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Finding It Hard to Breathe


He took Nyssa. Austin took Nyssa away. I was so furious with her. She should have had Alex or Jack come with her. I don’t care if I got hurt for it. He’s going to ruin her. I couldn’t let that happen. I just couldn’t. I had to get her back. I was going to get my revenge for him hitting me. I had to get a hold of Alex first. I grabbed my phone and dialed Alex’s number quickly and placed him on speaker phone since my face hurt like a bitch from him hitting me.

“Alex, I need your help,” I said quickly when he answered.

“Bonnie, how the hell do you have your phone,” he sounded tired and like he had an attack a moment ago.

“Alex, that’s not important. Austin has Nyssa. They’re going to the train station. We have to stop him,” I told him as I made my way out of the hotel room. I needed to get back to my children and my husband.

“Bonnie, I’m sending Jack, Zack, and the Pierce guys after him. I’m coming to get you. I’m not going to leave you alone anymore,” he replied.

“Alex, Jack and Nyssa need your help. I’ll be fine,” I protested.

“Bonnie for fuck’s sake you are not invincible. I am coming to get you and bring you back. I saw the video. He beat the crap out of you and I’m not letting you be alone. You need help,” he replied, protesting against me.

I gave Alex the address and I waited for him to come for me. I noticed my vision was getting blur and everything was falling out of focus. I heard a whooshing sound ringing through my ears. The world was starting to spin. I looked at my arm and I found a scab on my arm. That bastard drugged me before Nyssa came into the room for me.

“Bonnie,” Alex called to me as he pulled up in the cab, “Bonnie!”

I felt myself fall back and everything went black.


Bonnie fell back and I caught her just before she hit the pavement. That bastard drugged her, or left her with a concussion. I was freaking out, afraid that Bonnie won’t be the same after this. I was afraid we’d lose Nyssa forever to Austin. Jack won’t be able to handle that. He’d be left alone with his twins and a hole in his heart from Nyssa being ripped away from him.

“Come on Bonnie, please wake up,” I begged as I had the taxi take me to the local hospital to get Bonnie taken care of.

“Nyssa, no,” Bonnie groaned softly. She had to be having a nightmare. I got on my phone and called Matt.

“Matt, bring Aurora and Tom to the hospital for me. I got Bonnie back, but she’s been drugged and she’s unconscious,” I told him.

“I’ll be there when I can. Where’s Nyssa,” he asked.

“Jack is going after her and Austin with Zack and the Pierce guys,” I replied.

“Alright, I’m leaving with them now, we’ll be there soon,” Matt hung up and I turned my attention back to Bonnie.

“Dada,” Aurora squealed when she saw me. She ran to me and I took her into my arms. I was outside Bonnie’s room in the hospital, waiting for Matt to get here with my kids.

“Hey baby girl,” I greeted her as I held her on my hip.

“How is she,” Matt asked as he held onto Tom’s car seat.

“She’s still under, but they got the drugs out of her system. I’m not sure when she’ll wake up,” I told him.

“Go be with her and your kids. I’ll keep you posted on how Jack is doing with getting Nyssa back,” Matt handed me Tom’s car seat before he left the hospital.

“Let’s go see Mommy guys,” I looked at both of my children as I took them into Bonnie’s room.

Bonnie laid still in her bed. She had an IV in her arm, trying to cleanse her blood of the remnants of the drugs Austin gave her. Bonnie looked terrible. Her lip was split and swollen, her right eye was covered in a bruise and she had scrapes and bruises all over her body from him hitting her.

“Mama, sleep,” Aurora looked up at me.

“Yeah, Mommy’s sleeping, baby girl,” I told her.

“Mama got boo-boos,” Aurora noticed that Bonnie was hurt.

“A mean man hurt Mommy really bad. We need her to get better,” I told her.

“Kiss make it better,” Rory asked.

“Yeah, kisses can help make her better,” I told her as I set her onto Bonnie’s bed.

I watched as my daughter gave her mother soft kisses on her injuries. I was so pissed off that Austin got his hands on Bonnie and hurt her like this. When Jack caught Austin, I was going to personally exact my revenge on him and kick his ass for touching my wife. Austin is going to regret doing this to her. I’m going make sure of it.


sorry! I thought it was taken care of when I saw I got a update email from the last story after we had finished, guess my email is just dumb and finally sent the message a new story was up
LostInSerenade LostInSerenade
can you make notifications when write sequels :o i almost didnt even realize you started a new one!
earthtotiffie earthtotiffie