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Oh Love


Alex POV:

She kissed me and our tongues found each other immediately. She held my face with one hand and with the other she tried to pull off my shirt. I helped her and threw my shirt on the bathroom floor. During our kiss I felt her lips turn into a smile and I softly bit her lip. Her warm hands made their way down to my jeans. When she unbuttoned them, I got rid of her shirt and threw that on the floor as well. I stepped out of my jeans and helped her out of hers, too. I kissed her neck and made my way to her perfect collarbone. After a little effort I managed to take her bra off. My boxers and her panties followed not long after. I ran my hands through her long dark brown hair and she turned on the shower. The hot water flowed over our bodies and Ashley moaned quietly when I gave her breasts a short massage. She kissed me again, fierce and passionate. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my hips when I inserted myself. She moaned again, louder this time and I kissed her breasts. Her arms clung around my neck and she ran her hands through my wet hair. I started thrusting gently, not wanting to hurt her. “Oh, Alex.. Please, go faster.” Her nails dug into my back when I started to thrust quickly. A moan escaped my mouth and my thrusting started to get sloppy. “Ash, I..” I breathed. “Oh, Lex!” she almost screamed my name. I felt her grip around my hips weaken and put her carefully down, her arms still wrapped around my neck. She planted her lips on mine and kissed me softly. “I love you.” She smiled. “I love you too, Ash.” She kissed me once more and then handed me the shampoo. “Will you wash my hair?” I grinned. “Sure.”

We decided to go to bed early, tired of the jetlag. “Can I borrow your shirt?” I looked over at Ashley and saw she was wearing a shirt of mine. “Why are you asking when you’re already wearing it?” “Bad habit.” She answered and crawled into the bed, next to me. Her head was on my chest and I played a bit with her hair. “Why does this feels like goodbye already?” she asked after a moment of silence. “It isn’t, okay? I’m not leaving yet.” “Yet.” She repeated. She looked up and I saw a tear rolling down her cheek. “I’m going to miss you so much, Alex.” She whispered. “I know.” I kissed her hair. “I’m going to miss you too. So fucking much..” “Promise me you’ll Skype whenever you can.” She mumbled into my chest. “I promise.”

Ashley POV:

Alex and I spent every second together the next days. But eventually we had to say goodbye. “Bye.” I said to Zack. “Bye Ashley.” He pulled me into a hug. When he let go of me, I walked over to Rian who was holding Cassadee’s hand. “Thank you for letting Emily and me stay at your appartment for the summer. Really, I owe you guys.” “No problem.” Rian smiled and hugged me. “Bye.” I said to him. “Hope I’ll see you again soon.” Rian answered. I smiled and walked over to Jack. “Ashley.” A smile appeared on his face and he pulled me immediately in a tight hug. “I’ll miss you, Jack.” I knew the tears weren’t far away anymore. “I’ll miss you too, Ash.” He looked me in the eyes. “We’ll be back before you know it.” I hugged him once more and then walked over to Alex. I took a deep breath and tried to hold back my tears. But I didn’t succeed. As soon as Alex wrapped his arms around me, I gave up the fight and let the tears roll over my cheeks. “Don’t cry, don’t cry. Shh.” Alex whispered in my ear, stroking my back with his thumb. “I miss you already.” I sobbed. He put his hand under my chin and tilted my head. The next moment I felt his soft, warm lips on mine. “I love you so much.” He said with a soft voice. “I love you too.” He hugged me once more before walking to the bus.
And then I watched the tourbus drive away.


Bye Alex :(


This is so cute awwwwwww
sexwithjalex sexwithjalex

Thank you, that really means a lot to me!
PaintingFlowers PaintingFlowers
AHHH I NEED UPDATES ASAP SISTA! I love this story aw :3
Oooooh emily and jack pov that would be a nice change of pace :)
sexwithjalex sexwithjalex
Oooooh emily and jack pov that would be a nice change of pace :)
sexwithjalex sexwithjalex