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Hit Girl ENTRY #6

One shot

“Jack, hurry the fuck up! We’re gonna be late for Vic’s halloween party,” I yelled at Jack. I had make-up to put on and I’m not taking as long as he is. I mean come on, how long does it take to put on a fucking costume?! I swear he’s as bad as a girl sometimes.

After about 10 more minutes of me bitching at him, Jack finally made his way into the living room. “So what do you think,” he asked spinning around so I can get the full effect of his costume. My jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw what he was wearing. He was dressed like fucking Hit Girl!!!! I thought he was joking about doing that when he posted that pic on instagram. I should have known better, though. I mean it is Jack Barakat for christ sakes. Who knew that it would look so hot on him. Wait, what?! I so didn’t think that. I’m not gay for my best friend. I can’t be gay for my best friend even though the growing problem in my pants tells a different story.

I snap out of my thoughts when Jack says, “So I’m guessing by the way that you’re staring at me and the boner in your pants means you like my costume.” I laugh, trying to play it off, and say, “Yeah right Barakat. You wish you’re the reason for my boner.” “Psh I know I am. Have you seen this body,” he says rubbing all over his body, which so isn’t helping my little, well, not so little anymore problem. I laugh, “Yes Jack I’ve seen your body many times. It’s not that impressive.” “The tent in your pants says otherwise.”

We continue on with this banter all the way to Vic’s house. We get there 15 minutes late due to Jack spending forever in the bathroom. We’re greeted by Kellin, Vic’s boyfriend, when we knock. “Hey look who’s late. By the way, nice costume Jack. You’re finally showing your true colors,” Vic says when we walk in. I try to hold back my laughter and fail. Jack jokingly punches me and says to me, “Come on man let’s get wasted. It’s been forever since I’ve been drunk.” “It was yesterday,” I said giggling. “Exactly.”

I was drunk less than 10 minutes later. I’m no lightweight or anything. Jack just bet that I couldn’t drink as much as him, and, well, I had to prove him wrong. “Alex, Alex Alex come on! They’re starting a game of spin the bottle in the livingroom,” Jack said excitedly while jumping up and down. I try to tell him no because a drunk Alex Gaskarth is a horny Alex Gaskarth and he is looking too good right now, but he just grabbed my arm and dragged me into the room. I may or may not have been staring at his ass the whole time.

When we get there I’m directed to sit next to Andy Biersack and Oli Sykes while Jack sits across the room between Tay Jardine and Hayley Williams. I would normally be jealous of him for scoring the seat next to two pretty girls like them, but I just can’t keep my eyes off him for some reason.

The first few spins aren’t that big of a deal. Just people who aren’t half as appealing as Jack is kissing. Then Josh Franceschi spins it and it lands on Jack. Well fuck me. I close my eyes and look away as they kiss. I open my eyes when the wolf whistling has died down and see Jack staring at me with a smirk. What the fuck is going on? I decided to ignore it as he spins the bottle. I don’t pay attention to where it lands until I hear people chanting “Jalex! Jalex! Jalex!” and see that is has indeed landed on me. Normally I’d just laugh it off and tell him to get his sexy ass over here, but this time is different. I mean just thinking about kissing him dressed like that is giving me a boner.

I look towards Jack to see how he’s handling this, and he’s smirking at me as he starts crawling towards me while shaking his hips. Oh my fucking god!! Does he know what he’s doing to me?!

When he get’s to me he leans forward and instead of going towards my mouth for a kiss he whispers in my ear, “I know you want me. I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me all night and how you looked away when I kissed Josh. You know what? I want you too.” Before I could respond, he pulls me into a heated kiss that quickly turns into a makeout session.

We pulled apart when we notice people telling to get a room. Jack replied with, “Hell yeah! Come on Alex.” He stood up and held out his hand that I immediately took. He pulled me up, and then we practically ran to the nearest guest room.

The Next Morning
I wake up with a pounding headache in someones arms. What the fuck happened last night?! The last thing I remember is Jack challenging me to a drinking contest. Well that explains the hangover I guess, but who the fuck did I sleep with. Hello Alex, just open your eyes and you can see who it is duh. I open my eyes and see my best friend Jack. I was in his arms naked, but he, for some reason still had his Hit Girl costume on.

Seeing this I immediately remembered the night before. The game of truth or dare, being jealous watching Jack and Josh kiss, the kiss between me and Jack, and then the sex. Oh my god the sex. It was the best sex I had ever had in my 25 almost 26 years. Jack rode me like a porn star in that Hit Girl costume of his. It was just so fucking amazing, but wait a second. What if Jack didn’t feel the same way. He was pretty drunk, and, like me, Jack is a horny drunk. He’ll fuck anything with a pulse. Plus what if this makes things awkward between us. So many people saw us coming in here. Oh my god we are never going to live this down. We’ll have to deal with even more stupid jalex jokes.

I get interrupted from my inner monologue when Jack says, “Morning cutie. Whatcha thinking bout so hard.” Cutie? He must have seen the confusion on my face because he then says, “I guess we have some things to talk about huh?” I nod my head yes. “So I’m just going to come out and say it. I love you Alexander William Gaskarth and have for years now.” I look at him in shock. “Really,” I ask. “Yes really,” he said with a smile, “and last night was so much more than an one night stand for me.” I realized something then. I love him to. I have for years. I look him in the eyes and say, “Jack I love you too.” He breaks out into the biggest smile. “Do you really?” Instead of answering him I kiss him. “Does that answer your question,” I ask him. He simply smiles and kisses me. “Oh, and Alex I’ll dress like Hit Girl for you anytime,” he says with a wink.



Awesome c:

MakeMeLoveATL MakeMeLoveATL

@Sarah's Butterflies
Thank you for having it. I probably wouldn't have ever gotten around to writing this otherwise. :)

jdib12 jdib12

Yay! Thank you for entering this contest and I loved it!

Can you take this down? It's not the posting date yet!