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Never Let Me Go


After greeting my parents, making myself some hangover snacks, and snuggling up on the lounge to watch T.V., I had fallen asleep without even realising I was tired, and by the time I woke up, three hours had past and Rian was sitting next to me on the couch, eating my snacks.
"Hey, they're mine!" I yelled.
Rian looked at me. "You weren't eating them."
We both sat in silence for a moment, I knew exactly what to expect.
"What the hell were you thinking last night?" Rian's angry tone was enough for me to want to bury myself in my blanket and never come up.
"Ri, you were drinking too. I'm only a year younger than you!" Defending myself against Rian wasn't something I was usually good at, but he was getting way to overprotective for my liking.
"You nearly made out with one of my best friends-"
"In a game of 'spin the bottle' Ri, don't freak out so much, it was nothing," I interrupted.
He paused again.
"You know exactly what he is like, Sun, that's why I'm so protective of you, Alex can be a pig when it comes to girls."
I started thinking about earlier that day at Jack's house, Alex making a pass at me like that wasn't something I was used to. The guys hardly ever spoke to me, let alone flirted with me. I looked up at Rian.
"Don't worry Rian, I'll be fine."

It was safe to say I wasn't really looking forward to school the next day. I started talking to myself:
What the hell was with Alex? All of a sudden it was like he- Oh I don't know, Sunny you're making all this up in your head. As if Alex would want you, out of all the girls at school.

I decided not to dwell too much on it, hell, I barely even knew Alex. Sure he was attractive, but I've never thought of him like that. I guess I might not ever know what he meant this morning.


Usually, I would walk to school in the morning, but today it was pouring with rain, so I jumped in the car with Rian as we headed towards Jack's house to pick him up.
I had tried not to give Alex any more thought; I knew that they were coming over for band practise this afternoon, I planned to ask him what his deal was. Unfortunately, he was at Jack's ready to be picked up by Rian. Damn.
"Hey dude," said Jack as he climbed in the back behind my seat. "Sunny, WHAT UP?!" he practically screamed in my ear as I laughed a hello.
Alex hoped in behind Rian, greeting both of us, and we set off for school.
Every time I turned my head an inch, I felt Alex's eyes on my face. I almost felt like I was burning with embarrassment, althought I'm not sure why.

I don't know what changed. I suddenly felt like Rian's friends weren't the annoying, over-protective pests they used to be. Now they were more or less MY friends too.
Maybe they were seeing me like that, too. Still didn't explain Alex.

I planned to confront him, with what little confidence I had. Mainly to tell him that it wasn't on, but also to see what the hell he was talking about!
As soon as we pulled up at school, everyone jumped out of the car and headed off to class. I was just about to pull Alex aside when-
"Hey Alex!" It was Lisa, she strolled up casually and grabbed Alex's hand, before walking off with a small smile.
"Dude, what was that about?" asked Jack. Alex opened his hand to reveal a scrunched up piece of paper. I was able to make out a few numbers before he shoved it in his pocket.
I couldn't help but scoff a little bit. It looked at me, confused, before walking off.

Damn, there goes my chance.


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