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Long Live Us [BLOCKED]



It's been little over a year since I ran with Alex for the first time. He and Lisa had a pair of healthy twins, their son Thomas Peter and their daughter Jasey Rae Lisa. Unfortunately, due to complications during delivery, Lisa died from an aneurysm. Alex still hasn't recovered from losing her. He ended up selling his house and came ot live with me, Jack, my mom, and Mina. I was also pregnant with twins myself and I looked fit to pop at only six months along.
"Morning Alex," I greeted my brotherly best friend as I waddled into the kitchen, followed by three year old Mina.
"Morning Mir," he greeted, still depressed after Lisa died.
"How are you feeling," I asked him.
"It's on eof those days, Jasey reminded me of Lisa today. She has her smile," I could tell he was hurting.
"I'm always here for you Alex. You can talk to whenever you need to," I told him as I hugged him as tight as my huge belly could allow. I could he liked that I cared so much about him.
"Thank you Mir. I can always count on you and Jack being around to help me out," that's when Alex baby monitor went off, "That must be Tom. I'll go take care of him."
"Poor Uncle Alex. I miss Aunt Lisa too," Mina finally said after Alex left.
"I miss her too sweetheart. She was my best friend ever since I met Daddy when I moved to Baltimore," I told her as I fixed her a bowl of cereal.
"He's going to be taking it hard since he's left with his twins and he lost his high school sweetheart. He'll just need time," my mom said as she sauntered into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.
"I know. I just hate seeing my closest friend in such terrible pain," I told her.
"Tonight's a full moon. How are you feeling," she asked me.
"I'm doing okay. the twins are having a wrestling match every now and then," I told just as I felt a good solid kick from one of my twin terrors.
"Just be careful tonight. I don't want Jack to lose you like Alex lost Lisa. That and I'd hate to lose my grandchildren," she instructed as she rubbed my belly.
That night while I was turned, Mina and I stayed in the yard while the men went out for a run. I layed on the dog bed my mom had gotten for me so while I was pregnant, I could aly on that during full moons when I was getting closer to my due date. When a werewolf is pregnant, she cannot run like she normally would since the baby stay human in the womb and could get damaged from the activity. That and Jack was paranoid about my health after what happened to Lisa.
"We're back how are you feeling," Jack asked as he came to lay next to my bed.
"Bored. I've been watching Mina play fetch with Mom. How about you," I asked him.
"He wouldn't stop worrying about you," Zack answered.
"Zack she asked me not the pack," Jack jokingly snapped at Zack. Mina giggled since she was picking up on the humor Jack and I shared with the rest of the pack.
"I miss her still and it hurts," Alex sighed, he was dragging his paws and plopped down next to Jack and rested his head on his paws.
"It'll get easier Alex. Just give it time," I gave him reassuring advice as I put a paw on one of his, his gloomy eyes brightened a little.
"Maybe you're right Mir," he finally agreed with my advice.


So I had to add in a little bit of heart break. I'm very sorry. But this will add in a new wolf into the story. But that will happen just before Jack and Mir's are born. They will be having a boy and a girl as well. Their names with be Alexander Jack and Alina Lenuta.



Tonight We Lie Awake

Tonight We Lie Awake

NC-17 Romance Drama Fantasy

Jack/OC He's a new werewolf, She's from an old hunter clan. Forbidden fruit always tastes the sweetest


Completed ✓
9.6 9 Votes


@ToxicxDancefloor ah okay... that sucks, I wonder why it was removed it was a good thing to have :/
bleh bleh
It might have been removed, but I had a drop down menu when I made this story and I had the option to pick which story this was a sequel to. The option disappeared after I did this and I couldn't link my two Alex/OC stroies Terrified to Speak and Your Lost Boy.
How do you mark things as prequels/sequels?!
bleh bleh
You will be in love with what I'm planning my dear. Lots of fun and plenty of Mina cuteness to come.
Ack! Shes a wolf AND more babies! Yes! Getting even better and better! ;D
ofclumsywords ofclumsywords