"You can't let anyone know" I held my pinky out and he linked his pinky with mine. "I'm pregnant" I smiled at him
"Holy fuck. What? Seriously? With a baby?" He asked me.
"No, with a dinosaur" I smiled. "Of course with a baby" I laughed at him
"Can I show you something then?" He smiled at me
"Sure, what?" I asked and he pulled me out of Starbucks to a 'gothic' shop. He ran up to the back corner and held up a baby grow that said 'I've been inside for nine months'
"Can I buy it just now? Please, please, please?" He begged me. I laughed and nodded. I was just glad he was smiling now.

We got home at around seven because we kept getting stopped for pictures and autographs
"I need to go get ready" I said to everyone and ran upstairs to shower again. When I got out I wrapped a towel around my body and another round my head.
"Alex, get your ass up here" I shouted as I seen a bag from Pulp on my bed.
"Yes?" He said innocently
"What's in the bag?" I smiled at him and crossed my arms over my chest
"Go look inside" he smirked and sat on the bed, holding the bag out to me. I smiled and went to sit beside him and look in the bag. I pulled out a beautiful dress. It was a black skater dress with a small batman logo on a bow at the back. "Do you like it?" He asked me, looking worried
"I love it. Thank you" I smiled and pulled him into a hug. "You didn't need to though" I mumbled into his neck
"I wanted to. You brought the guys over here" he said and kissed my forehead
"Thanks" I smiled. "I kinda told Matthew, he asked why we wanted to take everyone out" I admitted and he sighed
"I kinda told Jack" he said and we both laughed.
"Fuck it" I shrugged. "I gotta start getting ready" I smiled and Alex nodded before leaving.
I dried and curled my hair before doing my make-up. I just put foundation on, winged black eye liner and some red lipstick. I put the dress Alex bought me on and some black heels before walking downstairs
"You look hot honey" Jack said in a 'girly' voice when I stepped foot in the living room
"Thanks Jack" I laughed. "You guys ready?" I asked them and everyone nodded.

"Reservations for Green" I said to the head waiter when we got to TGI Friday's
"Ah yes, right his way" he said and led us to a massive table right in the middle of the room
"Uh. Guys, could you shut the fuck up and listen to me please?" I asked and everyone at the table turned round to me. "You're probably wondering why we asked you to come here tonight. Alex" I smiled at him and he stood up beside me
"We're having a baby. Alice is pregnant" he almost shouted and the whole room cheered. I started laughing as Jack, Marcus, Matthew and Jenna stood up with their glasses
"To the Gaskarths!" They shouted and everyone in the room shouted back
"To the Gaskarths!"
"This is so embarrassing" I laughed when everyone calmed down
"Just wait" Alex smiled at me and kissed my cheek. All of a sudden about three waiters came to our table with seventeen glasses of champagne and a glass of lemonade. The lemonade was in a champagne glass and it had little cocktail umbrellas and a sparkler thing. It was placed in front of me and I smirked at Alex
"Any more surprises?" I smiled at Alex and he shook his head with a smile on his face. "I love you, you idiot" I smiled and kissed his cheek.


who's P.O.V would you guys like to see? I've mostly done Alice's but if anyone wants to see any other's I'll write them in:). Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for reading/commenting/subscribing/voting


Aww, thanks so much:3!! I'm glad you enjoyed this c:

alltimeblink182 alltimeblink182

I loved this story so much!!! You are an amazing writer!! <3

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110

Uhh..yeah, I'm sorry:(. I just really couldn't think of how to continue it but as I said in the note I'll probably do a story continuing on from this but with Billy as the main character. I'm really sorry for ending it there:(

alltimeblink182 alltimeblink182

w-wait, is this the end? D:

alltimeleafeon alltimeleafeon

Awwww. They names him Billy x3<3

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110