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So Wrong, It's Right


First a shirt, now a sweatshirt.

At least this time it fit me better, but I felt bad that Jack had noticed the bruising. I didn't want to keep taking his stuff from him. Maybe I could just give back the shirt once I get some new ones. I just ordered a ton online anyway.

But when Jack offered to watch a movie, I was shocked. I thought we would just ignore each other, but before I could even get over it, he said it was just so our parents thought we got along. Right, how could I forget, it was like Jack liked me. Hell, I knew how much he hated me, and I had reminders for the next week or so.

I agreed to go anyway, and tugged on the hoodie. I couldn't help but smile at how it smelled, before stopping myself from thinking about that any further. It was just...nice cologne. It had nothing to do with it being Jack's. Nothing at all.

When I finally got around to joining Jack downstairs, I found him already on the couch. I said on the other side of it, being careful to keep my distance.

“What are we watching?”
“Home Alone.” He shrugged, and I smiled.
“It's not even close to Christmas yet.” He just shurgged, I could see a frown forming. “It's still good though.”
“You actually like this movie?”
“Yeah, my mom and I would watch it every Christmas.” I said, then realized what I said. I never talked about her.
“Really? I love this movie, I watch it all the time.” He said, and I just nodded.

We both went quiet, and the movie started going. I shifted my position so I was sitting cross-legged on the couch, still trying to take up as little space as possible. I still didn't really feel like this was my house. Sure, I talked a big game when Jack basically he'd be in charge when our parents left, but he was probably right. I moved here, it was his place first, I have no right to just take that.

Ugh, when did I become such a wimp? Why do I keep thinking over everything I do now. Subconsciously, I started to rub my wrist through the hoodie. They didn't really hurt, I kinda got used to the feeling when I moved them, but sometimes I just felt the need to soothe over them a little. I hope I can keep them hidden from Joyce and dad. As much as I would have loved to get Jack in trouble, I just don't have it in me anymore to go for it.

About halfway through the movie, I felt tired. Joyce and dad weren't home yet, another late night. Jack and I haven't eaten anything yet, so I decided to go to the kitchen and make something.

“Hey, Jack?” I called, looking through the cabinets.
“Do you like Mac and Cheese?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Cause I'm gonna make some.”

I didn't hear anything back, and just shrugged. Going with it, I started on the water, and leaned against the counter waiting for it to boil. I didn't mind missing some of the movie, I've seen it enough. My mind started drifting off towards the last time my mom and I had spent Christmas together.

You see, the reason why I'm so hesitant to be close to Joyce. Why I'm so resentful for my dad remarrying, is cause my mom isn't alive more. I guess, technically, my parents weren't together anymore, but they were on good terms. I saw them both equally, and sometimes we even had family days all together. But, about three years ago, my mom was diagnose with cancer. Just last year, she died.

And that's when dad met Joyce.

I was snapped out my thoughts at the sound of the boiling water. I sniffed, reaching for the box of noodles, realizing I was starting to cry. Holding in the tears before they fell, I breathed in and out evenly until I finally relaxed. Absently stirring the noodles, I tried to figure out how the rest of this week would go.

I figured Jack and I would just do things like this. Keep our parents happy, and when they weren't going to be around, Jack would just ignore me. Or be mean. I wasn't sure where we stood right now.

I finished up dinner and made up two plates. Right as I got back to the living room, Joyce and dad came through the front door.

“Hey kids.” Joyce smiled.
“Hey mom, Carl.” Jack said, and I just smiled before handing Jack a plate of food.
“Ember, you made dinner?” Dad asked.
“Uh, yeah. There's more in the kitchen, for you guys.” Joyce walked over and gave me a hug.
“Thank you honey!” I stiffened from her embrace and just waited till she let go of me and left. My dad patted my head and spoke quietly.
“Thank you for trying.”
“No problem, Dad.” I said, sitting back down.

I guess I don't mind making sure he's happy.


Now we know why Ember doesn't want to like Joyce. Poor girl. Wonder how Jack feels about that though?!


Oh how I always come back to this story

Daydreamers Daydreamers

Okay I will never get over the "point me towards one and I'll give him a chance" line

Daydreamers Daydreamers

I'm rereading this story. It's just so good

Daydreamers Daydreamers

@Jagk Barakat



The sequel has been posted!
BreakingJessie_x BreakingJessie_x
so sad the story is over, its my favorite. It was so good!