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Love, lust and left over chicken

I think I'm falling for you

We got to school early and, as always, Hannah was standing under the tree waiting for us.
"Hey Hannah!" I called, runinng up to her, we hugged and then she high fived Alex, it was the same thing every morning.
"Class is about to start" Ugh, Alex was always stating the obvious.
"Yeah," Hannah said "Race you both there!" She shouted running off. me and Alex looked at each other then I darted off in front of him. Half a second later, I heard him running just behind me.
"Better give up now, Gayskarth! I'm faster!" I shouted, laughing.
"Not a chance, Sash." He shouted back, laughing harder
"Hey! I hate being called Sash" I shouted back, slowing a little so he was next to me
"Payback for calling me Alexander and Pretty boy this morning!" He laughed, taking off in front.
"I hate you Alex" I called, just as I was getting in front, no I dodn't hate him, in reality, I loved him, not just in a friend way, I was in love with him, but I could never tell him that, it'd ruin the friendship, because I knew he didn't feel the same way.
I heard Alex laughing next to me, breaking my train of thought, god his eyes are perfect! No Sasha, snap out of it! I scolded myself, shaking my head and running even faster.
I got to class just after Hannah, who was sat at her desk catching her breath.
"You... Do.. This every,,, Morning" I said between breaths.
"It's.. Fun" She replied. Alex walked in then, he had clearly given up and walked, as he wasn't out of breath.
"SLOWCOACH!" Me and Hannah both chanted at him. He just flipped us off and went to take hiis seat. I laughed and sat next to Hannah, I had to tell her about this sooner or later, I told her everything. Just as I opened my mouth to talk, Mr Morris came in, instucting us to be quiet. I settled for just writing Hannah a note. I tore a page out of my English book and began writing. When I finished, I read it back to myself to make sure it made sence. It said:

Hannah, I need to tell you this, it's important. I think... I think I love Alex, what do I do?!

I handed it to her and her eyes went wide reading it, then she began scribbling her reply on the back, she handed it to me, it was a simple two word reply.


I read it, whispered a quick "thanks" to her and smiled. I began litsening to what Mr Morris was saying.
I now knew what I had to do. I had to tell Alex how I felt. And I would do it tonight.


I love this chapter c: Hope you all like it too, feel free to rate and leave comments:)


c: no problem! :D <33
Awh thankyou c:
AllTimeSloth AllTimeSloth
this was really great! short but great! :D
I probably wont be updating until monday, I'm in Maidenhead for the weekend visiting my little brother, and chapter 10 is a long one
AllTimeSloth AllTimeSloth
Hurry up and update. I want Alex and Sasha to reunite in happy bliss!