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Rian's POV:
I lay Natalie down and pull the covers over her, she's not going to remember any of this. She's not going to remember us telling each other that we love each other. I quickly go over to the window and look down, seeing Sebastian laying on the ground. I climb out of the window and climb down the side of the house. I reach Sebastian and push him with my foot, "get up." He groans and lifts his head, he glares at me and spits at me. "Give it up Sebastian, its done. You broke the spell in Tay, a spell you can only use once. And I broke it. Its over." "Its never over, I can make her love me." "You had that chance a long time ago, if you didn't act like a dick to everyone, you probably might be dating her right now." "You're lying, she would have never loved the fake me, she had to know who I really am." "How do you know that Sebastian, you never gave her a chance. You automatically pushed everyone away without giving her a reason. Making her wanting to break free from your hold." "Natalie is just a phantom, she's not real. Clara is who she really is. She needs to be set free." "And look what that caused Sebastian, destruction. And in the end you founded out she still didn't love you, because of something you did in the past."

"Shut the fuck up!!!" "No, you shut up. I'm going to make a deal with you, one you can't break. I know the guys would much rather see you dead, but I don't have the heart to kill you. Light magic isn't used for that." "Its called your bare hands... Use your bare hands and kill me... What's the point of living if I can't have Clara... She is my light..." I stare at him in shock. "Don't look so surprised, yes I want you to kill me." "I'm not going to do that. I'm giving you two options, you can either leave and never come back. Or, you let me erase your memories of who you are and you stay." "I don't like those options." "And I'm surprised you're giving up so easily after the shit you've done all year." "What's the fucking point of trying, I know I can't take her back. The only thing that can bring her back is gone now. I'll never truly have Clara. Just her phantom self."

"And this is why I'm going to help you, your heart is consumed by hurt and anger, and part of it is towards yourself. I still have some of the potion Tay gave me, drink it, and you'll forget who you really are." "And what if I refuse to." "Then you have to leave town. And never bother us. Or, you can stay here and still be friends and maybe more with Natalie." "Her real name is-" "Her name is Natalie, and that's who she's staying as." Sebastian looks away from me, as if contemplating his choices. "And I don't have to leave if I take the potion..." "No, you don't. I'll make sure none of the guys tries to get rid of you." I hold the potion out for him and he slowly takes it from me. "See you soon Natalie," he whispers and drinks the potion. His eyes close and lays still on the ground. "Rian, what did you do." I turn around and see Tay, "I gave Sebastian the potion, to make him forget who he really is." "You're also destroying a part of him Rian!!!"

"What are you talking about?" "That potion, if it is consumed by a magical being, it will remove the magic from them." "What!?" "Its also removing his magic." "Why didn't you tell me what else it does!?" "Because how was I supposed to know you'll have Sebastian drink it!! Magic is a part of him, and you're destroying it!!" Tay pushes me aside and kneels down by Sebastian, placing one hand on his chest and the other on his arm. "Its like ripping your insides apart... Because its inside you... A part of you..." "Tay, why is this such a big deal to you..." "Because I had a way to make his dark magic... light... But I had to wait for him to use the spell in me... I'm so sorry Sebastian..." Tay rests her head on his chest and I hear running behind me. "What the hell is going on," I hear Alex breathe out. "I just destroyed a part of Sebastian..." "Tay, why do you care after all the shit he's done?" "Because Jack... A light witch or warlock can change their sibling who's dark, into light, and I had that planned all along... But now I can't.. And he's still my brother.."

