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Build. Destroy. Recreate.


I'm so close to having Isabelle it's crazy. I'm huge and ready to pop. Alex has been busting his butt to keep me comfortable as we wait for our daughter to come. I was so excited to meet our little angel, and I was ready to have her out so I can get moving again.

Alex kept me off my feet most of the day. He was so protective of me now and it was cute. I miss doing things on my own, so it would get on my nerves when I had mood swings that made me easily agitated, but Alex was always careful when I got into my moods.

"Courtney, do you want to tag along with me while I go to lunch with Zack and Jack," Alex asked as I got myself dressed into a maternity sundress, which was all I could get onto my very pregnant body.

"I'd love to, Alex," I smiled at him as he came over to help me slip on my shoes.

"Great," Alex kissed me quickly, "I'll get you a sweater and your purse while you head out to the car."

I went out to the car and lowered myself into Alex's car. Isabelle made it very hard for me to do anything, both with her size now and how animated she was during the day. If I talk or Alex talks, she will bounce around and kick with joy. Then when Alex touched me, she kicked even harder towards Alex's touch.
"Alex, you said we'd get guy time," Jack playfully whined as Alex and I walked to the table.

"I felt bad leaving her out," Alex replied, "Plus I don't her home alone since Courtney's so close to her due date."

"Hey, you did the right thing bringing her," Zack commented, "I like seeing Courtney and soon we'll see less of you on breaks between tours once little Isabelle is here."

"Yeah, once she's here, I'll be daddy before a bro," Alex replied, "But I'm really nervous about how good I can be for her. I want to be a good father, but I'm nervous because I have no idea what to expect."

"Alex," I laced my fingers with his, "I'm nervous too. We'll make it, Isabelle will teach what we need to learn to be good parents for her. She's our first baby, it's expected for us to not know everything."

"As she grows, you'll learn how to be a dad," Jack added, "You can do this, Alex. I believe in both you crazy kids."
After lunch, Alex and I curled up together on the couch. Alex played Jeopardy on the xbox and I watched. He would trash talk the game and I'd giggle. He was such a cute little dork when he gamed.

But my giggling stopped when I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. It felt like a terrible cramp and lasted for a few seconds before it disappeared. I dismissed it as nothing once it vanished. But it returned an hour later.

"Hey Courtney are you alright," Alex asked as I squeezed his arm.

"Yeah I'm fine," I told him, "Just a cramp. I'm fine."

"If it gets worse, we're going to the hospital," Alex told me, "We packed your hospital bag because we knew you were so close."

"I know, but I'm fine," I replied.

Thirty minutes later I had another cramp, and this one was a lot more intense and it lasted for a whole minute. I squeaked in pain as I squeezed Alex's arm. He stopped playing his game and he got up to get my hospital bag before coming back to get me.

"We're going to the hospital to get you checked out," Alex told me as he got my shoes on for me and helped me up off the couch.

"Okay," I nodded and I let him escort me to the car so we could get me to the hospital.


Sorry for not updating in a while. My old laptop got messed up somehow and it wouldn't start anymore. I'm on my new laptop now and I am very pleased with it. So expect my stories to update more often now as I get back up to my old pace. Thank you for sticking with me and thank you to my new subscribers, seeing more subs makes me really happy and proud of my work. :)


I think it's a really cute :3 please keep writing ^.^
SaviorSelf444 SaviorSelf444
I love it.
nakota_ nakota_
I really like this! i know how you feel self insertion into stories is hard to do sometimes!!! :D <3