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Weightless ~



I woke up with Jack by my side and it made my heart warm. He looked so peaceful and cute when he was sleeping. I slowly leaned towards his pretty face and gave him a little kiss on the nose. I let him sleep while I got ready for work.

I gently stroked his hair and woke him up.
»Jack, babe… There's food in the fridge, help yourself. Pick me up at 4, okay?« I said.
»Mhmmm…« He mumbled and pouted his lips with his eyes still closed. I pressed my lips against his when he put his arms around me and pulled me back to bed.

»You smell so nice babe.« He mumbled into my ear, holding me close to him. I fucking loved his morning voice, it was so sexy.

I cuddled him just a little bit. I didn't wanna be late. »Jacky, I gotta go. I'll see you after work.« His lips touched mine again, kissing me gently. Then I got going.

Rodrigo was understanding, telling me I didn't miss much. I threw myself into the paperwork, then we discussed me joining him in court. We also worked on Mr. Barakat's case and I had a good feeling about it. I'm positive about us winning this.

Jack picked me up at 4, making me anxious.
»I have a surprise for you.« He said and grinned. I was curious. I don't usually like surprises. But I'm guessing his won't be bad.

»Really? What is it?« I asked.

»Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if I just told you.« He winked at me. »You'll see when we get home.«

A few minutes later I walked into my apartament that looked like it wasn't mine. Curtains were closed and the lights were dimmed. There were candles everywhere and the couch was ready for movies. Jack put out a fluffy blanket and brought a gazillion movies. It looked so nice.

»Jack, you did all this? Wow.« I said. I couldn't wipe the smile od my face.

»You like it? It's not much, but it seemed like a good idea, to make you relax after recent events.« He said and pulled my arm, making me follow him into the kitchen.

»I got all the ingredients for the pizza, now get changed and you'll help me.« He said and winked.

I went to the bedroom, where the light was also dimmed and the curtain was closed. The bedding was changed. Oh my god I couldn't believe it, it was beautiful. Silky and red, so soft. It looked amazing. I changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt and returned to the kitchen. I was looking forward to preparing a meal with Jack.

I was mixing the ingredients in a bowl and he was hugging me from behind, kissing my neck, teasing me.

»This is really nice Jack. So what movie do you wanna watch?« I asked.

»You can pick it, whatever you want.« He said pulling me closer to him.

»No, no, I insist. You did this beautiful thing for me, you can pick.« I said.

He kissed me on the cheek. I finished making the pizza and put it in the oven while he was sitting on the couch, picking a movie.

»How bout Batman? You up for it?« He asked.
I joined him on the couch, nodding. I like Batman.
We started watching and I cuddled up to him. He was warm and soft. After a few minutes we were already kissing, him laying on top of me and touching me everywhere. I was so turned on, it felt really nice kissing him, feeling him close. He took off my shirt right before he removed his. His skin was rubbing against mine and I felt I won't be able to resist this. I know he wanted to wait and go slow, but tonight is the night. I wanted him, all of him.

»Alex…« I heard him moan. I loved when he moaned out my name. I continued kissing his neck, sucking his weak spot.

»Alex, the pizza.« He moaned out again. Shiiiiiiit! I jumped off of him, running into the kitchen. I opened the oven and took the pizza out.

»Saved it!« I said loudly. I left it there to cool off and returned to the living room, throwing myself at Jack and sat on his lap. I pressed my lips against his, kising him with my tongue circling slowly with his. I wanted him so bad.

»Mmm, Jack… I want you so bad.« I moaned out while he was kissing me along my jawline, grinding against me. »You have me.« He whispered into my ear.

Oh yeah, this is definitely it.

He took my hand and led me to the bedroom, slowly pushing me on the bed and then climbing on top of me. I wasn't nervous at all. I was just waiting to taste him, smell him, touch him, all night, always.


Cliffhangeeeeeeer, hehehe :D And I think there's finally some smut coming :P

Hope you guys like this chapter, I enjoyed writing it.

Much luv :)


THANKS :* I am thinking of writing a sequel :P

powerpillz powerpillz

oh my good lord this was too good!! i loved it, shed a few tears as well ahah, it's so so well written! it's cute as fuck , thank you for writing it!!! :D

sheriartysykes sheriartysykes

I most definitely will write another Jalex :) it's my favorite^^

powerpillz powerpillz

No problem c: Are you gonna write another Jalex story? Or even just another story, Jalex or not? Please do!

Kaitlynn1121 Kaitlynn1121

Thank you so much :* Means a lot :)

powerpillz powerpillz