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A Love Like War

Cast your spell

Jacks POV

As me Rian and Zack sat waiting for Alex to return to his house so we could continue our plans, I was starting to get a bit confused. Where th fuck could Gaskarth be? Moments passed until his car finally showed up.
"Finally," Rian mumbled in a sigh of relief. We sat a watched as he emerged from his Black Land Rover., but we then identified...He wasnt alone. Alex was with a girl...But who? As she hopped out of the car I started to remember her feautures. Thick, long brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, a short cute height, and a slim perfect body. This was the girl from the recording studio. It was Vic's little cousin, Siren.

"Nice on Gaskarth," I winked. But I honestly meant it. Siren was different to the other girls that I have met recently. Whether its the Australian accent or something else, I wasnt sure yet, but I know I will find out.
"when were you gunna tell us about your friend?" Zack questioned, his eyes still wide. Probably in a state of confusion.
"Urm Hi," Siren waved at us, she looked quite uncomfortable.
"Erm, Siren come on lets go inside, boys you know where the food is," Alex said, putting a hand on Sirens back as they walked through the door.

"Urm you know what guys, I just gunna go sit in my erm room, I need to talk to Vic," Siren said seconds after we all piled into Alexs home, "Alex thankyou for today and tonight, urm nice to see you again boys," Smiling, she awkwardly waved and walked up the stairs to the room that Alex showed her too.
"Its alright, and if you need me at all im just down here," Alex back up to hr as she reached the last step.

"Alexander William Gaskarth," I shook my head and tapped me foot.
"Band meeting. Now." Zack said walking towards the living room with Rian and me behind him. Alex slowly appeared, knowing what we want to discuss.
"So, guys," Alex started, "I can explain,"
"Go on then,"Rian laughed, I dont think he realised we were mad, we just had some questions.
"Right we were texting and decided we should hang out so we got take out and sat talking about the new record and our song with Vic, then that boy she broke up with wouldnt fuck off and kept on driving past her house and upsetting/freaking her out, so I asked her to come out to Baltimore with me early she said yes, then we went out for dinner and had a laugh then you boys showed up and now here we are," Alex explained. After he stopped we all stopped and laughed at him, "What?" He raise his eyebrow and waitd for a reply
"We arent mad, we just didnt know what was going on," Rian chuckled
"Yeah its cool, its nice to have a friend to hang out with," Zack said
"Well Im taking her out tomorrow, showing her Maryland, if you boys are up for it?" Alex said with a smile on his face
"Yeah! I want to go!" I shouted excitedly
"Cool, I'll text you where to meet us," Alex smiled. I could already tell she had cast her spell over him. Just saying her name made him smile. But anyways, Im getting just as bad...
"So game night? What first?" I said jumping on the sofa infront of th flatscreen TV.



thankyou and I'll mix it in with the other ideas to but I'll write in the notes when I used your ideas you get the credit for the awesoe ideas :3
Go right ahead :)
that is a amazing idea, is it cool to use that? its awesome? and thankyou :3

@Juliette Barakat
thankyou :3

I'll start the seqel tonight when i get home from school and i'll make a new chapter on here with the details :D thankyou both <3
I think sequel. Andddd you could do a crazy plot twist where Siren does something stupid while Alex is gone, Alex finds out and is upset and stuff. So they break up badly and they're both mad. Then to get revenge or whatever Siren gets with Jack but doesn't love him. But Jack loves her creating this crazy love triangle thingy. Idk where that came from. A random idea that could switch things up and create DRAMAAAAA