Sebastian starts moving and groans, Tay sits up and helps him sit up. He slowly looks up at us and blinks a bit, "wh-where am I. Why are we outside Tay?" "Oli?" "Yeah, what?" "Its nothing, you passed out and we're at my house." Tay helps him up, something is different about him. There's no anger, no hate, there's kindness. Sebastian is gone forever.
"Hey Mike," Alex says. Mike just sits down with his lunch and starts eating, avoiding eye contact with us. Because Sebastian got destroyed, and every spell he had cast was reversed, and with Vic being a product of one of his spells, Vic was destroyed as well. We didn't want Mike to lose his brother, Mike doesn't even know what happened. We found Vic dead by my house, and the police had put it down as a heart attack that had killed him. Because that's the only logical, non-magical, explanation. I look up and see Natalie walking with a group of girls, smiling and laughing with them. Shortly after we got back to school, Natalie became popular because of her birthday party. Of course we helped her realize who was being real, she doesn't need fake friends again. Tay somehow also managed to get everyone forget about what happened that night at the party. I still don't know how she did it. Oli is friends with us, with him having no memory of who he is and his powers destroyed, the Sebastian in him destroyed, there's just Oli. A phantom. But we don't have a problem with it, well, Tay does still.

Natalie is also heart broken about Vic, which makes since because he was her boyfriend before things turned into shit. Its going to take time for Mike and Natalie to heal.

And there's me, waiting for the day Natalie notices me, but I know its going to take time.
6 Months Later:
"Fuck I hate college," Jack mumbles. I smile to myself and finish my assignment, "did you really think falling asleep in class in high school was going to help you in college." Jack throws his pencil at me and I laugh, which also causes Natalie and the others to laugh. "I'm starving, who want's food," Jack says. "I do," Tay, Alex, Oli, and Zack say in unison. They all get up and leave the living room, leaving me and Natalie alone. I have let Natalie heal, she's been getting better day by day. But I know she still misses Vic. Natalie closes her book and stretches, "thank god I got that scholarship Rian." "I know." Without it Natalie wouldn't be in school right now. We still haven't seen or heard from her parents. It makes us wonder what happened. Natalie gets up off the floor and sits by me on the couch. I look at her from the side, not moving my head. She still wears the necklace that Vic gave her. "Rian, I been thinking..." "Of what?" Natalie slowly takes off the necklace and I stare at her in shock.

"What are you doing?" Natalie lets out a deep breath and stares at the necklace, "I just been thinking. Maybe its time for me to move on. Its been 6 months. I think he would want me to move on," her voice cracks and I see her eyes tear up. "I haven't talked about him since that day Rian," she's talking about his funeral. "And I feel guilty. I feel like if I talk about him, that I will break down and lose it." Natalie starts crying and I hold her close, "its okay Natalie. He would want you to live your life, to not hold back." "Its just been hard because I been having other thoughts as well, I feel like I'm betraying him..." "What do you mean?" Natalie slowly sits up, tears running down her face and I wipe them for her. "Do you think... Vic would want me to find love again..?" "I don't know Natalie, what do you think?" "I think... Vic would want me to be happy." "So do I." Natalie holds my hand and squeezes it, "Rian." "Yeah Natalie.."

She slowly leans in and softly presses her lips to mine, bringing back the night we first kissed 6 months ago. I slowly kiss her back and she pulls away. "I like you Rian, I can't believe I'm just realizing it," she whispers. "Natalie its okay." "I should have known I liked you at the beginning though, you were the first person who was nice to me when I started school and my first friend." "Natalie, its okay. I have a confession as well." "What is it?" "I like you to, I've liked you for a long time but-" "But Vic." I nod and gently hold her cheek, "I wanted to give you time." "And you have. Another reason why I like you." She kisses me again and I kiss her back, full of love. Love. It will take time. But I know she will love me back. I mean, she loved me once, I know it will happen again.


THE END! Phew, finally got this done after how many months!? Thank you everyone who has commented and read this story, I know I took a long time to make this. And I thank those who stayed subscribed after all these months. There won't be a sequel, I think its obvious in this chapter there won't be. I hope you enjoy my other stories :)



I'm going to miss this... :( but it was probably one of the best stories I've ever read, just wow. This was awesome :3

xXPunkKatXx xXPunkKatXx

:( I will still love this story. <3

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110


luckiness luckiness

WELLyou better incorporate IT IN. THE WRITIG AHHH CAPSSS lul xD <3

Rebecca15110 Rebecca15110