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Thanks to You

Chapter 6

*tiannas POV*

Eventually we all left after about an hour or so. Rian offered to drive me home but I declined deciding it would be better if I were to walk; you can never get to much exercise.

Half way through walking home it started to pour.

"Shit" I cussed under my breath pulling up my hood to cover my hair. Picking up the pace to a jog. I wanted to get home as soon as possible.

Soon enough, I heard a low rumbling noise beside me and I spotted a car driving slowly next to me. The drivers window rolled down and a familiar face smiled down at me, his eyes gleaming

"Hey, Tianna right?" He said with a hint of humor in his voice. He seemed to be relaxed. His face at ease, like he had no worries.

His arm hung out of the window and I couldn't help but feel dumb struck. I quickly shook the feeling off.

"Charles right?" I said mocking his tone

"Long time no see" Charles said strolling along in his red BMW. Charles seemed to be the one to take his car for a routinely cleaning because it was iimmaculate

He continued to drive beside me for the next minute or so not breaking the silence. What did he want? We don't even really know each other, we just talked on the plane! I didn't think he would remember me. No one really does.

"Soooo what are you doing?" I asked a little sarcasm seeping in my voice. I pulled my hoodie tighter sending a sideways glance over at Charles.

"Well i was going to ask if you wanted to go for some ice cream and escape the rainnnnnn" he dragged the n along in the word rain. "but now I'm not so sure, since someone seems to not enjoy my company." Charles smirked sending chills down my spine.

"Why are you even here? Are you stalking me?" I stopped in my tracks, I wanted to know.

Charles smiled.

"I have no time for you shit, boy" I wanted to claw his face but that would be inappropriate.

"Hey ice cream and some time out of the rain, I'm offering things." Charles temporarily let go of the wheel to wave his hands around trying to get his point across.

I knew I wanted to go with him. I mean he was kinda cute. Stroking my chin I decided why not have a little fun!

"Alright alright you've twisted my arm long enough!" I stuck my arms up in defeat and walked my way over to the passenger side.

I opened the door and was blasted by the warm air filling the car.

"Hurry up buttercup! I don't have all day for you to get into a god damn car!" Charles leaned over and patted the seat indicating for me to sit. I sat my wet ass down and stared straight ahead.

"You never told me why you're hear in the first place." I drummed my fingers on the dash board waiting for an answer.

"And you never called! But if you must know I came here to go to school because education here seemed better." he smiled and reached for my hand. Charles gripped my hand and almost like he realized what he was doing jerked his hand away. He mumbled a sorry.

"I don't mind it." The thought slipped and I immediately clamped my hand over my mouth. Shit.

Charles took the opportunity and placed his hand on top of mine again, this time leaving it there. The heat from his hand meet mine and I blushed. Why was he doing this? Did he want to lead me on? Is this a game to him?

To soon he took his hand away to turn up the radio. A wave a disappointment washed over me. I wasn't paying attention to what CD he put in because I was to busy selling myself a sob story of how a cute boy is just teasing me.

"Alright let's get this party started!" Charles shouted playing a very familiar song.

"Lazy lover
Find a place for me again
You felt it once before
I know you did
I could see it

Whiskey Princess
Drink me under, pull me in
You had me at come over boy
I need a friend
I understand

Backseat serenade
Dizzy hurricane
Oh god, I'm sick of sleeping alone
You're salty like a summer day
Kiss the sweat away
To your radio

Backseat serenade
Little hand grenade
Oh god, I'm sick of sleeping alone
You're salty like a summer day
Kiss the pain away
To your radio

You take me over
I throw you up against the wall
We've seen it all before
But this one's different
It's deliberate"

The familiar voice shook the car.

"A-A-Alex...A-All Time low...B-Band..." My jaw hung open, suspended in midair.

"You know them?" Charles asked

"Know them! I just hung out with them!"

"No way!!! really? they're my favorite band!" Charles shouted laughing a little bit. I looked up at him and smiled. There's so much beauty in happiness and someone's raw emotions. Charles was an interesting person and I wanted to get to know him more. I wanted to know every detail about his life, every detail about his personality. I wanted to be his best friend.

*Charles POV*

When I saw Tianna walking I was taken aback by it. The beautiful, loving girl I met on the plane was next to me. So, I asked her to come get ice cream with me. After some convincing she said yes. What made this more perfect was that she loved all time low, even knew them.

Maybe she feels the same? Maybe she wants to get to know me. I want to get to know her.

We pulled up to the ice cream parlor and like a gentleman I went around and opened her door, I even carried her bridal style inside.

When I picked her up she grabbed onto my neck and told me to put her down. She looked at me and laughed. When she laughed her nose crinkled a little bit and I thought that was the cutest thing ever. Tianna was great. Absolutely great.

*Tiannas POV*

"Maybe if you weren't such a dumb ass that wouldn't have happened!" I said laughing with a mouth full of chocolate ice cream. Charles was in the middle of telling me the funniest story of how he was walking in the bathroom, tripped over the rug and got his head stuck in the toilet.

"I was five okay! I have some justification!" Charles retorted trying to salvage any pride he had left. I put my hand on his arm to give him some empathy. He responded by throwing some sprinkles at me.

"Asshole" I muttered, smirking.

"Aw come on I know you love it!" he cooed

"I d-" my sentence was cut off by someone grabbing me, picking me up, and twirling me around.

"TIIAAANNNNA" the voice spoke

I spun on my heel facing my grabber.
"JACK-ATTACK!" I screamed poking his nose. Jack hugged me, then turning to Charles.

"Hi! I'm jack!" he smiled at Charles and extended his hand for Charles to shake. Charles shook Jacks hand, wide-eyed.

"I know who you are" Charles recovered, acting calm. "I idolize your band" Charles admitted looking down at his shoes, a blush crept up onto his cheeks.

Jacks face lit up like a Christmas tree. He reached out to Charles, Charles hesitantly hugging him back looking as happy as he was in the car. They let go and jack turned back to me.

"Well Tianna I will see you soon, Charles it was nice meeting you." Jack gave us a little wave goodbye and my heartached for him to come back. Why? IIt's not like I have feelings for him.


Charles pulled up my driveway to drop me off. It was around ten but I didn't have school for a few days so it was okay. After sitting in silence I rotated my body to face Charles.

"Thanks for tonight." I said sheepishly

Charles sighed and did something I never thought he would do.

He kissed me.

His lips were soft and I couldn't help but kiss him back. A million toughts rushed trough my mind but the one thought that stuck out the most was "hot damn a cute boy likes me". He pulled back and I smiled. My eyes fluttered open and was met by his icy gaze. I don't think I will ever get tired of those eyes. I cleared my head and unbuckled my seatbelt in silence.

"Goodbye Charles" I whispered, opening the door with a loud click.

"Please, don't say goodbye because that means I may not see you again." He said into his lap shyly

"Don't worry, you will" I shut the car door and walked inside. What a time to be alive I said to myself. Someone may actually give a shit about me. Unless he just did that because he does that to every girl. Maybe I'm not that special.

I ruffled my hair and sighed. The past five minutes replaying in my mind. What just happened?


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